The Age...What Age is old?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 19, 2007
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Yea so im 23 years old, going to b 24 this sept. I hear from alot of ppl that mid 20's is old, or 30. When i was younger like 16 i thought 20's was old. Now that im in my 20's i dont think so n still feel really young. Some ppl think mid 30's is old, dont really think so eitha.

Wat age do u think is for ur prime, and wat age do u think u should b to have a wife,kids,ur life together wit a good job, out of ur mom house, etc.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
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ok what age do you consider one to be a "grown man" meaning should not be living with mom and dad and should be mature and "adult" having a job a paying for everything himself?

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
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Here's the way it is.

I'm 31 now.

When I was 24/25 I started college and I felt really OLD.

I felt like everyone else there was like way younger than me and none of the hot college women would be interested in me.

A few years went by and I got better with my game. When I was 28/29 I was dating 19/20 year olds.

Age is irrelevant. It's all about confidence and self image.

Right now I'm dating a 25 year old and she is crazy in love with me. Funny thing is she wouldn't have wanted anything to do with me 10 years ago. I'm so much more of a man now then I was then. I was a timid boy in my early 20s.

Don't underestimate yourself. And don't let other peoples' insecurities about their age project onto you. Sometimes on myspace my friends who I went to high school with fill out surveys and whine about getting old. My response to them is always "gee, sorry you got old" ;)

You truly are as young as you feel. Age is just a number. Maturity is what counts.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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YoungSir4sho said:
Yea so im 23 years old, going to b 24 this sept. I hear from alot of ppl that mid 20's is old, or 30. When i was younger like 16 i thought 20's was old. Now that im in my 20's i dont think so n still feel really young. Some ppl think mid 30's is old, dont really think so eitha.

Wat age do u think is for ur prime, and wat age do u think u should b to have a wife,kids,ur life together wit a good job, out of ur mom house, etc.
i think its safe to say you have entered a new 'age' zone when you don't feel you can do certain activities you did before.

so when hanging out with 18 year olds feels silly, then you are pasted that age zone.

in terms of what is actually old. your testosterone starts to decline in your 30s, if your going to lose your hair odds are the process is well underway in your 30s, most people are married and buying a home by their 30s, etc.

when i was 30 i felt old, but didn't feel different, if that makes sense.

now that im 33 i feel very different than when i was in my twenties. its like that part of my life is over and im at the starting point of the next phase of my life.

so to me, you aren't old in your 30s BUT you are at the starting point of getting old.

50 is kind of the midway point of being old.

and 60 is old. after 60 theres less road ahead than there is behind you (unless you live to be 120 that is).

i think also that at 60 you've lived a life. you probably arent going to have kids anymore. your career is almost over. your body is wrinkled and sort of tired.

but having said all of that, mentally you don't ever have to get old. i mean, at 60 you still have more years left to live than kurt cobain or heath ledger etc.

if you knew you were going to die at 28, then you'd technically be ancient at the age of 27, since you'd have already lived 95% of your life.

so feeling old when you are 30 is kind of dumb since you don't know. you might have a year left to live, or you might have 60 years left.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
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San Francisco
Age is a mindset from what I've seen.

I have family members in their 50's that party like their in their 20's.

And the opposite applies to. This of course is in regards to mindset, physical appearance is really dependent on how well you took care of yourself.

But, what the hell do I know, I'm a 20 something. Barely.

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
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Bro, I'd by lying if I said I've never gotten depressed or even panicked about the fact that I'm aging and am X years from being 30, but as far as getting older, just be glad you're a guy and not a girl. We indisputably have the upper hand when it comes to aging.

The only thing that really bothers me about physically aging, more than any superficial stuff, is the fact that I feel tired a lot more than I used to even a few years ago. Now it's not uncommon at all for me to feel like I wanna go to bed at 10:30 on a friday night, which makes it hard to stay up really late and be social. I used to be able to stay up as much as I wanted without ever feeling it. That's definitely one thing I miss about myself from my college years. And I already eat well, exercise and get moderately good sleep, so I don't see where there's much room for improvement. I started taking coq10 pills daily last week, so I'll see after a while if that helps any.


Don Juan
Apr 16, 2007
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The 20s is young. I was having wet dreams into the mid-20s.

At age 30, you're a "runner", but you're still young since alot of people look young and still get carded in their 30s and don't have any major health issues. "Runners" had to be marked on the hand since their appearance isn't a reliable indicator of their advancing age. When I was in my early 30s, alot of people, including young people, thought I was under 21.

40s is the Al Bundy years, though if you take care of yourself, you don't have to look like Al Bundy. Your metabolism slows, and you can gain 5 pounds from eating a slice of pizza (whereas you used to eat a whole pizza and LOSE 5 pounds as a teenager).

Age 50 is the black cake. You're no longer a spring chicken, and hopefully not a virgin or still living with your parents (except as a caretaker).


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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Master Bates said:
Bro, I'd by lying if I said I've never gotten depressed or even panicked about the fact that I'm aging and am X years from being 30, but as far as getting older, just be glad you're a guy and not a girl. We indisputably have the upper hand when it comes to aging.

The only thing that really bothers me about physically aging, more than any superficial stuff, is the fact that I feel tired a lot more than I used to even a few years ago. Now it's not uncommon at all for me to feel like I wanna go to bed at 10:30 on a friday night, which makes it hard to stay up really late and be social. I used to be able to stay up as much as I wanted without ever feeling it. That's definitely one thing I miss about myself from my college years. And I already eat well, exercise and get moderately good sleep, so I don't see where there's much room for improvement. I started taking coq10 pills daily last week, so I'll see after a while if that helps any.

pshhh... i still keep the same hours i did when i was younger. if anything its easier when you get older. when i was younger i had school all day and then worked until 10pm. working a 9-5 and getting mad cash is 1000 times easier.

im also physically stronger at 33 than i was at 23. the me now could whip the old me's *ss no problem.

i saw stallone on UFC this week being interviewed. damn that dude is in shape. he's what, 60? he could kick my *ss no problem i bet.


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
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A good friend of mine always tells me you never have to get old unless you want to.

I used to think that was a cliche' when I was in my early 20s, but it really is true. My boss is near 40, and he goes out with me and my friends all the time (we're all 20 somethings). He speaks our language and fits right in.

I wouldn't stress man. I'm 25 and I just hung out with my neighbors all night. They're all college kids who range from ages 20-24, with most being around 21. I fit in fine with them. Physical aging is unavoidable, but mental aging is a choice.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
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Age is based on time, which means it's just a perception.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 19, 2007
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True, I also ffel like im goin to play videogames n do the stuff i luv to do like play basketball till im like 60 and above lol. It is just a mind thing cuz i still hang out wit 18year old n older. I mean im only 23 so yea i was jus wonderin wat was old to most ppl


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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I'm 36 going on 23. What's the problem???


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2004
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I think it depends on your definition of "old". Kids in middle school think I'm old and I just turned 26. My dad says I'm still young and he's 56. I remember when I was just out of high school for a couple of years and entering my Jr. year of college I began to think I was getting old. I could tell my hair was thinning a little and I could now drink w/out worrying about getting caught. It was like my life had suddenly changed. Now I almost "feel" younger then I did back then because I view my life as looking ahead and seeing 50 yrs instead of looking back and saying "man i've been out of high school now XX number of yrs."


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2005
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WHATEVER AGE YOU ARE, add 10 years!
That's what you think is old, probably.
But it isn't.
You feel outdated before you feel old.