"That <food> is boring"


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2005
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Alright so the great American Mystery in our day and age seems to be why are we so fat??

I'm sure we could fill pages with reasons.
I started intermittently fasting in the past couple of months.
At the risk of sounding like a cheap pitchman, I won't name any names.

But let me just say...there is nothing like fasting to knock your head back into shape about food. Seriously.

Food has become so mystified and such a centerpiece of our modern Western culture that it has become way too important.

Food too important...that's a real LOLZ moment. :crackup: Of course...without it, we die.

The point is, we don't need that much of it. Not really. Most of us sit on our lazy butts all day long in front of an electronic screen. How many of us actually hunt or dig or swim for our food?? I can imagine that in distant times males needed 3k or 4k calories a day. 2009? Ha, right. Our food intake needs to match our lifestyle and that is what we have lost.

Food has taken on a psychological need...no longer is it a survival tool. I would say that 95% of women have this affliction...as emotional creatures, food is way too important to most women. How many times have I heard a chick say about a food or meal, "that's too boring."


Food boring?

It's like saying sleep or air is boring.
It's like saying waking up is boring.
It's sustenance. It's not meant to be "exciting" or even "sexual." If you can get it in your head that food is that and nothing more, it will make you appreciate those special moments that food is actually special. The other night I had a bloody and orgasmic cut of prime rib here in L.A. Let me tell you...if I hadn't eaten so light the previous week, the effect would have been lost on me. And I appreciated that gdamned meal. I loved every minute of it!

And before you think I'm singling out women...men are sounding more like that now. The modern guy is deriving way too much pleasure from food. Dudes, you gotta get laid or lift some serious weights or put well-being on the line. F***k food. Enjoy it but keep the perspective. You guys gotta lose the food fixation.

And for this post, I was fixated on food....but now it's over. I'm conciously ending it. Can you do that?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Food is boring because people have lost their taste. They have hormonal problems with testosterone, cortisol, estrogen, and insulin. They lose the taste for things like meat because of it. They eat so much sugar that anything without sugar starts to taste bland in contrast.

Try a diet where you don't eat carbs for a few days. You lose the craving for them (because your blood sugar stabilizes) and when you do eat them, they taste extra good. Vegetables start to taste good. You can finally taste what is in all the other non-sugary foods. Meat tastes good in itself without being covered in sugary glazes like bbq sauce.

Since people's blood sugar is in constant flux, they end up stuck in some dopamine pleasure cycle with every carb eaten. It's how your body gets you to eat more carbs so it can maintain blood sugar is a vicious cycle.

Diabetes is mostly a self inflicted disease.

Captain Harlock

Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2009
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The Netherlands
I can second that. Now that I hardly ever eat stuff with sugar in it the occansional cookie or candy tastes very sweet. I prefer normal food anyway. I'll take a self made sandwich with fresh lettuce and some nice meat and maybe some onions or tomato or pepper over any cake without a second thought.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
mrRuckus said:
Food is boring because people have lost their taste. They have hormonal problems with testosterone, cortisol, estrogen, and insulin. They lose the taste for things like meat because of it. They eat so much sugar that anything without sugar starts to taste bland in contrast.

Try a diet where you don't eat carbs for a few days. You lose the craving for them (because your blood sugar stabilizes) and when you do eat them, they taste extra good. Vegetables start to taste good. You can finally taste what is in all the other non-sugary foods. Meat tastes good in itself without being covered in sugary glazes like bbq sauce.

Since people's blood sugar is in constant flux, they end up stuck in some dopamine pleasure cycle with every carb eaten. It's how your body gets you to eat more carbs so it can maintain blood sugar is a vicious cycle.

Diabetes is mostly a self inflicted disease.
Very well put. Good ol' nucleus accumbens and the pleasure cycle. Its just like addiction. When I abstain from eating crappy foods for a few days I find I don't crave it nearly as much as when I eat it frequently.

I don't think people realize how central the roles of behavior, hormones and emotions are for things like food and other lifestyle habits.