For many of us highschool/college age students, alcohol plays a regular role in social functions. As a result, we often face a certain dilemma:
Is it ok to hook up with a girl when she is drunk?
For the most part, I say yes. I've found the majority of girls who are willing to hook up when drunk are equally attracted to you when sober. In fact, initially inebriated hook ups often lead to subsequent sober interactions. However, there are some situations where drunken hook ups CANNOT be advised, and I propose the following list of rules for any self-respecting DJ to keep in mind. Do NOT hook up with a girl if:
1. She is drunk, you are sober.
This rule should be followed primarily to protect one's own reputation. Correct or not, when other people see a sober guy making out with a drunk girl, they instantly assume the guy is a punk taking advantage a girl who doesn't know any better. Even if this is not the truth of the matter, avoid these situations or you may find yourself labeled as a rape artist.
2. She is really, REALLY drunk
The general idea behind this one is, if you don't think she's going to remember it tomorrow, don't do it tonight. If she only learns about your rendezvous from others, it's not going sit right in her mind. If a girl is vomitting, intermittenly unconscious, unable to walk on her own, unable to form a coherent sentance, etc...These are all signs to stay away.
3. She has previously turned you down while sober
Fairly self-explanatory. If a girl who has rejected you before is suddenly ready to get it on, chances are she is violation of Rule #2.
Feel free to comment on the above or propose other rules you believe necessary.
Is it ok to hook up with a girl when she is drunk?
For the most part, I say yes. I've found the majority of girls who are willing to hook up when drunk are equally attracted to you when sober. In fact, initially inebriated hook ups often lead to subsequent sober interactions. However, there are some situations where drunken hook ups CANNOT be advised, and I propose the following list of rules for any self-respecting DJ to keep in mind. Do NOT hook up with a girl if:
1. She is drunk, you are sober.
This rule should be followed primarily to protect one's own reputation. Correct or not, when other people see a sober guy making out with a drunk girl, they instantly assume the guy is a punk taking advantage a girl who doesn't know any better. Even if this is not the truth of the matter, avoid these situations or you may find yourself labeled as a rape artist.
2. She is really, REALLY drunk
The general idea behind this one is, if you don't think she's going to remember it tomorrow, don't do it tonight. If she only learns about your rendezvous from others, it's not going sit right in her mind. If a girl is vomitting, intermittenly unconscious, unable to walk on her own, unable to form a coherent sentance, etc...These are all signs to stay away.
3. She has previously turned you down while sober
Fairly self-explanatory. If a girl who has rejected you before is suddenly ready to get it on, chances are she is violation of Rule #2.
Feel free to comment on the above or propose other rules you believe necessary.