I've noticed as of late that there seems to be a flood of information rushing into this site. It has come to the point where one must carefully pick and choose what they will incorporate into thier continuing evolution as a DJ. If you were to take everything you read it simply overload your mind and you'd be stuck in "analysis paralysis." I talked earlier about the goals and laws of being a Don Juan. This being how you conduct yourself and how you should go about achieving certain aspects you desire. The elders of this site will tell you to pratice certain skills until they become natural. But you ask "With all these knew techinques and ideas, how I become a natural if I have to keep relearning things?" Some of you report that once you undertake these new techinques and ideas, your once slack activities burst to life. You then claim with some pride that, you are now a natural at this. But, eventually the new things become old and your back at square one, until the next big thing comes along and starst things up again. Things continue like this in a cyclic pattern, and you are forced to wonder why its seems at one moment your a natural and the next not.
I know you're saying "Well Grey Fox, thanks for noticing there is a cycle to whats been going with these 'hot' and 'cold' streaks we are having. So whats the news here?
The news my friends is that I believe I know why there is a cycle occuring and how it might be broken, or at least understood and harnessed for better results. The fact is when a new tip comes out and it seems to work like a cure all, its not the tip it's you thats actually working like a cure all. You see when you are in a 'cold period,' emotions, desires, needs and what not build up a bit.(Let's face it when your getting some on a regular basis, you wouldn't care if Rome was burning) So you seek to end this 'cold streak,' and so you come here to scour this forum in hopes that Anti-Dump, Pook and the rest of the elders you hold in awe bring you a new tip or peep talk to put things right again. So after you recieve your epiphany you rush out and viola, you got a number, you got a date, and dare I say a good morning kiss from a most satisfied woman. But after a while the advice loses its power for some reason and you have no number, no date, and you wake not to kiss but a swore hand. You come running back her and demand an answer for what has happened, why your seemingly inexstinguishable fire has gone out. The elders and others will answer as best they can, but no one fully knows why such things happen, or why they do not happen to the elders like Pook and Anti-Dump and the rest. They can't quiet put their finger on it but there is something missing from your lessons you should have picked up; there is still some answer yet to be expounded upon. On that note I shall hasten to the point.
The reason why these cycles occur is because when your emotions, desires and what not has built up you seek to satiate them. You speed here to find someway of making it easier to do so. You take this "Golden Tip," put in your pocket and beguile some young woman and you both satisfy each others needs. The reason this happens is because of said build up your far more concerned with getting to the end result than ensuring the mechanics of the tip are followed through to the T. There is nothing wrong with cutting corners, and you don't care at that time because you have other things on your mind.(Please note that this doesn't mean you going rushing upon some poor woman with a crazed look in your eye and desperation on your breath.) What I mean is that at this point your are at your most simpliest form, you have tapped into the rawest part of human nature. You desire pleasure, you desire sex and you tailor your actions to achieve your desires, this is where that mysterious power to seduce women comes from. They are taken by the very fact that your every move, action and word places them in the presence of that raw human nature, one they cannot resist either. Remember women can want it just as bad as men. But what happens when those raw desires are meet and satisfied, well they no longer drive you, and your left to think, or overthink as I should say. You worry about mechanics, you worry about pick up lines, or the stratgem that will best will conquer the heart of the one you seek. You lose that simplicity, and you become an overthinking man of this day and age, your desires are dormant, and you have no true driving power that you first had when you sought to end your 'cold streak.' Congratulations your now back to being an AFC until your inner DJ overpowers you again and seeks out a woman that pleases his taste, ego and body. Simply put, the real Don Juan was simple in the fact he knew what he wanted. He did not mess around like the men around him paralized by thought, philosphy, society, Don Juan embraced the fact that certain things in life were pleasurable, namely women, and he wanted to have as much pleasure as he could from the women that caught his fancy. So when you go out this weekend or anytime to the bars, clubs and other places which you seek the company of a woman. Be honest about what you want, that being sex. There is nothing wrong or desperate about admiting(to yourself) what you want. Through simplicity comes the ability to be natural because in the simple state of being a DJ you know what you want, you don't thrash about like an AFC. From that you come off as natural and that empowers you of men and women who are caught from doing one thing to the next that society has planned out for them. I don't know what it is, but being simple in desire, and other things frees you and allows you to transcend the heavy amount of games men and women play with each other. Keep in mind you will still play some games, but your games will end quickly and to your satisfaction.
The best thing I can suggest to you, now that I have to you it is best to be simple is to remind yourself that each time you seek a woman it is not some mechanical miracle tip that helps you. Women find a mechanical approach just as disatisfing as an AFC. If women wanted mechanics then man would have died off to be replaced by the vibrator. So be simple, and let your instincts and common sense guide you once you have learned the basics. Then come back here and tell what you have learned to aid others in their evolutionary process till one day they too realise the power of simplicity.
-Grey Fox
I know you're saying "Well Grey Fox, thanks for noticing there is a cycle to whats been going with these 'hot' and 'cold' streaks we are having. So whats the news here?
The news my friends is that I believe I know why there is a cycle occuring and how it might be broken, or at least understood and harnessed for better results. The fact is when a new tip comes out and it seems to work like a cure all, its not the tip it's you thats actually working like a cure all. You see when you are in a 'cold period,' emotions, desires, needs and what not build up a bit.(Let's face it when your getting some on a regular basis, you wouldn't care if Rome was burning) So you seek to end this 'cold streak,' and so you come here to scour this forum in hopes that Anti-Dump, Pook and the rest of the elders you hold in awe bring you a new tip or peep talk to put things right again. So after you recieve your epiphany you rush out and viola, you got a number, you got a date, and dare I say a good morning kiss from a most satisfied woman. But after a while the advice loses its power for some reason and you have no number, no date, and you wake not to kiss but a swore hand. You come running back her and demand an answer for what has happened, why your seemingly inexstinguishable fire has gone out. The elders and others will answer as best they can, but no one fully knows why such things happen, or why they do not happen to the elders like Pook and Anti-Dump and the rest. They can't quiet put their finger on it but there is something missing from your lessons you should have picked up; there is still some answer yet to be expounded upon. On that note I shall hasten to the point.
The reason why these cycles occur is because when your emotions, desires and what not has built up you seek to satiate them. You speed here to find someway of making it easier to do so. You take this "Golden Tip," put in your pocket and beguile some young woman and you both satisfy each others needs. The reason this happens is because of said build up your far more concerned with getting to the end result than ensuring the mechanics of the tip are followed through to the T. There is nothing wrong with cutting corners, and you don't care at that time because you have other things on your mind.(Please note that this doesn't mean you going rushing upon some poor woman with a crazed look in your eye and desperation on your breath.) What I mean is that at this point your are at your most simpliest form, you have tapped into the rawest part of human nature. You desire pleasure, you desire sex and you tailor your actions to achieve your desires, this is where that mysterious power to seduce women comes from. They are taken by the very fact that your every move, action and word places them in the presence of that raw human nature, one they cannot resist either. Remember women can want it just as bad as men. But what happens when those raw desires are meet and satisfied, well they no longer drive you, and your left to think, or overthink as I should say. You worry about mechanics, you worry about pick up lines, or the stratgem that will best will conquer the heart of the one you seek. You lose that simplicity, and you become an overthinking man of this day and age, your desires are dormant, and you have no true driving power that you first had when you sought to end your 'cold streak.' Congratulations your now back to being an AFC until your inner DJ overpowers you again and seeks out a woman that pleases his taste, ego and body. Simply put, the real Don Juan was simple in the fact he knew what he wanted. He did not mess around like the men around him paralized by thought, philosphy, society, Don Juan embraced the fact that certain things in life were pleasurable, namely women, and he wanted to have as much pleasure as he could from the women that caught his fancy. So when you go out this weekend or anytime to the bars, clubs and other places which you seek the company of a woman. Be honest about what you want, that being sex. There is nothing wrong or desperate about admiting(to yourself) what you want. Through simplicity comes the ability to be natural because in the simple state of being a DJ you know what you want, you don't thrash about like an AFC. From that you come off as natural and that empowers you of men and women who are caught from doing one thing to the next that society has planned out for them. I don't know what it is, but being simple in desire, and other things frees you and allows you to transcend the heavy amount of games men and women play with each other. Keep in mind you will still play some games, but your games will end quickly and to your satisfaction.
The best thing I can suggest to you, now that I have to you it is best to be simple is to remind yourself that each time you seek a woman it is not some mechanical miracle tip that helps you. Women find a mechanical approach just as disatisfing as an AFC. If women wanted mechanics then man would have died off to be replaced by the vibrator. So be simple, and let your instincts and common sense guide you once you have learned the basics. Then come back here and tell what you have learned to aid others in their evolutionary process till one day they too realise the power of simplicity.
-Grey Fox