I have been reading and studying this site for years. One point that I have come across is that "pride" is considered a good trait to have to obtain these dream girls we all want. I bought into this tactic and tried it out for a few years. I got laid on multiple occasions and it was great. I was the "GREAT CATCH" and I thought I was something else. One day I woke up next to a girl and I realized I wasn't happy and wanted something that was pure and real. I was tired of these fake relationships with hot girls. The games got the point of no return. I would think so much about every move and plan out ahead of time my moves that it got ridiculous. Like I stated earlier I was getting laid but I was not happy. Happiness is not external it is internal and this I have come to learn. One day I got tired of all these tactics with women and wanted to figure out the real me and not a fake me to try to get these hot girls. It is really funny how things work and I really hope this story helps yall out. Well I was hanging out with a buddy one day and he started talking about the bible. I went home that night and instead of studying how to approach girls at bars, I opened the bible. I read and I read and I learned alot about this book. I started linking what I learned to the world and what I have learned from this site. I will tell you one thing pride will make you unhappy. Being prideful is directly correlated with ego and to achieve happiness the ego must be gone completely. After realizing that pride was taking away my happiness, I started researching the topic of Humility. Humility is not exactly what most people think it is. Humility is based on your true, realistic self esteem. It is not an inflated opinion of yourself nor a delfated opinion of yourself. You are what you are and this has helped me out drastically. I am a fairly good looking guy and for years I would depend on other peoples opinion to decide my worth and my self esteem. If they thought I was hot stuff my self esteem would be high. If they thought I was ugly my self esteem would be low. Humility teaches to view yourself accurately and in a "sober" manner. I started looking at myself in a realistic manner and realized that I was an attractive guy who has alot going for him. I also realized that any girl would be lucky to get me because I was now different from the crowd. I went to a bar to test out what I learned in the Bible and wow is all I can say. I do not drink or smoke but I was invited to go out for my buddies bday and I seized the opportunity. Having a accurate view of myself and not thinking I was the best or "no one was above me" gave me a sense of happiness. I was free to be myself and say what was true to me. That night I ended up getting two numbers from beautiful girls and not only that but the conversations I had with the were undescribable. I was so used to approaching girls with the intent of sleeping with them. I now do not have sex with girls and I am committing to myself to wait until marraige. This coming from a guy who has a past. The convos I had with these girls were real and we connected on a level that I have never done with a girl before. Instead of spitting so called game we talked about real stuff and I could tell they really appreciated it. This new found humility lead me to talk to them about their lives because I actually cared. I wasn't being a selfish being who wanted to have sex. I wanted to get to know them as people and not an Item. Humility is a great topic and the bible has some great answers. Hopefully yall can give me some advice on this topic and we can chime in on something that has true meaning to life. rue happiness is internal not external. Thanks guys.