The D1CK Thory


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
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Hi Guys,

I have been working on my inner mind game for some time. It started just as an experiment which seem to have worked. It works through an analogy. I want you guys to try it.

All you have to do is that constantly visualize yourself as a massive long thick and hard D1CK with a huge and heavy head. And you have to visualize that no matter what you won't ***. Remeber No matter what.

No I'm not treating premature ejaculation here...but I have noticed that it's a powerful analogy, where the hardness is a man's purpose and the unbending intent.

During sex I have observed that even though the women asks you to come but secretly she wants you not to come at all...but still tries's a kind of a test...

Visualize women as some form of energy something which is not tangible ...which you can't bind in physical chains...some energy that'll take you over for some time but temporarily...

A women's job is to constantly test your hardness in every aspect of life's her nature and she can never stop that... so she throws tests at you one after another...and all you have to do is to stay hard and erect metaphorically speaking....

try this and tell me your observations....:)


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2007
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the internet: connecting wack jobs since 1995


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
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Just beyond reach
I have an appreciation for people who can think outside of the crowd. To most on here (the crowd) your idea will be seen as weird or unusual, or stupid or whatever. These people like to think they are getting to a higher level, and escaping the Matrix, but they are simply regurgitating "safe" information back and forth to each other.

The path they take is valid, but unless they are open to new and strange ideas, they will never really be able to get to the higher levels, or escape the Matrix, as they love to talk about. New ideas are often dismissed as stupid, only to be embraced by the crowd when they catch on.

Someone who walks with the crowd only accepts new ideas when their fellow men accept them. They don't have the courage to break out into unknown territory and throw themselves and their reputation on the line. There are some really respected, intelligent posters here, who know their stuff up and down, but are just cowards hiding behind their knowledge.

Your idea may or may not have some validity, but at least YOU have the balls to put an idea like this out there, and risk getting ridiculed for not sticking to the script.

If nothing else it was funny.


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, he's more in tune with the spritual side of the game which is going to take you light years ahead of the rest of the social robots on this forum. I'll try your visualization technique and see how it helps. You'll get alot of flack for posting this but you are actually more on the right path than you realize.


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2008
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Mistic said:
I have an appreciation for people who can think outside of the crowd. To most on here (the crowd) your idea will be seen as weird or unusual, or stupid or whatever. These people like to think they are getting to a higher level, and escaping the Matrix, but they are simply regurgitating "safe" information back and forth to each other.

The path they take is valid, but unless they are open to new and strange ideas, they will never really be able to get to the higher levels, or escape the Matrix, as they love to talk about. New ideas are often dismissed as stupid, only to be embraced by the crowd when they catch on.

Someone who walks with the crowd only accepts new ideas when their fellow men accept them. They don't have the courage to break out into unknown territory and throw themselves and their reputation on the line. There are some really respected, intelligent posters here, who know their stuff up and down, but are just cowards hiding behind their knowledge.

Your idea may or may not have some validity, but at least YOU have the balls to put an idea like this out there, and risk getting ridiculed for not sticking to the script.

If nothing else it was funny.
Lol he said you should be like a giant ****. It's just ridiculously funny.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Just beyond reach
I agree. It's fvcking hilarious, and I will not be trying it. I'm just giving him props for excersizing his imagination.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2007
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he's not exercising his imagination. he's having a laugh at your expense. for fukks sake


New Member
Apr 4, 2008
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LOL hilarious **** man, but you might be on to something.... I think I'm going to be a **** all day.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
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thanks for reading the post guys...appreciating it...laughing at it...:)

I agree it's a little scattered...since being on a little abstract side of the truth.

Here comes my second installment.

I always had a problem handling rejection (i'm beyond it now). You guys must have also faced some sort of rejection in your lives (I mean romantic) for the people who are already beyond the affects of emotions like rejection and in control of their emotion will advice you that "dude...rejection is good for you"..."It's her loss..."...But if I ask you for a minute to close your eyes and go back into the time slowly when you were rejected and you actually felt like you have lost everything what you had...(few amongst you might not even be able to relate to this at all...)...but those few who are still rising from those emotions will get what I mean to say here...

Emotions are powerful forces...(why do you think so many people commit suicides)...

now the anology...think of the time when you are inside her...or you are jacking off ...there comes a stage when you are about to come...your stomuch muscle tighten...and you can't control it ...ain't it just like the physical version of those powerful emotions that you face everyday...which at times reduces you back to your old AFC self. And then you realise later that why did I act like that think it wasn;t actually me...ain't it just like the empty feeling that you get after you have mastubated...

Many amongst us have pulled pick ups that we ourselves can't believe we think it was somebodyelse inside us who said all those things...and then poof...he disappears, the pimp inside came...later you try to think the way you were thinking during that pull...but no it doesn't are not the same man..the Pimp...the Hard D1ck.

Think about an AFC...who's always been an AFC...who has this belief that being AFC is not a behaviour but his nature...he gets hard...but he can't maintain it...coz he knows his best friend - his palm top...jacks off day and night...that's the fall of man.

Mental States of a Man can be described as follows-

- limp d1ck (before the hard0n) - boy hood
- hardon - man
- after ejaulation - woman

an afc is a guy who can't walk on the rope...who just can't or is stille learning to ealk on the missle path...

Why do you think there are hardly any woman might envy a woman's position ...she gets things easily...just got to be feminine ....either a woman beautiful or doomed...feminity is basically energy and man is the carrier of energy...

Truth 1. Energy is free spirited can't control it. Women cheating is not bad. If she's not cheating physically then may be mentally but you can' bind the energy. Women is Energy. Feminity is energy.

Truth 2. It's not easy being A MAN...the carrier of energy. The more masculine you are the more energy you an carry.



Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
This theory is good but my d1ck is small like most chinese. what do i do?
First, you can't do anything about it. Second, in the process of seduction the moment of showing your penis to a woman comes much later. Your game's got nothing to so with that. Third, biologically speaking it's not the size it's "how hard?"...Fourth, Can't deny that there are impotent men in this world and Survival of the fitest is a reality.

We had a thread started by a guy sometime back in this forum who was a dwarf think of him ...what chances does he have in the game of procreation...but everybody has watched naked mile too...(remember the dwarf team in that movie :) )...

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
sherineo said:
...All you have to do is that constantly visualize yourself as a massive long thick and hard D1CK with a huge and heavy head...
Kinda Freudian in a disturbing way... :nervous:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Just beyond reach
sherineo said:
First, you can't do anything about it.
Actually you can. There are several exercises for enlarging. Kagels and milking are some. Google it and you'll find something.