The basics of game


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys so im 16 years old and ive never had a girlfriend but ive hooked up with a couple. So i was sent to wilderness therapy camp for 2 months for basically being a fu**-up, and there were no girls there. So ive been back home for about a month and theres this one girl that i realllly like. I've been talking to her a good amount since ive been back and she has shown interest a bunch of times. However, recently shes just been ignoring me and not talking to me. So i have 2 things i want to ask, 1. How should i handle the situation with her, so that we may become boyfriend/girlfriend 2. what are the basics of attraction and "game" in a really simple explanation. I mean im actually quite handsome, but for some reason this girl just wont go for me. after i noticed that she was showing interest, i naturally started to ask her to hang out. she has blown me off like 2 or 3 times now and ever since shes been kinda ignoring me. thanks


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
Dude, you're 16.

This is gonna sound corny and gay, but honestly just have fun with life right now and focus on school when its around.

Girl's are attracted to guys that have fun -- There is no set "game" to play, other then the fact that the #1 focus in your life should not be a girl. Check out the DJ bible and common cases by nismo-4, that should give you a headsup.

You want those girls to have the same mentality as you? it's not going to happen unless they are slutty. When I was 16 all I could think about was getting my **** sucked - and the only ones that were responsive to that were the ones I just had fun with.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
I think you've been too keen and that's a turn off for some women. I expect every ounce of you is wanting to contact her and chase her, don't.

My advice? One of the following:
1. Ignore her! Seriously. Without doubt the most successful technique for a woman who has lost interest.

2. Find another woman and flaunt it. Women are territorial in relation to their suitors. If she thinks she's lost an admirer to a competitor she'll try to get you back.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2012
Reaction score
New York City
Yo homie, i just turned 17 like some weeks ago so i could give you some advice. Unlike you i have some experience. TRSX is right homie. focus on your life first get good grades and be come the best version of your self as can be. You come first girls come second.Thats one mistake i made and now i have extreme oneitis.

As for the girls now the best thing to do is develop as state of mind of emotional detachment. Dont expect anything from girls and you wont be disappointed. Being outcome independent is real good.

Ight as for "game".It go like this. Girls look at it as a game. They love the idea of chasing a guy and getting him to commit. Once the guy shes trying to get to commit actually commits its all over. She no longer shes the fun in it, you're no longer a challenge/ mystery and she wil dog you. How do you become a challenge/mystery? By working on yourself and showing girls that you dont need them and you have more value then them.Dont always be available to them all the time, and even ignoring them will indicate that you are a challenge. YOU HAVE TO BE SCARCE!

More tips:
-NEVER confess your feelings to a girl...NEVER.
-Also dont text them alot. Only use texting as a means to set up dates and building a little rapport (conenction) and when you do on these dates, you MUST fun and the date must be fun.
- JUDGE A GIRL BY HER ACTIONS NOT WORDS.(what girls say and do are lightyears apart bruh.)
-SPIN PLATES. This is probably the most important aspect of the game. HAVE OPTIONS. ALL GIRLS HAVE OPTIONS AND YOU SHOULD TO!.

As for that current girl shes not interested move on bro. Theres a difference between testing you and actually blowing you off. This is a lil something. If you need anymore help PM me


Don Juan
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
Drowning In Vaginal Fluids. Help.
Forget this one girl, there is no "one girl".

Lucky you found So-suave at this age, take full advantage of this.

Re-Structure yourself. The younger, the better.

Read all that is recommended to you. Imbibe new values and characteristics into your young self. With the right mindset at 16, you won't go wrong. You'd be years ahead of your peers.

Start with the DJ Bible.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2011
Reaction score
youngmack said:
Yo homie, i just turned 17 like some weeks ago so i could give you some advice. Unlike you i have some experience. TRSX is right homie. focus on your life first get good grades and be come the best version of your self as can be. You come first girls come second.Thats one mistake i made and now i have extreme oneitis.

As for the girls now the best thing to do is develop as state of mind of emotional detachment. Dont expect anything from girls and you wont be disappointed. Being outcome independent is real good.

Ight as for "game".It go like this. Girls look at it as a game. They love the idea of chasing a guy and getting him to commit. Once the guy shes trying to get to commit actually commits its all over. She no longer shes the fun in it, you're no longer a challenge/ mystery and she wil dog you. How do you become a challenge/mystery? By working on yourself and showing girls that you dont need them and you have more value then them.Dont always be available to them all the time, and even ignoring them will indicate that you are a challenge. YOU HAVE TO BE SCARCE!

More tips:
-NEVER confess your feelings to a girl...NEVER.
-Also dont text them alot. Only use texting as a means to set up dates and building a little rapport (conenction) and when you do on these dates, you MUST fun and the date must be fun.
- JUDGE A GIRL BY HER ACTIONS NOT WORDS.(what girls say and do are lightyears apart bruh.)
-SPIN PLATES. This is probably the most important aspect of the game. HAVE OPTIONS. ALL GIRLS HAVE OPTIONS AND YOU SHOULD TO!.

As for that current girl shes not interested move on bro. Theres a difference between testing you and actually blowing you off. This is a lil something. If you need anymore help PM me
Thanks a lot man, thats helpful ****
For some reason i can't pm you so, where can i find more stuff like what you just told me in a simple and straightforward form? What u said really struck home for me and i want to learn more about it

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Youngmack is spot on. Fvck I wish I'd found this site when I was a teenager.

Anyway, OP. Read the DJ Bible which is stickied at the top of this forum and the one at the top of the "Mature Man" forum.

There's a lot to read but it's solid gold.
Also, read as much as you can of Rollo Tomassi and Heartiste.

As for this chick you're chasing, she's flaked mate. I think you probably came across as too eager.
The key is balance. Be available one day but not the next.
Hint that there are other women on the scene but don't flaunt it in front of her, be subtle and sarcastic.
Don't respond to women's bvllsht temper tantrums or shyt tests and don't be a slave to your d1ck.
Don't be the guy who will compromise everything just to fvck a chick who isn't worthy.
Stay in shape. No need to have rippling abs and a chest you could crack nuts on (it fvckin helps though!! Lol) but stay trim and maintain some definition in your arms and around your jawline.

Lastly, there is no magic formula that will suddenly make you popular with women, you're gonna have to get out there and make a lot of mistakes before you'll "get it".