The answers in children

Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
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Despite what the subject says, I'm not talking about the answers INSIDE children, so just put the butcher knife down. More in their actions.

Now as some of us know, the sub-concious mind is formed during childhood. And before a good deal of interaction can be 'learned' by a child, it has no resources or programming or whatever you want to call it to interact. So the child acts on instinct and horomones.

I came to this conclusion based on my Psych knowledge and past experiences. The past experience that brought it up was a memory of me at '6th grade camp' back in Elementary school (for those who have no idea what that is, its not important).

I was on the Volleyball court about 6:00 in the evening, sun setting over the mountains and the perfect temperature. The sand was squishing in-between my toes as my friend and I played a game with some girl-friends of ours (Those girls obviously hadn't developed a substanchial amount of Hand-Eye Coordination...). My friend and I were feverishly annoyed by the lack of challenge so we decided to start wrestling. Now, during the whole time at camp, we were mixed with another elementary school. I can say I'm damn happy we were. This school, unlike mine, had HOTTIES, damn! One of my classmates got so 'revved up' that he grabbed one of those sweet tempting cheeks and got suspended (can you say Jerk?)! Anyway, this LINE of girls are just sitting there watching me demasculanize my friend. And as I'm taking a break, they all come over and start acting all *****y (as this is how I interpreted it at the time) and asking me what my name is, lol. As I remember this situation, I can remember most their body languages, and they was all thumbs up!

What I'm saying is, that children have very little social and enviornmental conditioning, they are programming resources as I type this. Before this conditioning happens, a child is acting out of pure innocence and drive of sex. And observing this growth can answer alot of questions about human interacton, and our own.

You can be surprised by how many answers nature holds for us, as long as we keep her functioning and helping to restore her balance that we had been neglecting. Love nature, and she will love you back.

Can you say 'Alpha-male'?

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
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I have no idea what you were tryin to say...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2001
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NYC baby!
Yeah, even though the example is ehh, ok, I get the point what you're trying to make. Most of us start thinking too much and tense up in different situations (guilty myself), and if we can revert back to childhood, "take action" ways, then we can improve.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
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When we grow up we start to think to much about every possible scenario there is (especially the negative ones). When you are a child you just do things and see how they work. If a child sees a fotball with his friend he says "Look, there's a football, lets' play" and play like possessed. If a grownup sees a football and want to play with his friend he first look around so there is no persons around, he looks at his clothes and after getting past that grown up wall of unchildishness he starts to play rigid so the clothes may not look bad. You see the difference?

Grown up thinks too much. That is our problem. Just do what you feel, No, I am not suggestion you go out and fukk a girl jsut because you feel like it. Just don't think so much, just see how things work. Look through the eyes of a curious child.

I don't know if people can nullify every thought in your brain. When I do an approach I think about being relaxed, I paint a picture in my head that make me calm and concentrate on that feeling. The sound and the feeling. It gets me relaxed. Maybe something you could try?

I think I understand some of your post CR. Great point you've made. And now I realize I have just written what aznebreakerjrey said. :(

Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
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Thanks for clarifying that -Boog-, sometimes I have no idea what I'm doing or saying at the moment, and I let things flow. I just accept it as a message from my lower (animal) brain pushing me towards my goals and needs.

One surefire thing I have noticed when it comes to getting in this type of 'mindset' or whatever you want to call it, is that it happens frequently when I step outside my comfort zone. Like I get myself in a new situation or do someting I wouldn't normally do, and when I come back to my normal surroundings, I carry with me a new viewpoint/perspective. I look at things in a whole new light.

I have a small theory as to why this happens, and as I know how much all you guys love theories :p , and I'm gonna post it up soon. I have a feeling it will be a worthwhile read.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
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your welcome. :)

I understand the feeling. I can't wait til you post about it.

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
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Now that I understand what you were tryin to say, I totally Agree with what your trying to say.

I see Adults all the time always concerned about their image. My parents NEVER run if they are in a hurry to somewhere (they just kind of jog, you know what Im talkin about?) Adults also never ask for change if they desperately need it (I guess cause of their pride, even though Im often hesitant to do this)

However, when I see kids playin it makes me really think. It kind of like the book "The Catcher in the Rye". Its about adult in a corrupt world, and the main character, Holden Caulfield, wants to stop children from being a corrupt individual.

Once again, I think this is a very valid post and deserves a place in the DJ bible.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
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ash nc US
Children often don't have a highly developed ego-sense as adults do. It doesnt really have as much to do with age. I personally try to fight down my ego as much as I can, and right now, my ego is very low. Its a LOT funner living life without an ego thats in control.

Most of the time, yes I do act like a child, and females love it, and I dont just mean chicks im DJing, Im talking about teachers too!

My brother though, hes only 7, and his ego is through the roof! He always goes around acting like some ****ed up lil *****. Hes always making fun of things, and rarely acts like a normal little kid.

Also, if you lose your ego, then you become so much REAL, its insane, its like you are actually YOU, the real YOU. And females love REAL males. Its like being the absolute Alpha-Male, in the sense that you are in charge, not you ego. Alpha-Male doesnt mean that you go around bossing all the other males, because then your EGO is the alpha, not YOU.

Adults often HAVE to put up their ego's, to succed in their life at work. Especially the business men. Children are so "innocent" because they are "real". They dont have to pretend to be something they arent to fit in. Later on, then yes social groups form when adults influence a sense of ego, and it evolves.

Ego- is a horrible thing because its disguised as your own occurance. When in fact it takes over you, often without you even realising that ITS in control, and NOT you.

Thats what happens to adults, thats why they are so negative, because their ego wants to stay in control, and it enforces that control at every chance it gets. "Dont' run! wtf? you want to look like an embicile?!" Im in control, im you ego! I tell you how to fit in! you have to do what I say!

Where as a child doesnt have that sense, he thinks "weee runing is fun! hahaha wind is blowing in my hair! hehehehehe!" and hes not acting like an idiot, because hes not ACTING, hes being REAL.

Mostly children are the only ones who stay REAL, but it doesnt mean that only they can. YOU can be the alpha-male, not you ego. You just have to stop beings influenced by it, and then you'll be a great, REAL, DJ.