The best trait to have


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
This is my first post. Though I have been here for some time. I dont think that I
have learnt all there is to learn (in books, in real life) but I think I get closer
everyday. Great deal of it has been from here. And I felt like its my time to
help out and share the little knowledge i have (lets face it, at the end of the day
we know NOTHING).

The best trait to have, so you get all the women you want, is to be the best. Be
great, be magnificent, opulent. And know that you are. If you want to be the
greatest floor sweeper (with all the respect), well, learn all about the different
types of brooms, brushes, soaps. Try them out, PRACTICE. Become the best. If you
simply want to become the best, well be it! Know that you are the best!
Acknowledge from the bottom of your heart that YOU are the best.
Acknowledging this will automatically trigger all your body language to express
greatness. Think about it, we can all detect when someone is insecure about something,
their body posture shows it. If you KNOW you are the best, you WILL show it, unconsciously.
And by nature, everyone will want some piece of your greatness, including women.

Do you think Casanova read at age 5 some book about ¨How to be the the greatest lover of all
time¨? NO, he simply did it. Became the best. I mean, ¨jerks¨. Those highschool guys who
were the athletic guys, and got all the chicks. Did they come here and read all about
how to show value, etc etc? NO. They did not. They just did it.

Now GO and become the best.

I love you all.

pd- and please dont think i love you in the...sexual way ,
just to make things clear...:D


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2002
Reaction score
I'm the Best:D

great tip SamePendo

Always aim for the stars. Work harder, study harder, than everybody. Give it your best all the time. Be tough on yourself. Think about Michael Jordan when you feel like giving up ( That gives me strength :)). I always try to live by this quote

"Life is tough. But when you're tough on yourself, life will be infinitely easier on you." Zig Ziglar


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2001
Reaction score
NYC baby!
NIce first post man. Quality shiet in here. I don't remember my first post but it was prolly some sh*tty AFC question lol. Anyways, solid advice. Mebbe I should change my quote to "Live to be the best and you will be." What do you think, sounds better?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by SamePendo
and please dont think i love you in the...sexual way ,
just to make things clear...:D
Damnit he rejected me! And I didn't even get a #? Now what do I do? Help DJs!


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
i can agree with this.... for the most part.

just a few things:

1) GUIDLINES are important. you can't just "BE THE BEST" without a sense of what that is. If it were that easy everyone would be the best.

2) "Be" the best isn't quite as good as your "become" the best. becoming "the best" is a non-stopping process. which means you will always keep improving.

not too bad for your first post.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
GUIDLINES are important. you can't just "BE THE BEST" without a sense of what that is. If it were that easy everyone would be the best.
Tell me (Mr. Reading Thread), what do you do when you are sad? By any chance, do you jump up and down with a big smile on your face, and feel great, and feel like just, walking through the park? I dont think so. You kind of isolate yourself from the world, dont feel like going to the park, and dont have precisely a big smile. You dont do things that are productive. You whine about yourself and how you fail.
Now, when you are feeling GREAT, when i say great, im not talking about great,, Im talking about GREAT , what is it that you do? You feel confident, feel like doing something new, or simply do all the things you always do, and to succeed completely, you go out and do something productive. Am I wrong?
Now, when you are in one of those days, when you just feel a Sex God, do you go lock yourself in your bedroom? NO! You go out and chat up the girls, maybe even do some sexy postures in public youd only do when drunk!
Now, are there any guidelines, that tell you what to do when (angry, sad, depressed, happy, joyfull, sexy, great, fat, thin)? Are there? I dont think so, you just do it, it comes up naturally. If you are sad, you do what someone sad would do, will this attract girls? No, it wont. If you have a mixture of Confidence, Sex-godinness, Greatness, whatever, dont you think it will just come up naturally? If you are in a state of mind of becoming the best, so that tomorrow you ARE the best, dont you think you WILL strive to (¨bestness¨)?
This tip is for you to think about having a state of mind of BECOMING THE BEST, so that tomorrow you ARE THE BEST. Bestness will express itself through everything you do.


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2002
Reaction score
'Best' is a relative term. You can never be the best, because that implies that you are 'better' or somehow more indispensable than somebody else.

You aren't.

You could die tonight and not many people in the world would give a c.rap.

What we really mean here is self-respect. LOVING yourself 'come what may.' Not being ashamed of yourself.

Whenever I feel tempted to feel low about myself, I think of all those crack-dealers, murderers, rapists and child abusers out there and how come they can go through life so arrogantly, compared to myself, when I haven't even done anything wrong!

No, I'm great, I'm sooo good, and I've done nothing particularly bad in my life. I don't tread on people unless I really have to, in self-defence. So why the fcuk should I not be confident in myself? I'm GOOD! :cool:

This is the problem women have, which we don't.

All we have to do is become good and act like it.

They have to sift through the tw.ats who act as though they are good when they aren't! Yes, the jerks who KNEW the game before the really developed the goods.

Most of us have developed the goods, we now need to learn the game.

See things from that perspective, it makes you feel very good about the world!


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2003
Reaction score
To be the best

Just remember - don't try to be perfect. You'll never be perfect 'cause noone is. You'll always screw up, You'll always make mistakes. Just try to be better and better every day.. One day - You'll be the best.

If you constantly try to be perfect then you'll be afraid of making mistakes, and this is not a good thing, you have to make mistakes - only this will give you experience. Perfect people don't make mistakes. That's why there aren't any :)

Hope someone understood me:D