The cause for divorce and relationship break-ups in 21st century


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
I would like to hear the opinions of why divorce rate is so high and rampant in this day and age, when compared to 50-75 years ago it was a almost a different world in long-term relationships/marriages.

From the posters here, naturally we are going to ill-conceive it all to women and BPD, blah blah blah, more BPD, blah blah blah... *yawn*:moon: . But lets hear about WHY, if it is women's fault - what has changed now vs. the past??

If men are to blame as well, what WTF :nervous: did we do wrong in this day and age??

For extra b!tchBL0WurNUTS&COMEinHERface points, what do we need to do differently now??

With respect,

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Nov 4, 2010
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why? imo, mainly because women today can have their cake and eat it! they are a no blame gender, rarely is anything ever thier fault. there is always some schmuck wiling to take her side, even when she is flagrantly in the wrong.
the law promotes and facilitates this atitude, women usually come out of marriage with a god package and they then can hop on to the next one. Women have lots of options...LOTS and they know it.
many women will fabricate issues within a marriage in order to get the guy to react in a way that expedites the end of the marriage, she cries, he is a b'stard, thats the deal.

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
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Go to you tube, go to the search bar and type in tom leykis marriage. Look at every vid you see, and tom will have you scared of death of marriage. Pulling off a successful marriage in this day and age is damn near impossible. I'm 26 years old and don't see marriage or kids in my future. A woman with a wedding ring can literally bring you down mentally and financially.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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You can put a lot of the blame on the break down of traditional chrisitian based family values/morals that were once deeply rooted in the church and agrarian societies. Marriage used to be a "religious" concept. Marriage now days has little to do with religion and mostly to do with money/security. If you don't agree then tell me why the divorce rate is so much lower in religious societies like the Amish, Hindu, etc.

The majority of men in society need to take some blame for turning into puss bag's. This has led to many unhappy women. Men don't put women in their place often enough and they let them get away with way too much. When you've got a lot of boys being raised by single moms, its not hard to understand why they grow into mangina's.

Women have been allowed to have free control over their own financial and personal well being. Most aren't cut out for it. They've listened to these feminazi kunts tell them they can have what ever they want and they are equal to men. Its all propaganda pushed upon the masses by the media.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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samspade said:
For better or for worse, it's because

- More women earning their own way

- Increased use of birth control

- Lowered social stigma

- Easier divorce laws (for women anyway - who have greater financial incentive)

- Longer life expectancy

By the last one I mean that people are still marrying in their 20s, only to realize that they have a much longer span of adulthood to enjoy than previous generations.
This is a good summary. I would also add that women these days have a much more extensive social safety net to fall back than at any time in the past. This social safety net is for the most part paid for by men.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Here's some food for thoughts:

In countries (and in the Anglosphere of the past) where men have power over women, can divorce them at will without losing any money, possession or custody of children nor suffer any social stigma whatsoever, the divorce rate is very very low.

Espi said:
I don't think marraige has EVER had much to with religion, especially in America. In my mind, the institution of marraige has been invented and maintained by women, for the sole purpose of financial security.
Nah. Marriage was invented by the leaders of men to ensure men of their tribe / country were productive and would invest in the future of the tribe by guaranteeing them sex and that the resulting children would be theirs. It was later taken over by women for other purposes, perhaps (or as Rollo would say, co-opted by the Feminine Imperative), but definitely not invented by them.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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bradd80 said:
During the early rise of Greek civilization - around 500 BC or so - Sparta was the most powerful Greek city-state. The men did almost nothing but train for war and fight their neighbours, leading to their domination of Greece. As a result of the men being gone all the time fighting wars, the women tended to wield all the power at home. They made all the decisions, and they were the only women in ancient Greece who were able to own property and have a voice in government.

As a result - and despite all the strength and military prowess of the men - the proud Spartan military state collapsed. It was overtaken by the Athenians, who knew how to put their women in their place.
Actually, it was the other way around. Sparta defeated and subjugated Athens in the aftermath of the Peloponesian war.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
samspade said:
For better or for worse, it's because

- More women earning their own way

- Increased use of birth control

- Lowered social stigma

- Easier divorce laws (for women anyway - who have greater financial incentive)

- Longer life expectancy

By the last one I mean that people are still marrying in their 20s, only to realize that they have a much longer span of adulthood to enjoy than previous generations.
This is true. Its also compounded by the rise of feminism. This (in a nut shell) is how the process went down:

-Woman learns she can seduce and manipulate men via sex and kindness

-Woman starts using this ability to gain power

-Woman uses seduced men to fight for her agenda

-Seduced men become faggots over time

-Faggot men have kids and allow their women to raise faggot sons

-Faggot sons pass faggot laws that give women more power

-Women use power to elevate themselves in society

-The combination of female power and faggot laws make being a faggot mandatory

-Men lose most of their power

-Women start acting like men and abusing their power

-Women become terrible wives

That's pretty much it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear Bradd,
Yup gotta agree with your take on Women just losing interest...And that attention span just gets shorter and shorter...Religion does help keep relationships together though...The fashion for lonely Old buffers here is to take a quick trip to the Philippines and bring back a wife half their age...Even though these guys are usually specimens from the bottom of the barrel,poorly educated,fat,and alcohol dependent,they come back with lovely Girls,most of whom are deeply Religious.and often having good careers..
The truly remarkable aspect to this is just how faithful and loyal thes girls are even though living with Men their Anglo Sisters would consider the dregs of Humanity..
I like your description of the glory that was Athens " Maybe we can learn a little something here from Athenian culture?"Yes Bradd,but you didn't go on to the final chapter...All the glory you spoke of was destroyed in a generation,under influence of Pericles,who encouraged the young to question the values of their Fathers...
When you become jaded with the dubious pleasures of a Lawyers Routine,try a trip to Southern Turkey and the Lycian Coast...You would love it!


Oct 20, 2012
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yeah, and it was more like 1000 BC, not 500 Bc, on the timing, too. :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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bradd80 said:
Actually no, it wasn't the other way around. I was correct the first time.

As I stated, Sparta dominated Greece (and this includes Athens) with its military prowess, and I said this was around 500 BC - around the time of the Peloponnesian War. Instead of suffering a terminal defeat during that war, Athens recovered sufficient prestige to put together, in 377 BC, a revised version of the Delian League. This alliance proved strong enough to defeat the Spartan navy off Naxos in 376 BC. A few years later the Spartan army received a terminal blow when overwhelmed by a smaller number of Thebans, thanks to the revolutionary tactics of Epaminondas, at Leuctra in 371 BC.


The Battle of Leuctra (371 BC) destroyed Spartan power forever. After that date, Sparta was a second rate Greek city-state.


So - like I said - Spartan power collapsed and it was Athenian ideas regarding philosophy, democracy, science, and politics that came to dominate Greek, Roman, and ultimately Western civilization.
At the risk of betraying myself as a major history nerd, the Peloponesian war took place much later than 500 BC (431-404 BC to be precise). The Spartans won that one, and they also won the subsequent Corinthian War. Athens may have won certain battles, but it never won a war against Sparta. The Battle of Leuctra that you referred to was fought between Sparta and Thebes and did not involve Athens. And while Sparta may have been left a "second rate" power in its aftermath, it was the only Greek city that was not conquered by Phillip of Macedon and Alexander the Great in the following decades. It remained independent for another two centuries (until finally being conquered by the Romans), while all the other Greek city states, including Athens, had long lost their freedom.

There are many things that women can be blamed for, but the decline of Sparta is not one of them :D


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear GottEd,
Stone the Crows with Bradd defending him,Manson would have walked away from Court a free Man....Must say he knows his Onions Though!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
Scaramouche said:
Dear GottEd,
Stone the Crows with Bradd defending him,Manson would have walked away from Court a free Man....Must say he knows his Onions Though!
Thanks to Bradd80, I need to get MOD to rename this thread to:

'How Spartan DJ's FUCCKED UP in history according to Bradd80-HB8' :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

I got thread-hijacked. :nervous:



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
bradd80 said:
No it is not thanks to me. I merely mentioned it as an interesting aside, it was bokanovsky who made a bit of an issue out of it. It's funny how you singled me out and made no mention whatsoever of bokanovsky.

I actually provided a very good hands on perspective for the answer to your question, from someone who has seen dozens of divorces and legal separations pass before him.

I would have thought someone of your age would act with a little more maturity and respect.
Bradd80 - my comments meant no mal-intentions, nor do I take anything personally from here. However, I do dish out sarcasm and humor, unfortunate you took it the wrong way.

We are in our 30's & 40's - but that doesn't mean we can't relax and just BS with each other sometimes. There are a few sensitive folks on here, but I know you are not one of them.

Thanks for your detailed knowledge on history of civilizations.

With respect,


Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
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Now that we have the history of the ancient mediterranean out of the way....
I was fortunate in divorce, married at 24, divorced at 30. We really didn't have any assets, and no kids. I will relate 1 incredulous thing my Ex and her lawyer wanted. They wanted me to pay for my Ex's student loans that she incurred during marriage.... Yep that's right. Their argument was that it was debt incurred during marriage. Good thing I had a excellent attorney. He argued that since I recieved no benefit from said education and loans they were the ex's to deal with. Fortunately we didn't have a dumb a$$ judge. I walked away clean. If that happened again today I can see it may have gone differently. I hate to say it but I'm jaded on the whole marriage thing today. When you see how cunning women can be it's a gamechanger.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2013
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I filed divorce papers on Monday. I did it cause she cheated on me. Took her 3 months after I moved out to admit it. She's religious but didn't stop her from being a wh0re.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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quagland said:
I filed divorce papers on Monday. I did it cause she cheated on me. Took her 3 months after I moved out to admit it. She's religious but didn't stop her from being a wh0re.
Just like being religious did not stop a bunch of catholic priests from sodomizing little boys. Religiosity should never be confused with good morals.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Espi said:
I don't think marraige has EVER had much to with religion, especially in America. In my mind, the institution of marraige has been invented and maintained by women, for the sole purpose of financial security. Of course, "morals" and "customs" are the facade through which the institution operates--and more guys need to remember that "morals and customs" are designed to cost LOTS of money, for a woman LOVES to spend thousands of dollars on her wedding ceremony alone (the father of the bride is supposed to pay for that, by the way).
100% incorrect.

Marriage is a wholly religious institution.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
bradd80 said:
the problem seemed to be the woman simply losing interest in the marriage, and then her drumming up a bunch of BS incidents to make the husband look bad. For example, the husband would call her a wh)re bc of something she wore, or they got into a big argument on vacation and hubby threatened to make her "life a living hell" and other such dopey claims. It seemed like the women were trying to amplify normal arguments to make it seem as if the husband's treatment of them during the marriage constituted cruel and abusive treatment.
Game. Set. Match. This is why the divorce rate is so high. Loss of attraction, low IL, loss of respect, whatever you want to call it. And men contribute to this as much as the women. When men really get taken to the woodshed in divorces, it's because they are too busy thinking their wife is going to come back to them, instead of fighting their battle in court. To echo titty-man: THE MANGINA.

bradd80 said:
Financial arguments seemed to be a big cause.. apparently hubby was never making enough.
Only when the above applies. When they lose interest, money is just another excuse, like abuse, etc.

Infidelity and physical abuse is one of the only deal-breakers in marriage to me. I don't know why, but I attribute mental stuff as flirting with the line not to be crossed. Physically doing anything is crossing the line. Actions, not words. Thinking about a crime doesn't get you thrown in jail, actually committing the crime does.