The Alpha Male

De La Soul

Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2002
Reaction score
It's a badly-kept secret.
Gentlemen, welcome to the Alpha Male. Please leave all femininity at the door.


Firstly, it is important to know what we are talking about when we say "Alpha Male". Well, the definition is: "The dominant or highest ranking male in a social group of animals."

The Alpha Males of our society are the heroes. They will never go out of fashion. They have looks, style and immense confidence, all adding up to that confident swagger which only comes from a dominant male. One of the most common quick definitions of the Alpha Male is "a man's man". A man who is comfortable with his masculinity. They are oftne muscular-looking, with a wide jaw, and prominent facial features, such as a strong nose and "cut-glass" cheekbones. The most obvious examples of the image of Alpha Males are stars like George Clooney, Cary Grant, and Brad Pitt.

At any party or social situation it will be obvious who the Alpha Male (or Alpha Males) are, to start with, he will have the attention of the room focused on him. As soon as an Alpha Male walks into a bar, fifty sets of eyes will follow him, almost equally divided between male and female. He will has the respect of the room as soon as he walks in. The first reason for this is usually his looks; often tall, well dressed, good looking, yet still not over confident, the Alpha Male is easy to spot.

However the Alpha Males is not only dependent on his looks . He has many very obvious attributes and characteristics, which all result in him being at the top of the pecking order, the leaders of the pack.
Here are the traits of an Alpha Male: (Think Tyler Durden in Fight Club)

The Alpha male feels that he is entitled to possess whatever he desires. He will often be seen walking into a social situation and immediately helping himself to food, territory and women. He does so with such confidence that he is rarely challenged.
In other words, he knows he is "the man" and he acts the part.

He is the centre of attention. He has the charisma to draw others to him, both male and female. He does not try (too hard) to impress people; he doesn't really care what others think of him because he knows he is the alpha male.

Usually intimidating to look at, the Alpha Male is often large, strong, walks with a confident strut, has a straight back, and a direct gaze.

Alpha Males often make good politicians because of their powers of persuasiveness, charm and ambition. He knows how to network. He will know how to listen, but even more obviously, people will listen to him. People respect him because he respects himself. People listen to him because they respect him.

He will extravagantly showcase his attributes. Alpha Male chimpanzees will strut with their hair standing on end, rip up vegetation and put on charging displays. Similarly, a human alpha male will be free with his money, take food from others' plates, and will willingly fight in the unlikely event that anyone has the courage to challenge his supremacy.

The animal Alpha Male is prepared to put his life on the line for his family and never shirks from the challenge of solving conflict. He is full of nobility and valor. The human alpha male has the same qualities.

The Alpha Male makes the rules and breaks the rules. He sits how he wants to sit, he laughs when he wants to laugh, he talks about what he wants to talk about. He does whatever HE WANTS whenever he wants.

The traits of "Beta" males (i.e. the rest of them) include: TRYING TOO HARD (the Beta Male will often try to overcompensate for what he lacks by being overaggressive or too eager to impress). SUCKING UP (the Beta Male will often travel around with a bunch of other wannabes sucking up to the Alpha Male. They will do anything to curry favor). IMITATION OF ALPHA MALE (Beta Males attempt to emulate the Alpha. They will also assist him and flatter him). NERVOUS (Beta Males will be careful not to draw attention to themselves and to be sure not to offend the Alpha Males). Unlike the alpha male, the beta male CARES WHAT OTHERS THINK and therefore tries way too hard. He ends up looking like the wannabe schmuck that he is.

All up, the figure of the Alpha Male is the spearhead of society. He feels entitled to take what he wants (he knows he's the man), he is popular (through his charisma), he takes pride in his appearance, he has good people skills, he is flamboyant, and he is brave.

[This message has been edited by De La Soul (edited 05-25-2002).]


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2001
Reaction score
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Great post De La Soul.
It´s a great article about attitude.
Basically, do what you wanna do, no matter what other think about it.
So you think you´ll look cool after shaving your head? Go ahead and try it. Just be cautious about neo-nazis trying to reclute you though.

"In doing good, avoid notoriety; in doing evil, avoid self-awareness" Duncan Idaho, Mentat (Dune).

"I can imagine a perfect world, a world without hate, a world without war. Then I can imagine us attacking that world
because they'd never expect it." --Jack Handey's "Deep Thoughts"

De La Soul

Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2002
Reaction score
It's a badly-kept secret.
Originally posted by Aiken_Drum:
Great post De La Soul.
It´s a great article about attitude.
Basically, do what you wanna do, no matter what other think about it.
So you think you´ll look cool after shaving your head? Go ahead and try it. Just be cautious about neo-nazis trying to reclute you though.
That's exactly right, Aiken! This article is for those who need to learn to be a dominant male, an independent thinker. Bump.

Cinical Optimist

Don Juan
Apr 20, 2002
Reaction score
Whiting, Indiana, United States
Hey Boys...

Great post De La Soul...
I am the Alpha Male in the making. I have dominated my work place as the Alpha Male... now I'm working it into my personal life as well. The Alpha Male does not settle for anything below his standards. The Alpha Male is "The Man"

Cinical Optimist

De La Soul

Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2002
Reaction score
It's a badly-kept secret.


Don Juan
May 17, 2002
Reaction score
I am THE Alpha Male. Lesser men look up to
my ultimate supremeness and all woman feel honoured by my very presence. muhaahahaha.
I have total control.

Nine Breaker

Senior Don Juan
Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Nice post DLS, good job.

Here is a link to a lengthy discussion about the Alpha Male that took place some time ago:

Happy reading.

Since the moment of your birth, you have been destined to die. Nothing you can ever do will change this from happening.

However, you CAN change what will happen from now until then, but only if you dare to try.



Don Juan
Jan 30, 2001
Reaction score
Hoe do u know for sure that u are the Alpha male????????? Sometimes I think I am.

I was wandering, u mentioned alpha males as actors. But what about rap or Hip- Hop stars that dress or should I say Thugg out.
For example, would Nelly, Or Snoop Dogg be considered as Alpha-males? They get the ladies, but maybe because of their money.

De La Soul

Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2002
Reaction score
It's a badly-kept secret.
Originally posted by Rammsteindude1:
Hoe do u 0know for sure that u are the Alpha male????????? Sometimes I think I am.
You will know when you become the alpha male. It is EASY to spot the alpha male in virtually any situation; he's the one who is strutting around like he owns the world (an most people treat him like he owns the world), he is popular, he talks to almost everyone, EVERYONE KNOWS WHO HE IS, he is often good looking, he will often have his own "style" or he might simply do everyday things a bit differently from how everyone else does them but with complete self confidence, he is flamboyant, he is brave, and he is often good looking. You will KNOW if you are the alpha male.

I was wandering, u mentioned alpha males as actors. But what about rap or Hip- Hop stars that dress or should I say Thugg out.
For example, would Nelly, Or Snoop Dogg be considered as Alpha-males? They get the ladies, but maybe because of their money.
It's hard to know if famous people were alpha males before they became famous but often the fact that they are alpha males is a contributing factor to their fame. For hip hop stars I would say most of them are probably alpha males. Even if it is just because of their money, which gives them confidence, which can give them many of the traits that go with being an alpha male.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2002
Reaction score
Land of confusion
just to clarify that george clooney isn't tall...that's mean short guys can be alpha male too...(cause i am not tall)


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2003
Reaction score
you're right

Being tall helps, at least if you're asian. Cause I'm like 6'2 and that's pretty rare where I'm from. So when I walk into a restaurant with my entourage of asian friends ranging from 5'2-5'8 I am always leading the way. I enter first, I walk in the middle and I command my boys. I clearly survey the surroundings and decide where I want to go.

Example: When my friends and I are in the restaurant one of my friends suggests we sit at the closest seats possible, I say "Nah forget that, lets sit in the booth back there," and I lead the way, they follow suit.

Being tall gets you noticed a lot more as well, so long as you're not slouching.


Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2001
Reaction score
Nottingham, England.
I have no problem in general with alpha males that are the envy of others because of there skill, intellect, charisma, insight etc due to natural talents, hard work practise etc.

But I do have a problem with alpha males that only have brute force on there side, these are the greatest example of the weak that you will ever find.

I am becoming an alpha male, there is still a way to go, but I am being noticed as changing.

But I will always be me, I will not exploit, abuse or threaten to get my way, that is not the way I ever want to be.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Originally posted by Nine Breaker
Nice post DLS, good job.

Here is a link to a lengthy discussion about the Alpha Male that took place some time ago:

Happy reading.

this is a dead link now, does anyone know if its still around someplace?

btw DLS great post, thats the ALPHA to a T


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2001
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
In my piano class of about 15 students, I'm one of three guys (the other two are freshmen), and reading that, I thought, wow! in that class I certainly am the Alpha Male! The description you gave fitted me to a T!

Unfortunately, the class is rather lacking in hotties. :rolleyes:

And I have yet to be an Alpha Male in many other situations, mainly because I have a rather hard time joining conversation. I'm working on it, though.

Great post!



Alpha/Beta Males

I think the whole Alpha/Beta males thing is neat. My question is, are there layers of alpha males and beta males? In other words, you have Bob, Chuck, Jeremy, Tom and William. Is it possible for William to be an alpha male to Tom who is an alpha male to Chuck who is an alpha male to Jeremy who is an alpha male to Bob? Thereby making William the ultimate alpha male and Bob the ultimate beta male?


Jun 16, 2000
Reaction score
Toms River,NJ United States
I enjoyed the post, but who wants to go through life constantly wondering if "they are the alpha male"? Well, Am I an Alpha Male ti this person, person or so and so? Just respect yourself, speak your mind and stand up for yourself....none of this Alpha Male crap!

From that post, the Alpha male almost sounds like an arrogant *******. The Alpha male seems bossy, thinks he is better than everyone else and thinks his **** does not think.

De La Soul

Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2002
Reaction score
It's a badly-kept secret.
Don't be a jerk, be real.

Originally posted by mahon83050
I enjoyed the post, but who wants to go through life constantly wondering if "they are the alpha male"? Well, Am I an Alpha Male ti this person, person or so and so? Just respect yourself, speak your mind and stand up for yourself....none of this Alpha Male crap!

From that post, the Alpha male almost sounds like an arrogant *******. The Alpha male seems bossy, thinks he is better than everyone else and thinks his **** does not think.
I agree with you. I don't want to go through life constantly wondering if the alpha male. And I don't. I don't really care if I'm seen as The Alpha Male any more. Why? Mainly because my pick-up style has developed beyond the charge-in-and-be-confident stage. I'm now more interested in chatting, getting women to open up, speaking my mind, being honest with myself and with everyone else as much as is humanly possible for me. Sound familiar? Yeah, I think this is quite similar to your "just respect yourself, speak your mind and stand up for yourself."

I actually believe that I've become more "alpha" than ever, just through doing those things.

There are different types of alphas. REAL alphas are rarely just arrogant, bossy and condescending. That's a jerk, an insecure guy.

In my opinoin, real alphas display three basic qualities: comfort, strength, and the ability to be simultaneously fun and sexy with girls. Let me put this is perspective... you've just started to talk a new girl, you're feeling comfortable talking, your voice isn't shaking and you're not looking for ways out of the conversation, nor are you looking for ways to prolong the conversation for more than its natural life. You're being strong, not in a physical sense, but in the sense that you're standing by your beliefs and values, even if she doesn't share them (although often you'll get so good at talking, and justifying your values that you'll see that chicks come around to your point of view quickly). And you're being fun and sexy, because just as some guy tries to butt in on the conversation and ****block you, you introduce him (in a pompous accent) as "My good friend, Sigfried, a chess enthusiast and online Dungeons and Dragons champion", and then proceed to share a laugh with the girl and add some nice touchy feely stuff (kino). The would-be, jerk (not alpha) ****blocker is left confused and stung as you and the girl walk off, after you whisper "Let's get away from the Dungeons and Dragons crowd and go somewhere more private where we can talk."

Wow. That was an ideal picture, obviously, but that sort of sh*t does happen. And when you can pull it off, you won't be wondering "I wonder if I'm seen as alpha..." You'll be knowing that you're going to be getting some play, you may have met a potential LTR, and trust me, if you can speak your mind honestly and comfortably, you'll be seen as alpha by a lot of guys. Not jerk alpha, but real alpha.


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
Similarly, a human alpha male will be free with his money, take food from others' plates, and will willingly fight in the unlikely event that anyone has the courage to challenge his supremacy.
Funny that you should mention this. I had a friend who talks the talk but never walks the walk - stick his fork in my food at this social gathering and eat some of my food > I said hey Dlck, choke on it. I thought it was a queer thing to do. Are you being serious about that by the way? I've known this guy for 20 years- huge inflated ego. Everyone laughs at this poor guy and they know he is full of shlt, he'll always be that guy- very far from an alpha male. In fact, he's kind of a fruit masked in false masculinity. BTW- the money and the fighting describe this guy perfectly.
