So pimp its scary
Master Don Juan
Today, more then ever women are disappointed with their men (75% according to a study published in Cosmo recently), and the irony is that it is men’s desire to please women, coupled with women’s inability to vocalize the things they truly desire in a man (or maybe just their assumption that men should know how to treat / handle a women), that has made men into these whiny little mamma’s boys that spew emotion all over the women they are trying to court (these are the people, these extreme examples of the feminized male, that we call the AFC… I mean the true AFC’s). So, it is my effort to help some of the people in at least improving the situation that they face in the search for Mrs. Right… or Ms. RightNow if that is what you desire J.
It is worth repeating this point, that there is not one technique that will make you a lady killer, that there are no rules that will land a hot babe every time, that rejection is inevitable (rejection should be embraced rather then avoided at all costs, as more can be learnt in a rejection then in ten successful approaches, but that is another article), that the attitude is the only difference that makes a difference; but, rather it is the rules and the techniques learnt that will sow the seeds that will grow into the life attitude that will make you happier with your life, and by consequence attract flocks of women into your hands. This is the essence of a Don Juan, it is the DJ’s attitude that gives him: confidence, charm, charisma, challenge, love of life, mystery, and the countless other factors that make women melt by his mere presence.
The challenge for most is overcoming your fears. The best way to overcome your fears, and expand your comfort zone, is to tell yourself something empowering in a moment of fear. Some of my favorites are: “Feel the fear… and do it anyways” (There is a great book by that title), “What’s the worst that can happen??? NOTHING!” “Regret is worse then rejection.”. The reality is that you never going to have a perfect approach… at least the first try, so just go for it, do it wrong, but do it anyways and you will thank yourself later when your getting your wiener wet. It has been suggested to go out one night, and aim for 10 rejections as a means to overcome your fears… the funny part of that is that by the time you have done that, you’re likely to have approached 15-20 women, and will have a tremendous boost to your confidence.
Confidence, by the way, is really just a strong self-love, how do you begin to love yourself like this? Treat yourself like the “Prince Charming” meaning that you treat yourself first, you look people in the eyes, you command respect from your world, you workout to keep fit, you clean and groom yourself daily, you keep your apartment on the up and up, etc. If you say, “I don’t have time.” Make time. It will be well worth it. I couldn’t imagine the embarrassment you would feel for getting rejected based on your messy apartment. There deserves a mention of the Hagakure, or the book of the samurai; in which the author says that every day a true samurai will wake up at the crack of dawn to bath, wash his hair, groom himself, cut his nails, polish his armor, and sharpen his sword before going out on his day, and would go to sleep at sunset, to prepare for the following day. The reason the samurai does this, is that the samurai will never know when he might be struck down, and if he is struck down, everything is exposed for the world to see; his enemy will mention how dirty you were, but if the samurai was clean, his enemy would be forced to have respect for his opponent, as he would have nothing negative to say.
Speaking of the “Hagakure”, it becomes worthwhile to mention; reading is a crucial part of becoming the Don Juan, even though there are some benefits from reading your favorite science fiction books… they will help you very little in the getting laid department. Rather, start reading books that expand your mind, some examples are books on the topics of psychology, self-help, philosophy, and strategy (Sun tzu’s “Art of War”). Some are crap, and others are worth their weight in gold… PM me, if you would like the names of some quality books that have helped me on my journey’s, or do a search. This will help you become an interesting person to talk to, in that you will be able to talk about more then sports and beer. Just don’t let your reading cut too much into the time that you go on the field, or be an excuse not to approach women.
The Don Juan is a well-known conversationalist, he uses his words to woo, and seduce his targets. The Don Juan is a master charmer, charming while at the same time being completely honest. Just the same, it would be wise to master, or at the least improve your ability in this art, this is best done by becoming genuinely interested in other people. The person that is genuinely interested, will mostly ask questions, and will allow the other person to do most of the talking, while at the same time keeping up his parts of the conversation. Interruption is the biggest destroyer of the flow of the conversation, even if it’s only once and unintentionally, it can be difficult to return to the same level of rapport. Pimpologist has broken this art to nearly the point of a science, and highly recommend his article, it is a must read.
Part II Follows...
It is worth repeating this point, that there is not one technique that will make you a lady killer, that there are no rules that will land a hot babe every time, that rejection is inevitable (rejection should be embraced rather then avoided at all costs, as more can be learnt in a rejection then in ten successful approaches, but that is another article), that the attitude is the only difference that makes a difference; but, rather it is the rules and the techniques learnt that will sow the seeds that will grow into the life attitude that will make you happier with your life, and by consequence attract flocks of women into your hands. This is the essence of a Don Juan, it is the DJ’s attitude that gives him: confidence, charm, charisma, challenge, love of life, mystery, and the countless other factors that make women melt by his mere presence.
As far as success, with women as with anything, it boils down to action. Some of you, and only you know who you are, simply don’t have enough desire for women, whether you admit it or not… Wanting a woman in your life is not enough; you only have as much success, in any area of life, as you MUST have. For example, in your job you earn whatever it is that you MUST earn. Anyway, if you must be successful with women, then you will take the action required to be successful in that area. Once you have enough success, you become satisfied; it’s the satisfaction that makes you lazy. So, I ask you all, if you MUST be successful with women, continue reading… if your not sure, it comes down to this: Are you going to be one of the 75% of men that piss women off, or are you going to be in the 10% that turn women on? (Assuming that women find the other 15% of men satisfactory) DECIDE NOW!“It is in the effort that one finds satisfaction and not in the success. A full effort is a full success.”
- Gandhi
…“Glance at what you might have to lose, but focus on what you want to win.”
The challenge for most is overcoming your fears. The best way to overcome your fears, and expand your comfort zone, is to tell yourself something empowering in a moment of fear. Some of my favorites are: “Feel the fear… and do it anyways” (There is a great book by that title), “What’s the worst that can happen??? NOTHING!” “Regret is worse then rejection.”. The reality is that you never going to have a perfect approach… at least the first try, so just go for it, do it wrong, but do it anyways and you will thank yourself later when your getting your wiener wet. It has been suggested to go out one night, and aim for 10 rejections as a means to overcome your fears… the funny part of that is that by the time you have done that, you’re likely to have approached 15-20 women, and will have a tremendous boost to your confidence.
Confidence, by the way, is really just a strong self-love, how do you begin to love yourself like this? Treat yourself like the “Prince Charming” meaning that you treat yourself first, you look people in the eyes, you command respect from your world, you workout to keep fit, you clean and groom yourself daily, you keep your apartment on the up and up, etc. If you say, “I don’t have time.” Make time. It will be well worth it. I couldn’t imagine the embarrassment you would feel for getting rejected based on your messy apartment. There deserves a mention of the Hagakure, or the book of the samurai; in which the author says that every day a true samurai will wake up at the crack of dawn to bath, wash his hair, groom himself, cut his nails, polish his armor, and sharpen his sword before going out on his day, and would go to sleep at sunset, to prepare for the following day. The reason the samurai does this, is that the samurai will never know when he might be struck down, and if he is struck down, everything is exposed for the world to see; his enemy will mention how dirty you were, but if the samurai was clean, his enemy would be forced to have respect for his opponent, as he would have nothing negative to say.
Speaking of the “Hagakure”, it becomes worthwhile to mention; reading is a crucial part of becoming the Don Juan, even though there are some benefits from reading your favorite science fiction books… they will help you very little in the getting laid department. Rather, start reading books that expand your mind, some examples are books on the topics of psychology, self-help, philosophy, and strategy (Sun tzu’s “Art of War”). Some are crap, and others are worth their weight in gold… PM me, if you would like the names of some quality books that have helped me on my journey’s, or do a search. This will help you become an interesting person to talk to, in that you will be able to talk about more then sports and beer. Just don’t let your reading cut too much into the time that you go on the field, or be an excuse not to approach women.
The Don Juan is a well-known conversationalist, he uses his words to woo, and seduce his targets. The Don Juan is a master charmer, charming while at the same time being completely honest. Just the same, it would be wise to master, or at the least improve your ability in this art, this is best done by becoming genuinely interested in other people. The person that is genuinely interested, will mostly ask questions, and will allow the other person to do most of the talking, while at the same time keeping up his parts of the conversation. Interruption is the biggest destroyer of the flow of the conversation, even if it’s only once and unintentionally, it can be difficult to return to the same level of rapport. Pimpologist has broken this art to nearly the point of a science, and highly recommend his article, it is a must read.
Part II Follows...