

Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
Just wanted some opinions...

was texting my girlfriend today and got busy working and said "right babe need to sort some stuff out text me later on xx" to which she replied "no, you text me xx"

My gut instinct is to not bother texting her. I see it as a kind of test to see If I will or not, because she has not said anything like that before and has always text me later on!

So atm I'm thinking just wait it out and talk to her whenever she gets in touch. After all, I did tell her to text me later, and I'm not playing games by saying no you text me!!

If I dont text her then Im guessing she will be anticipating my reply...wondering why I havnt...what could I be doing...did I get the text e.t.c - in other words I'll be on her mind! Besides I do have stuff to do tonight!

May seem insignificant to some people but wanted to know if I have handled this right!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
It would depend on the relationship. If it was very stable and all other interest signs are high, then I'd go ahead and text, but I'd wait a day or two.

For any other situation, I'd play it off as I'd never seen the text. You got busy, you told her what's up, she's trying to make a power ploy in the relationship. Seems like this is the latter. Really, I'd incline towards the latter regardless, as any sort of power ploy needs to be shut down.

Just go do your stuff, be busy, don't concern yourself with it and let her mull it about in her head.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
oh yeah it seems to be stable at the moment high interest all the time lots of sex all the usual stuff. she is usually the one to initiate texting aswell but this time she said that. She still hasnt text me, but i suspect I will get a text today. Like I said maybe its a test to see if I'll do what she wants, what she says, to see how much I like her e.t.c. so in my eyes its best to keep her guessing!