Travel memoir21
Master Don Juan
Guys, you want to be in the best state of mind Possible when you get out of that door and socialize.
Thats why I highly recommend that you schedule your gym workouts before you go out with your buddies and friends to the bars and clubs….and even then, have mini workout sessions right before you go out.
It can be Yoga, pilate stretches, push ups, squats calisthenics that gets you in the proper state of mind when you roll out that door.
Heck I even recite a Godly, Yogi mantra to myself when Im in certain areas. Here, I’ll give you one - ‘ Om, Shalom, Shanti, Shanti, Elohim, Om’…..Meaning may the one true God Elohim - the God of The Hebrew Bible reside in me with Peace and serenity…..Chant that to yourself several times in Public..and a lot at home while eating a diet of fish, chicken, steamed vegetables, rice and beans while working out daily…and you’ll be a new man. Also study the scriptures while you’re at it.
So have mini work outs before you go out, it’s very important.

Thats why I highly recommend that you schedule your gym workouts before you go out with your buddies and friends to the bars and clubs….and even then, have mini workout sessions right before you go out.
It can be Yoga, pilate stretches, push ups, squats calisthenics that gets you in the proper state of mind when you roll out that door.
Heck I even recite a Godly, Yogi mantra to myself when Im in certain areas. Here, I’ll give you one - ‘ Om, Shalom, Shanti, Shanti, Elohim, Om’…..Meaning may the one true God Elohim - the God of The Hebrew Bible reside in me with Peace and serenity…..Chant that to yourself several times in Public..and a lot at home while eating a diet of fish, chicken, steamed vegetables, rice and beans while working out daily…and you’ll be a new man. Also study the scriptures while you’re at it.
So have mini work outs before you go out, it’s very important.