So I met this girl the other day and invited her to go out, she is in my city for a conference until saturday. She seemed really interested and we went out last night. date was great and she wanted to stay until very late even though she had to wake up really early. We hooked up but I could not have sex becuase she was really tired and needed to sleep she told me, so I did not even try but she wanted to meet up again today. Today I texted her,she was flirty and when I said to meet up she said she will rest a bit and text me later. She did not , although she is online, and of course I did not text her either.In her defence I tried not to show that many interest over text to make her chase me. With other girls my approach will be move on but since she leaves on saturday I want to sleep with her before she leaves. I know it sounds stupid but is she interested? she could have text me she cant meet up at least. Should I send a warm text tomorrow to meet up or leave it to her and if she doesnt, move on.