The 5 quick truths to being a man

Don Corleone

Don Juan
Oct 15, 2004
Reaction score
Sin Town
Truth #1: "Whatever comes, walk like a man"
In life, people are always testing people. In order to understand this, we must simply accept it. Women test eachother by seeing who looks better when they go out, or who gets hit on more. For us guys, it is a whole different situation.

When two guys lock eyes, it is on. Sometimes, guys will go as far as fighting, simply for staring at one another...

I'm not saying for you to go and stare down every guy you see, but if it comes down to it, sometimes you just gotta fight. And if you are willing to fight another guy for simply locking eyes with you, then why would you take sh!t from some female who disrespects you.

When a man walks around, his presence is felt. He isn't going to take stuff from anyone.

In any situation, a man needs to react with authority and thought. Rushing into a burning building in order to prove ones bravery is more stupid than not doing anything at all. Men need to react like a man in any situation.

Don't be afraid of confrontation. You wouldn't let another man talk crap about you to your face would you? No, even if you got your @ss beat, you would still stick up for yourself. Women are no different. If a woman p!sses you off, you tell her what is up, and you confront her. If you are mad enough, NEXT...

Truth #2: "Just Do It" - A phrase to live your life by.
Whenever I, or anyone in general second guesses themself, it is obvious what the answer is.... JUST DO IT! ex) I'm tired, should I go to the gym today? -JUST DO IT. Quit your b!tching and just do it. ex)hmmm...I should go approach that girl, but what if she rejects me? -JUST DO IT.

If you are second guessing yourself about something, then it is obviously something that can be physically or mentally done.

Truth #3: "Accept the things you cannot change, have courage to change the things you can, and have the wisdom to know the difference"....AND DON'T B!TCH

Men don't sit there and whine about things. They either A) live with it, or B)Change what is wrong.

Men don't talk sh!t about eachother, their friends, their women, anyone. If you are mad enough to talk sh!t about someone, then you obviously need to confront them about it. If you don't, then you aren't solving any problems, you are still just as upset about the issue, and the person you are talking stuff about doesn't know what is wrong.

Truth #4: Like it or not, what you look like matters..."IN LIFE, YOU ONLY GET WHAT YOU PUT IN"

Anyone reading this who isn't at least satisfied with themself when they look in the mirror should be doing something. I don't care if you are ugly, skinny, fat, nerdy, should be hitting the gym everyday.

Regardless of what you look like, your body should be in good shape. Why would a good looking girl, who has a bangin body want to be with some skinny/fat/weak guy? Look at it from the girls point of view. Imagine yourself as a girl, would you want to date yourself? What do you have to offer? YOUR BODY NEEDS TO BE UNDER CONTROL, SIMPLE AS THAT. GET OFF YOUR A$$.

Do you want to know why alpha males walk around all slowly like they own the place? Because they can't walk fast. They are too damn sore from working out. And when they are not sore from working out, they know that they are strong, because they DO work out, and if anyone messes with them, then they will walk like a man, handle it like a man, and if necessary, fight like a man. If they win, then they win, if they lose, they still fought like a man.

Truth #5: Confidence is NOT an attitude. It is NOT a mood. It is NOT how you feel after you get a new pair of shoes. CONFIDENCE IS A WAY OF LIFE.

Confidence is the combination of all things in your life. It is a lifestyle. If one is not satisfied with something about themself, then how could they be confident?

Men take out the trash confident. They know that whatever happens, whatever comes, whatever they do, they can handle the situation.

Every normal daily activity is done with confidence. You can't just try to turn on your confidence when you see a HB. She will recognise you as a poser INSTANTLY. You need to be confident all the time, in every aspect of your life.

If you are unconfident with your body, then work out. If you are unconfident about your job, then change jobs, or get an education.

When alpha males wake up, they are confident. When they take out the trash, they are confident. When they do anything, they are confident.

Truth #6(Bonus): "Shoot for the moon, and if you don't make it your still among the stars"
Did you notice that I hardly mentioned females throughout this whole post? If you memorize lines, you might get laid once or twice. But if you work on yourself, and are happy with yourself, then youve already won the game.

If you put your happiness into the hands of a woman, then you can NEVER be truly happy. As men, we have to live our lives to the best of our ability. Women are like a new hat, they are cool to use for a few months, until it is time to get a new one. Regardless of the woman with you, your the only one you can trust.

If you get your life in order, and are happy with yourself, then women will be automatically be attracted to you. You will automatically be more attractive. You have your sh!t together.

Just being on this site, and wanting to get help with your life puts you a head above the rest of the guys out there. They judge their happiness on how many women they get, you will now judge your happiness on how you live your life.

Perfection, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I try to live my life to perfection in my eyes. I want to be perfect for myself and for my own happiness. You my friend, should do the same. Hold yourself to higher standards than you hold anyone.

I hope this post didn't jump around too much. What are you doing tomorrow? Going to the gym I hope. Getting your life to where you want it to be I hope. Doing whatever it is that makes you happy I hope. I for one, will be perfect.In order to be happy with yourself, us men need to make sure we don't back down to women OR men.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
Nice post.

Real confidence sets a person apart from the masses. And women can tell fake confidence a mile away.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
When two guys lock eyes, it is on. I was in the bank today making a few deposits, when this guy and I locked eyes. We sat there and stared at eachother until we were either going to fight, or one would back down.

This is the most entertaining post I've read in a while Don, thanks for the laugh. If you really wanted to get your message across, you should have just gotten up and thrown him a couple of quick jabs and finished him off with a right hook. How DARE he look at you, the nerve of some people. LOL


Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
oh man the bonus one was awesome, shoot for the moon and if you dont make it, you are still among the stars......if everybody got that would have no reason to be inferior...

Hey buddy I just wanted to add, that I am so excited that you are getting and understanding and ending your days of AFC ness....I just wanted to point out...

in lesson one.....haha, when you are really having success.....some guys will envy you and try to start some ****, laugh and mock dont need to walk around all tough and everything....your only requirement...that you continue encourageing your fellow mates and kept being the happy don juan you are........when guys tease you, just laugh it off, never take them seriously or become sensitive about them, just keep, if someone is about to kick your azz, and you know it, then you get the upper hand first, aight, keep it up buddy!

Don Corleone

Don Juan
Oct 15, 2004
Reaction score
Sin Town
Thanks Pvssy, your right. For the last year or so, I have dealt with a lot of Haters in my life. People that envy me for actually being better than the average 19 y/o. I have lost a lot of friends, and almost gotton into a few fights. At first, I was sad and confused about this, but then I realised that with great success comes a lot of jealous and angry people.

Player-Haters are all around us, and Ive now realized that if someone who you thought was your friend starts to hate on you, then he was never truly a friend. I now NEXT him like i would a b!tch.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score

true post to some extent...

I dont know about where you guys are from but round my end if you start beef with one man, you better be ready to fight him and 20 of his boyz. Thats how it goes here. Sure you can be strong all you want but if you havent got boyz behind your back then your gonna get stomped all over. If one of us fights, then ALL of us fight, simple as.




Don Juan
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Mistake by the Lake
Well put. I'd like to add another one.

STAY COOL. This one is implied by both #1 and #5, but it should mentioned explicitly. Put in other ways, "Don't lose your head," "Keep your wits about you," or "Don't stress out."

Confident people can get stressed like anyone else, but if you know how to manage stress, then you'll get through any crisis that much more easily. Keeping a cool head in a crisis also pays dividends. Other men will defer to you as the alpha, and it could make women swoon with lust for you. Ha ha, well, maybe they won't swoon, but being confident and coolheaded is more attractive than just being confident.

Don Corleone

Don Juan
Oct 15, 2004
Reaction score
Sin Town
yeah I agree. The ability to keep a cool head in todays world is a very good quality to have. I can remember a few years back, some guy was talking sh!t to my girl, and I rushed to where he was without thinking. As i got out of my car, 5 car loads full of guys with bats got out of the car....

I almost got the crap beat out of me that night. And I ended up losing that girl I was trying to "protect" because of this incident....

Like you said, keep a cool head in any and all situations. You'll make much better decisions, and get the lady...


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Wait a minute...did you really stare down a guy in the bank? Lol. I think you're taking the whole alpha thing a little too seriously.

Don Corleone

Don Juan
Oct 15, 2004
Reaction score
Sin Town
your damn right i did. First of all, I never said I was an alpha male. I try to live my life the best I can, and if i come across as alpha, then so be it.

not that i need to explain myself to you, but i was minding my own damn business in the bank, and some A-hole was just staring at me. He was trying to be a hard @ss, trying to intimidate me. Well F that. so to answer your question, yes I stared him down. Sometimes you gotta put little b!tches back in their place. If he would have wanted to take things further, then I would have been GLAD to.

I am a peaceful man, but when it comes down to it, some people just deliberately try to p!ss you off. Im not for that, and from time to time I will stare someone down. Do i get into fights a lot? no, as a matter of fact, I avoid them. If your telling me that youve never stared someone down in your entire life, then your the type of little b!tch who got picked on in high school.

When someone trys to intimidate you by staring at you, you cant always look away. sometimes youve gotta put your foot down and be a damn man. Don't be afraid of confrontation. Its a natural part of life.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
I have to you wear your pants half way down your ass and your hat ****ed to the side? Anyway, moving forward...

some A-hole was just staring at me. He was trying to be a hard @ss, trying to intimidate me.

Ever stop to wonder why?

As i got out of my car, 5 car loads full of guys with bats got out of the car....

How exciting, I feel like I'm in a movie!

If your telling me that youve never stared someone down in your entire life, then your the type of little b!tch who got picked on in high school.

Really? That's interesting because I've never had to stare anyone down and I had EVERYONE's respect in high school. Maybe it's just my charming personality... lol

I almost got the crap beat out of me that night. And I ended up losing that girl I was trying to "protect" because of this incident....

That would of made you feel real manly huh, lol. Girls will get ya into trouble every time bro, you should have known better.

Like you said, keep a cool head in any and all situations. You'll make much better decisions, and get the lady...

Having 5 guys jump out at yeah made ya think a little huh? lol

Alright, I had to bust on ya some man, you made it to easy.... Oh, and the 'bleed for 5 days' quote, love it! I'm so going to use it. Do you mind, or are you going to beat me up? lol


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
I can't say I've ever had too many people try to stare me down. It has happened on occassion, but usually they're looking at someone behind me, or some other plausable explanation.

There are jerks in this world, but unless someone is physically threatening you or a loved one, why escalate it?

Guys who are sure of their masculinity don't need to walk around proving it over petty shyt.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2002
Reaction score
San Diego East County Mountains
Biker, Good posting, you saved me a lot of typing.

Getting picked on in High School? Geez, I don't remember, but in the 39 years I've been out of high school and in the "real world" I haven't run into anyone who wanted to "stare me down" (except those couple of veit cong, but I just shot 'them), so I guess it's something you'll outgrow. After all, "real men" don't have to go around thumping their chests to prove they are men, if you are a "real man" people will know.

"Voilence is the first option of the brute, and the last option of the civilized man"

Don Corleone

Don Juan
Oct 15, 2004
Reaction score
Sin Town

no i dont have my pants down and my hat ****ed to the side........

you seemed to have missed the entire point of the post...........

i was giving examples.............


reread the post, or go read some hog magazines or something bro, because your sarcastic posts dont help anyone..thanks!


New Member
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don Corleone
Women are like a new hat, they are cool to use for a few months, until it is time to get a new one. Regardless of the woman with you, your the only one you can trust. [/I]
I trust the girl I Love and she will have it until she violates it by not Loving herself, not continuing to grow or by not Loving me. This was how I got my relationships to the next level. You have to trust people man. My power loves to flow and really connecting with someone FEELS RIGHT.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2003
Reaction score
Quality Post Mate.


Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Hey don

Hey Don...I thought it was a good post, and it is even good that you have this understanding at such a young age( I am 21 bro) and that you are even trying to encourage others...that I praise....hell, you couldnt even give a damn! Ha, you know..

Ignore some posters here. When they see a good post, usually they try to hate on the poster and attack him personally, and not give any kind of feedback on his ignore them.

If you out and someone is staring you down, keep your positive attitude and laugh at them....what those hoe-azz punks are REALLY trying to do, is to throw you off, due to envy...keep doing what you are doing and dont worry about those hoe-azz punks...aight.

Fight ONLY when a punk walks up on you, because hell, thats self-defense. Fight NOT when someone is teasing you, talking ****, or staring you down, you LAUGH AT THEM, why you ask? Because you are the man, and they are some hoe-azz punks.......hahaahahaahahahahahah.....come on, laugh with me, hahahaahahaahah!!!



Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
One more thing, remember, this whole don juan pimpin **** is an is an positive attitude....which makes you display as a fun, confident, intelligent, and comfortable with himself, young man....keep that attitude....bring it on your job, bring it on the basketball court, bring it in the club, bring it everywhere....put it on when you leave out the house in the morning, and dont leave home without it, and dont let anyone take it from you.....stay positve and happy.....Pvssy-Eater
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Alright guys, I'm going to keep up with you young jets - I started working out today - last time I took weightlifting seriously was when I was 20 years old thats 23 years ago - - I'm fairly muscular without lifting but my stomach has been growing -- damn beer seems to ram itself down my throat without me touching it!

I tried to work out a few times in the past years and I get injured by my tissue ripping (arms and shoulders) and then I'm on the sidelines for 9 months!!

I need some motivation - I'm going to start talking to only women 21 and under - that'll be my motivation!!!

But a lot, err, most of these young ones have bigger bellies than me!!! :(

They are very out of shape and lazy yet thay still have blokes out here sexing them!! I don't understand it??