From my perspective this site or "bible" focuses only one the theory of all you need is confidence and dominance nothing else to get women. While i do believe those are attractive qualities to have, i do not believe those alone are enough. So in reality, the advice to get women comes down to "just fawkin ask her out, who cares if she doesnt know you from the pedophile down the street, who cares if you dont have a plan, just fawkin DO IT stop being such a PUSSIE. IF SHE SAYS NO YOU ASK THE NEXT ONE!
Thats how I sum it up, please correct me if i'm wrong?
This is great for guys who have anxiety and low self confidence, but as soon as you get over the anxiety you need to start developing an actual skill. What this site suggest you do is just be like every other typical guy and cut right to the chase ask her out and play the numbers game, which doesn't give you consistent results, and most of the time it frustrates guys because they aren't getting the results they expect, which leads to them quitting.
So this site a GREAT stepping stone to getting over anxiety and building confidence, but in no way that I have found does this "bible" teach you:
-the inner workings of what attracts women(yes, confidence and non neediness is one small part of it)
-what makes you a likable person
-how to deal with tests from women
-how to deal with groups of women
-how to turn a friend zone into something sexual
-how to handle situations where you just said something really stupid
-how to approach in a bar/club verses in the street where women have two completely different mind sets
-where to take a girl on a date so its memorable and different, not typical and boring
-what to do so a girl wont flake on you
-how to handle a **** blocking from girl friends
-how to get a girl to want to go out with you before you even asked her to go out
-how to consistently geta girl to leave the club with you
-ways to get threesomes
-how to develop your social intelligence
-how to get multiple friends with benefits
-anxiety exercises , because telling a guy to "JUST DO IT" sometimes doesnt work
If you really learn the above bullet points, you would literally be sleeping with some of the hottest girls in your town, on a regular basis.
From my reading, this site advises you to NEXT a girl whenever you don't know what to do for the above listed bullet points, the reason is "its a waste of time" I really believe thats a cop out and a poor excuse..
Thats my perspective, and i think it holds some weight due to 1. amount of time i've spent involved in this field with amazing results 2. the amount and quality of chicks i've been with 3. the amount of guys i've given advise to, to lead them to getting exactly what they wanted
I would love some actually discussion on this topic and not a mindless response of "im a man i don't need to learn anything"
Thats how I sum it up, please correct me if i'm wrong?
This is great for guys who have anxiety and low self confidence, but as soon as you get over the anxiety you need to start developing an actual skill. What this site suggest you do is just be like every other typical guy and cut right to the chase ask her out and play the numbers game, which doesn't give you consistent results, and most of the time it frustrates guys because they aren't getting the results they expect, which leads to them quitting.
So this site a GREAT stepping stone to getting over anxiety and building confidence, but in no way that I have found does this "bible" teach you:
-the inner workings of what attracts women(yes, confidence and non neediness is one small part of it)
-what makes you a likable person
-how to deal with tests from women
-how to deal with groups of women
-how to turn a friend zone into something sexual
-how to handle situations where you just said something really stupid
-how to approach in a bar/club verses in the street where women have two completely different mind sets
-where to take a girl on a date so its memorable and different, not typical and boring
-what to do so a girl wont flake on you
-how to handle a **** blocking from girl friends
-how to get a girl to want to go out with you before you even asked her to go out
-how to consistently geta girl to leave the club with you
-ways to get threesomes
-how to develop your social intelligence
-how to get multiple friends with benefits
-anxiety exercises , because telling a guy to "JUST DO IT" sometimes doesnt work
If you really learn the above bullet points, you would literally be sleeping with some of the hottest girls in your town, on a regular basis.
From my reading, this site advises you to NEXT a girl whenever you don't know what to do for the above listed bullet points, the reason is "its a waste of time" I really believe thats a cop out and a poor excuse..
Thats my perspective, and i think it holds some weight due to 1. amount of time i've spent involved in this field with amazing results 2. the amount and quality of chicks i've been with 3. the amount of guys i've given advise to, to lead them to getting exactly what they wanted
I would love some actually discussion on this topic and not a mindless response of "im a man i don't need to learn anything"