The Ex


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
I broke up with my G/F about two months ago, and after being phucked around by her, told her not to contact me again. She said that she would always be there for me; would love to stay in contact and a load of other AFC rubbish, which I ignored. She claimed that she wanted time to see if she really wanted me (reading between the lines- wanted to be a player) as a long term b/f.

She is on the same university course as my best friend (who was a good friend of hers until we split up) with whom I speak regularly, and I know for a fact that she always asks him whether I have called him, how I am getting on etc. For all that it matters, all of her friends think she is nuts to get rid of me etc. (Although if I were vindictive, I know a couple of them who would love to get with me.. :cool:

I'm abroad at the moment, and am getting back home just before Christmas. I'm then going away for 6 months in January. I would like to get this girl back , but only on my terms. What I am looking for is a bit of advice on how to make sure she keeps me in mind. At moment, this isn't a problem, as she is continually asking my main man about me. However, I want to keep this going for a while.

This is no more than a side project- I still intend to keep DJ'ing other women, and if I get an offer that I like, then I will take it! However, I would like some tips on keeping this as a realistic backup plan. I was thinking maybe a christmas card to start.

I think that I can use my mate as a good starting point to make this work. So any suggestions would be gratefuly received.




Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by cyrano
I broke up with my G/F about two months ago, and after being phucked around by her, told her not to contact me again. She said that she would always be there for me; would love to stay in contact and a load of other AFC rubbish, which I ignored. She claimed that she wanted time to see if she really wanted me (reading between the lines- wanted to be a player) as a long term b/f.
Good that you saw the BS she was spinning you.

Don't give her anything except the time away from you that she asked for. No Christmas cards, phone calls, anything. If she fronts you about it, throw her own line back at her saying that you were giving her the time that she wanted. You can even ham it up and pretend to be a little hurt by the whole thing. In the meantime, go about your life. You might find that you do come across a better offer in the meantime. Make sure your friend in her course knows about this, it will soon sort out her feelings towards you.


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Cheers Cremasta,

it seems that we are pretty much on the same wavelength with this, apart from the christmas card. I am interested in your take on this- I was going to send a one liner just to keep myself in the picture, so to say. I'll have to think about this a bit more, although I have plenty of time in whihc to do so.

She was sending me loads of forwards by e-mail, but I told her to stop that too, which kind off p!55ed her off, although I suppose more because I took away her last leverage over me.

As for phone calls- no chance- you are on the spot there. No way I am going to waste my hard earned cash being her emotional walking stick. She is welcome to take all the time she wants, it just won't be my time.

My mate on her course has got my back on this one- he is pretty much my best mate, and we have helped each other with this sort of stuff before. He knows what to do. Do you reckon there is anything I can/ought to do/get him to do to help this along, or do I just leave well alone?

Cheers Again


Austin Allegro

Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
But you're going away for six months in January - so how likely is it this girl will stick around during that period?

I don't know if it's worth worrying about it, especially if she f*cked you around as you say.

I have seen so many couples split up where someone, usually the woman, says things like she will always be there for you etc. It's usually just BS because women think it's kinder to let you down gently.

If you really think it's worth a gamble, I'd just keep contact to a minimum with the Christmas card etc as you mentioned.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
My mate on her course has got my back on this one- he is pretty much my best mate, and we have helped each other with this sort of stuff before. He knows what to do. Do you reckon there is anything I can/ought to do/get him to do to help this along, or do I just leave well alone
She needs to know that you are doing just fine - in fact your having the time of your life - living it up while you are away. Tell your buddy not to make it to obvious, but to insert stuff like:-

"Yeah, I spoke to him last week, he was going xyz - to do some (insert an activity here) with a few girls that live in the same complex as him - sounds like he's having a blast there"

I was thinking maybe a christmas card to start
I know that sounds like a good idea to you, but trust me she needs to go cold turkey on your a##. ZERO contact. She needs to believe that you are not thinking about her in any way at all. Don't give her that satisfaction.

Personally, I think your better off not playing these games. Just let her go do her thing, while you do yours.


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Cheers for all the advice guys- I appreciate it.

My gameplan is as follows: I will send her a Christmas card, but it will be a one liner. I will also get my main man to drop some good stuff into the conversation. I am having a good time at the moment anyway, (which means that he won't be lying) and I am going to make sure that she knows it!

As for other stuff, I'm back in the gym, I'm out horse riding again (a VERY good way to meet hi grade women) and I'm generally tightening up my 'game'.

My ultimate aim, whether I get her back or not, is to make her wonder what she was thinking when she got rid of me. I know she has her doubts at the moment, just with the lack of communication between us (and a few other sources). I guess by raising my game, I hope to really get her scratching her head. That way, if I do decide to go out with her again, then I will have the upper hand from the get go.

As for oneitis- I'm long over that- going away for months on end tends to be a pretty good cure!!

Thanks for the words guys



Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, a little update....

Called my mate at Uni the other night, had a bit of a chat etc. As I said before, my mate has been ignoring the ex, despite the fact that they are friends and are on the same course.

He got an SMS from her the other night saying: "Do you really think I meant to screw things up with Cyrano, I didn't, it just seems to be a talent I have." This I found a bit strange but, didn't think anything more of it. Then my mate tells me that the ex said to him "I miss Cyrano more than ever now, even more than when we were going out"

In short, I'd like to know what you guys think about this. I'm sure that she knows that my mate is reporting back to me, so maybe these comments are designed to lead me into a trap. However, looking at this objectively, I don't think that she would have thought of something that devious. It just wouldn't be her style.

I reckon that she is starting to realise that she has lost something good. My second question is therefore: How do I capitalise on this? I can't get in her face with another hot girl, as I am in another country at the moment, so I guess that my only other options are to keep ignoring her, and to feed stories of exploits to her through my mate.

Any suggestions?



Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
You want to try to get her back and make her keep you in mind. Man, move on, this girls interest level is OBVIOUSLY not high enough! She is probably confused and still has some feelings for you, but let it go, you will be better off for it in the long run! Good luck, take it easy!.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
Reaction score
Lead you into a trap... LOL

If she was really missing you that much, then she wouldn't be sending SMS to your friend, she would be getting in contact with you to make things right. She obviously doesn't miss you that much to suck in her pride and make a move directly to you.

Let that message get to her through your friend... bait your own trap, see if you get a bite... capitalise!

You'll soon find out if she is just playing games through your friend or actually does want you back, she has to earn your trust and company again, make her work for it.


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Cheers guys- although I find it ironic that a 'pom' is getting very good advice from a pair of Ozzies!!

Ok, so I guess that I will give her the sh!t test as prescribed by cremasta. This ought to be a good way of finding out what she is all about.

As for CLOONEY's comment- I can see where you are coming from here, and I would follow your advice in a heartbeat were this girl my only option. Fortunately she is not (a legacy of my first bible reading), and so she is in essence nothing more than a side project! That is not to say that I wouldn't get with her again, just that I would make sure that if it ever happened, it would be on my terms. I agree on the confusion and IL fronts- she told me before that she was confused, and I kind of guessed that her IL had dropped. However, I feel that my going away, and 'ganjii games' may well have raised her IL.

Anyway, thanks a bunch guys. I appreciate the advice.

Im off to bait a trap;)


Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Cyrano, as long as you are not trying to fool yourself. Yes you may have other woman around, but does this one mean something special to you, more than just a "side project"? In my guess she does, be true to yourself bro, because if you are trying to fool yourself, and try with her, you most probably will be burnt!

But I trust you judgement, good luck either way!


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
I hear you Clooney, cheers for looking out. She DID mean a lot to me, until she starting trying to play games (as detailed previously). At that point; she ceased meaning anything.

Anyway, the plot thickens. I got a letter from her today, DESPITE telling her- no letters, e-mail etc. It basically says "Hope you are well...yadda yadda yadda, missing you, yadda yadda yadda...thniking of you.....yadda yadda yadda... Please take care...yadda yadda yadda." She also wrote that she was writing as she wanted to speak to me, but couldn't (abroad-no incoming calls here)

Thats pretty much the salient content of the letter, unless there happens to be some hidden meaning in her writing about how study/sport is going:)

She also SMSed a friend of mine whom she had met whilst we were going out (he macked her housemate- I've trained him well!). She asked him how I am getting on abroad, and whether I hate her or just feel more comfortable not talking to her. Of course, my man just gave her the "best leave him alone" treatment.

So, from this, I deduce that she has a reasonable IL, and that my silent treatment has worked. My question is, where do I go from here? She asked in her letter for me to e-mail her when I get it- sounds like an attempt to open up communication between us. Do I grant this ladies wish, or do I just cold shoulder her some more? My personal idea is to one liner her- got the letter, then just let the trail go cold for a while- if she mails back, let her sweat for a week.

Would be very interested what you guys make of this

Thanks (again)


E-Z Rider

Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2002
Reaction score
Georgia Tech
Wow...I'm going through a situation kind of like this.

I've done a lot of the same things you have; silent treatment, mysterios one-liners, etc. They have worked pretty good, I must say.

So...maybe I haven't read carefully enough, but are you open to the possibility of dating her again, or not? Are you completely over her and want nothing to do w/ her, or do you want to give her a chance again (at some point) and see if she can be more stable?

If you choose to get rid of her entirely, it's pretty simple. Just move on, tell her to fvck off, that she screwed up, etc. Or you don't even have to tell her anything, just don't respond to anything she says or sends you. However, be prepared for her to barrage you with messages and such for a while, until she gives up.

Giving her another chance is a bit more complicated. See, you have an attatchment to her obviously, on some level. But she did screw around with you- and with girls, if they screw you one time chances are they'll do it again. So there's these conflicting feelings. So what I have planned out for my similar situation is:

1) -Improve my life- When I was with my gf, I neglected lots of things in my life, especially making a social life here at college. I need to get a good social life going again. In addition, I'm going to work out everyday and improve myself physically, as well as concentrate even more on my academics. I'll make time for more fun stuff too. ** This helps the situation by giving you other things to think about than this chica, and gives you more confidence, more ability to securely say "I don't need her...let her make me want her"

2) -Get more options- Becaue of said social depravation, I don't have many dating options to speak of at the moment. I'm undergoing a personal boot camp of sorts now, as I've never in my life been one to do cold pick-ups. I'm going to increase my options. ** This helps for several reasons: like the above, it gives you other things to occupy your mind. Additionally, it's always more condicive to good decision making when you have options to choose'll be able to compare, and really decide if this girls all you thought she was. Plus, the jealousy factor from your ex-gf knowing your dating other chicks will help her IL tremendously.

3) -Raise and maintain her interest level- This doesn't require as much effort as you'd think- it really only involves restraint. For example, when she starts messaging you, you feel a desire to call her up and have 'the talk', and get back together. However, this would be counterproductive- in my experience, even though she may agree after having the talk, she'll later have a 'backlash' and start thinking about the reasons she broke it off with you in the first place, and she'll break up w/ you again. that you know she has the initial interest, you need to restrain yourself and hold back from contacting her. Keep your communication with her brief and sporadic- don't initiate many contacts. Then, after a period of time (2-3 weeks in my case after she starts contacting you) call her up rather spontaneously and have her accompany you to a fun activity (bowling, etc). Have fun, and drop her off after a relatively short outing, no kiss at the end, no matter how much she wants it. Hang out w/ her again, and do something fun again- this time walk her to her doorstep at the end of the date, but only give her a hug.
** This should steadily raise her interest level by doing all of the things women find attractive- you're becoming a challenge, a hot commodity among women, fun and spontaneous, and a little bit mysterious. AVOID any serious conversation about a relationship between the two of you at this point.

3) -Decide if you want to continue, and if so, make a move- Evaluate if she's still worth spending time with. Compare her with the other chicks you've been going out with. If she still strikes you as appealing, then you can make a move. Don't have "the talk" here- just take her out again and really build up the kino- possibly have the outing be slightly more serious than the first two. Then, walk her to her doorstep at the end, and just kiss her. If she doesn't accept it, just walk away- you have options and a life, after all. If she DOES accept it- then you're in most likely, but DON'T have the talk right there. Just bow out and leave. Keep her wondering and in suspense. **When you're evaluating her worth to you, look at her interest level. You want a woman with a high, steady IL. Look for this in her as a good indicator of her worth.

4) -Non-exclusive dating- Assuming you kissed her in #3, she'll probably soon be badgering you about "Are we back together?" etc. Here, I suggest telling her you're open to the possibility, but, given past circumstances, you'd like to keep some doors open for a while before making any BIG decisions. And this is the truth- you need some time to evaluate her against the competition. If you've gone through the previous steps and have raised her IL, this will drive her NUTS!

5) -Whatever happens next- I wouldn't suggest that you be the one to make the two of you exclusive. Leave that to her. When she asks you, really think about it and decide whether, after all of this, she's still worth it. Then have fun with whatever your decision was.

Well- that was long and maybe too specific, but that;s my personal plan, and I think it's a good one. Obviously you'll need to tailor it to your own personality, but it's a good reference point anyways.

If you want to entertain the possibility, and you do the above, you should have a refreshed relationship. And an improved life outside of this girl to boot. Win-win. Synergy. Lovely.

Hope this helps- E-Z


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score
The Netherlands
I'm gonna keep this very short so you can gain some insight on what I think..

After a while every relationship starts to get somewhat dull, "boring", to say it blunt... at that point the girl gets to think more often of breaking up to look for the excitement somewhere else but the feeling of caring about the other is still there... after some time she forgets about the caring and keeps focussing on bad things about you and feed the thought in her mind why she would deserve someone else who could provide more for her.... then she takes the decision to break up....

at that time.. once you just walk away, and ignore her.. give her a feeling as if its okay with you...

she goes nutts!! TOTALLY LOSES IT! cause suddenly the feeling of caring about the other comes back, suddenly she realizes how much she loved you and appereantly you didn't love her like you used to ... so she keeps thinking about how it used to be and makes herself mental untill she gets you back, then it seems cool again for some time, the PASSIONATE love realy gets credit here I think that this stadium in a "relationship" is the most passionate there is.. but after some the boredom comes back, falling into repeating cycle of things you are used to. the excitement goes away again and she'll dump you... or you will dump her, but you can't see this moment comming if you care to much about her....

this is my opinion others may not agree.. this is how I have experienced it


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Ser_i, you are right, this is the way things usually go with a girl with low interest level. But most of the time these girls arent worth it!

EZ, that post was the BOMB, finally some great advise given on these boards! You sound like you have experienced this a couple of times with girls you truly liked/loved. Cyrano I would follow this advise. Will work magic. And glad you have no feelings for her anymore, but once you start talking and getting intimate these feelings will MOST DEFINATELY creep back. Good luck to you mate!

Take it easy


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks guys, as CLOONEY rightfully said, some excellent advice dispensed here. As for EZ- you are right, you do tend to let other things slip when in a relationship. I too have taken a hard look at where my life is at, and decided to change a few things. I'm getting monstrously fit again, picked up a few new skill, and generally enjoying life.

As for the social deprivation- there is not a lot I can do on that front- I'm in France ATM (for two more weeks) and am not really able to "associate" with either those above or below me in anything other than a work sense (I'm in the military). This doesn't really bother me, as a bit of time out of the loop is doing me good, giving me time to consolidate etc. It also means that when I get back to the UK (and particularly UNI) people will really notice the difference.

I may go out with this girl again, I'm not really sure. It depends upon my future plans (which are out of my hands...) and upon whether I think she is worth it (something she will have to work hard to prove). Talk is cheap, and at the moment that is all she has done. If she wants me back then she will have to earn that privilege (sp?).

As I said, she sent me a letter, and asked me to let her know when I got it. Being a personable chap, I let her know by e-mail yesterday. I wasn't sure of whether this was a good idea, but in the end, I am able to control the communication- I can get hold of her when I want- but she can't get hold of me. I said that I might call today if I have the time. But I probably won't- not that I don't have the time, but I think that it might serve to raise her IL, and to get her thinking a bit.

Anyway, thanks for all the advice guys, needless to say, some of your advice is now permanently burnt into my mind!

Thanks Again
