The Eyes of Attraction and how to attain them!!!

Jun 21, 2003
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The Eyes of Attraction and how to attain them!!!
Some guys have a problem with properly making eye contact with a women that is lasting once they have approached. This technique builds rapport between you and her and makes her subconsciously more attracted. If you don’t believe me read on.
“Bedroom eyes is not just a quality movie stars are blessed with. Neither Bette Davis nor Clark
Gable had a patent on them. We all have that suggestive look buried deep in our evolutionary
psyche. Ethnologists have even named it the copulatory gaze. The copulatory gaze plays a big role
in lovemaking. For example, before having sex, pygmy chimpanzees—which are about as close to
human as an ape can get—spend several moments staring deeply into each other's eyes.
Sex without eye contact is difficult for some primates. Several Finnish researchers introduced male
and female baboons to each other. With blinder devices, they varied what part of the female's
anatomy the male baboon got a gander at first. When the male's initial glimpse of his lady love was
her genitals, only five ejaculations occurred. However, when he first gazed into her eyes before
getting a peek at her privates, twenty-one ejaculations occurred. (Men, increasing eye contact
during foreplay does not promise you twenty-one ejaculations, but it definitely encourages
affectionate feelings from your female.) Anthropologist Helen Fisher goes so far as to say, "Perhaps
it is the eye—not the heart, the genitals, or the brain—that is the initial organ of romance."
What makes your eyes sexy and inviting? Quite simply, large pupils. Incidentally, examine old
photographs of Bette Davis or Clark Gable, and you will see enormously expanded pupils.
Undoubtedly a retouching job, but, hey!
The father of a science which became known as pupillo-metrics, Dr. Eckhard Hess, demonstrated
that large pupils were more alluring by showing two pictures of a woman's face to a group of men.
The pictures were identical except, in one of them, Hess had retouched the lady's pupils to make

larger. The male response to Ms. Big Pupils was twice as strong as to the identical woman with
small pupils. Hess then reversed the experiment and showed pictures of men with enlarged pupils to
women. Same positive female response to Mr. Big Pupils.
Dr. Hess tells us that we can't consciously control our pupil size, but in the early 1960s he proved
that we can at least manipulate it. He hooked male subjects up to a Rube Goldberg device to
measure their pupil fluctuations and proceeded to show them a series of photographs. When the
men saw pictures of a landscape, a baby, or a family, their pupils fluctuated a little. However, Hess
sneaked a picture of a naked woman into the pile. When the men got an eyeful of that one, zing went
the strings of their pupils, thus proving that when we look at an enticing stimulus, our pupils expand.
Here's how to enlarge your pupils to make your eyes look like inviting pools your Quarry will
willingly drown in. While the two of you are chatting, simply gaze at the most attractive feature on
your Quarry's face. Does she have a cute little nose? Does he have an adorable dimple? As your
eyes enjoy the sight, your pupils gradually enlarge. Keep your eyes off that mole with the black hair
growing out of it. That will make your pupils slap shut like snapdragons!
Bedroom eyes is not just a quality movie stars are blessed with. Neither Bette Davis nor Clark
Gable had a patent on them. We all have that suggestive look buried deep in our evolutionary
psyche. Ethnologists have even named it the copulatory gaze. The copulatory gaze plays a big role
in lovemaking. For example, before having sex, pygmy chimpanzees—which are about as close to
human as an ape can get—spend several moments staring deeply into each other's eyes.
Sex without eye contact is difficult for some primates. Several Finnish researchers introduced male
and female baboons to each other. With blinder devices, they varied what part of the female's
anatomy the male baboon got a gander at first. When the male's initial glimpse of his lady love was
her genitals, only five ejaculations occurred. However, when he first gazed into her eyes before
getting a peek at her privates, twenty-one ejaculations occurred. (Men, increasing eye contact
during foreplay does not promise you twenty-one ejaculations, but it definitely encourages
affectionate feelings from your female.) Anthropologist Helen Fisher goes so far as to say, "Perhaps
it is the eye—not the heart, the genitals, or the brain—that is the initial organ of romance."
What makes your eyes sexy and inviting? Quite simply, large pupils. Incidentally, examine old
photographs of Bette Davis or Clark Gable, and you will see enormously expanded pupils.
Undoubtedly a retouching job, but, hey!
The father of a science which became known as pupillo-metrics, Dr. Eckhard Hess, demonstrated
that large pupils were more alluring by showing two pictures of a woman's face to a group of men.
The pictures were identical except, in one of them, Hess had retouched the lady's pupils to make

larger. The male response to Ms. Big Pupils was twice as strong as to the identical woman with
small pupils. Hess then reversed the experiment and showed pictures of men with enlarged pupils to
women. Same positive female response to Mr. Big Pupils.
Dr. Hess tells us that we can't consciously control our pupil size, but in the early 1960s he proved
that we can at least manipulate it. He hooked male subjects up to a Rube Goldberg device to
measure their pupil fluctuations and proceeded to show them a series of photographs. When the
men saw pictures of a landscape, a baby, or a family, their pupils fluctuated a little. However, Hess
sneaked a picture of a naked woman into the pile. When the men got an eyeful of that one, zing went
the strings of their pupils, thus proving that when we look at an enticing stimulus, our pupils expand.
Here's how to enlarge your pupils to make your eyes look like inviting pools your Quarry will
willingly drown in. While the two of you are chatting, simply gaze at the most attractive feature on
your Quarry's face. Does she have a cute little nose? Does he have an adorable dimple? As your
eyes enjoy the sight, your pupils gradually enlarge. Keep your eyes off that mole with the black hair
growing out of it. That will make your pupils slap shut like snapdragons!”

I recommend this once you have approached her and not before. My boy Player_Supreme has a useful pre approach eye contact technique that he could share with you all. If you have chance please enlighten them Supreme. I wouldn’t want to take the credit for what you taught.

P.S. F U C K all you Dj’s this is mackin so if you are a Dj are want to be one do not take into account anything I spit. But if you want to be a mack follow me into this 21st century game. Holla at your boy!

The Real Deal

Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
State of Intoxica
I guess I don't want to be a "mack". I can't understand anything you put up there, it was to hard on the eyes.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2002
Reaction score
Pick a girl...
Jamie boy

My eyes hurt. Try to copy and paste things so that they dont strain the eyes when youre trying to read. Moreover, i didnt find a sounded to me like a history textbook. I think we all agree that history is a bland subject


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
I kind of got the point with the pupils... Gotta EXPERIMENT some...


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Space this out a little more. I get where you're coming from though, to look at the most attractive feature so your eyes dilate.