What is the deal with girls and text messages? I know none of my guy friends would dare use them, because they would be beaten up for being flamboyantly gay. But why do girls love text messages so much? If they want text messages, why do they give me their number and not their screen name?
On the upside, I think I've actually had to look up the number for each of the two girls on my list now once, the rest of the time has been "answer call" and "reply" so I really shouldn't be complaining, but I just fail to understand the appeal, or maybe I'm just jaded because they cost me 10c each to send. Even after we've talked on the phone, they still keep sending the bloody messages!
Pointless rant, I'm sorry, but I'd really love to know
On the upside, I think I've actually had to look up the number for each of the two girls on my list now once, the rest of the time has been "answer call" and "reply" so I really shouldn't be complaining, but I just fail to understand the appeal, or maybe I'm just jaded because they cost me 10c each to send. Even after we've talked on the phone, they still keep sending the bloody messages!
Pointless rant, I'm sorry, but I'd really love to know