The “no contact” with depression


New Member
Jul 8, 2008
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Recently my ex who has anxiety/depression decided that, since there is a lot of stress in her life, and the fact she can’t hold a lot of it together (I know this is true because she was having those problems while things were good with us) she isn’t ready for a relationship. She can’t handle when anything goes wrong to work on fixing it with it piling up on her other stresses. Like it hit her exactly how deep she got into stuff and it was not working with where her life is right now and because of her depression/anxiety. She wants to do the friends thing and, as she said, “if we get back together than so be it”, but so far the only time we talk is if I engage and even then she only responds a little bit, and then nothing to re-engage. I don’t know if I should stick in there to show my support and be there for her through this crap she’s going through while trying to re-attract her with methods, and reminding her of why she fell for me in the first place (but just occasionally messaging her), or just ignore and see if she comes to me. I don’t know how a person with her “issues” would respond compared to someone more stable. She has said, though, that maybe we will rekindle something down the road and she is even up to hanging out. There is 70 miles between us so we never got a lot of in person time. She even admits to how confused and lost at sea she is about everything. I would appreciate any advice or thoughts on this as I don’t know the best route to go in this particular circumstance. Thank you.