Thank u sosuave! Im finally a don juan!


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2004
Reaction score
This site really helped to change my life. Im not sayin i base my life on it, but it opened up a window on what kind of man i want to be...

Before i came here, i was a shy, clueless, overlyhumble kid who was always worried about makin sure i didnt make anyone else mad. I was giving notes to my friends, so they could give them to girls i liked, and id spend my time on places like just search some of my old threads on here to see what i mean.

Then, somehow, i found this place...It opened up my eyes. I was stuck on tryin to get a girlfriend, until sosuave. It showed me how everyone really though about me. It made me think differently about myself. This last year, sosuave, and a few big events in my life, have taught me and molded me into who i am today.
I realized girls arent everything. I realized i dont need to worry bout everyone elses feelings by sacrificing my own. I dont got time to worry bout anyone but myself. I realized that i dont need to give a f*ck if anyone hates me. I realized that im too good to be pushed around by anyone. And most importantly, i realized that i can do anything that my heart desires, because im that damn good, and nothin is impossible to me.

The change in my attitude has shown up with the way people are with me. People look to me for a lead. People want to hear my opinions. Now, because im just bein the stupid, funny, confident guy i always wanted to be, girls and i get along great. Not just girls im tryin to get at, but all girls, its soo easy. Now i know what everyone means, by just talkin to them. Just doin wasnt a lie. Now, when i see my friend who get all stressed about girls, i just laugh, and say, what the f*ck are you thinkin? Why waste your head worryin bout one girl when u got a world full of hotter ones? Hell, i dont even want a girlfriend. dont even get me started on marraige. Me, and two other friends of mine who have become don juans, and we dont need no girls to slow us down from life. The last few months, ive grown a lot. There have been some stuff in my life that has tested me. Now i have the heart to never give up, never back down, never think any different of myself than a king! And now, this last friday night, i finally finished the last peice to my puzzle. Thats right, i threw away that busted old v-card. nope, no more virginity for me. and boy am i glad that i had the pride to turn down the many fat, ugly, and sad girls that wanted to f*ck me. Cause i sure was close, luckily, i kept the hope. For the rest of my life, ill remember my first time to be with a hot, young fun *ss chick. I would have written this yesterday, but when i started writing, guess what? I got my first booty call. And me and that chick had ourselves a repeat. *oh yeah! I even got her to moan my name and c*mmin!

sorry this is so long, but i needed to release. I feel like my life has just started. Thank god i found this out at 18. It woulda sucked to be 30 or even 40 before i changed. This isnt just about girls, but about my life. Its time i live life with no regrets. I will live life with brains, heart, and balls. And i aint gonna be stupid and think i know it all. I know i got years of learnin, and i know im still young, dumb, and full of ***. Thanks sosauve. Thanks all to all those who have written those bible posts that got my blood boiling. for all u still on the other side of the tracks, dont give up. dont let down. there is always hope, no matter how hopeless it seems. U guys can all become the greatest u can be. Dont settle for anything less. Demand respect because u deserve it. Never give up. Reach for the stars and nothin else.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
good for you. But keep striving, laying chicks is not what it is all about.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
Nice....keep improving.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2004
Reaction score
ha ha. yeah buddy, go get em. that ***** i f*cked was pretty hot too. yeah, if f*cked a few not so hot girls after, but still, i pretty much go after the 10s, 9s, and 8s, yeah, i dont get most of em, but bout 40% still get at me. that means 100% of the girls i f*ck with are 10s, 9s, and 8s. not too shabby. ****, thats better then messin with big rhonda! Its cool readin this sh*t, its like lookin at a diary or somethin. yeah, good times good times.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
California, SF
Yeah I'm taking your trail also! But it's slightly different cause its my trail!!

Everyone in the HS forum who is serious about living like a DJ should be.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah man, girls are only a small part of the picture. It's not good to be selfish and be too prideful with an over-inflated sense of self worth... I don't like people that act like they're the best, because we're all in this world together. But I can be a leader without thinking that.

Honestly, I feel the same way. I look where I started off and look where I am now. I never wanted to offend anyone and was always worried about what I looked like and watched the words I said. Now, I've gotten my priorities straight. If I can put my mind to something... I can do it. If I can dream it, I can be it. But it takes work and determination to actually have the balls to follow your dreams and do what you want, not what other people tell you. I want to get good grades, I'm naturally friendly to everyone, people have to earn my respect, I take care of my body and mind. Other people just come along for the ride.



I read this and it reminded me of me. :D This site has changed my view alot. I'm no better at getting girls but it's changed my life. Hopefully, the girls will come in time.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
very good post,

I lost my virginity a while ago, but I still remember my first time as a great time. I was very happy that my life was going the way that I wanted it to be going and didn't have any self-esteem issues.

I wish you the best fellow DJ's. I hope that you all find your happiness and your way to whatever you call DJ-ism.

I know that I am on my way to becoming the ultimate DJ.
