Well we wherent officially going out but now we are..
Heres how the night went
First we got there we ended up sitting outside in 2 chairs we got kinda close then we both just kinda moved away like wtf and then when the first movie was over we got in the car and when her older sister got out i asked her out then kissed her on the cheek ... she was all "how sweet" but i think i ****ed up.. i then kissed her on the lips.. she was all that was unexpected..
Then .... The second movie started we got out kinda held eachother sat down held hands blah blah useless info lol
But anyway when we left on the way home it was awkward..... I had my arm around her and rubbed her arm the whole trip home and she didnt say anything i looked at her.. she just kept looking forward.. Maybe she was nervous or regreting saying yes i dunno but when i got out i kissed her AGAIN then here i am now..
****ty side of the story is the dumbasses (2 cars) sped off burned out and my dad wont let me go with them again... damn idiots... So i cussed at my dad and now im going to bed lol... Well tomorrow im probly going to her house... i just hope i dunt screw this up if i havnt allready..