Text Game

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
I can not grasp how to game a chic through text messaging. I don't consider myself a DJ yet, but I cannot figure out how to use text messaging to game hb's properly. I never feel as if I am creating a connection through text messaging. I am beginning to think that text messaging is a little to cold to work properly.

I am only using it to game chic who's numbers I get when clubbing out of town and who meeting up with right away is out of the question. Any tips on texting with game?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Well chicks do love it.If theres even a bit of spark between you too,she will respond to any of your messages.
Here are my tips

1)Text her weekday nights when she least expects it.There is a good chance that she will be bored at home and would love to text a bit to keep her busy.What this does is not only do you have a time constraint automatically built in(its getting late,gotta get some sleep),but your pretty much the last one on her mind.YOU will be the last one on her mind and before going to bed she will be wondering what her current situation is with you which is a big bonus.
2)Post in depth.Many will probably disagree with me here but I make the most of my messages and fill them up like to their capacity and at times send 2 at one time.This way more info gets passed quicker than just ``hi`` ``hey whats up``,``not much``.Get my drift.Plus it gets her rolling to pack in more info so you can learn more about her.A few of these messages (10 is absolute max) is what i keep it at.
3)Use emoticons like crazy. : ) or : P will get girls wet immediatly.Even if your not used to using it,believe me it helps.
4)Dont text her every day.Keep it to few days distance.
5)Keep it light and on a fresh level think outside the box.Things like ``so you been staying out of trouble lately`` or if its late at night ,``i think its past your bedtime sweetie``.Dont make jokes that require thinking because girls are pretty retarded to understand anything over text messages.Save your humour for in person
5)Last but not least,dont respond right away.I usually take a bit longer than she does but if she responds within 10-15 min dont be a **** about it just get back to her within that time.If she takes half hour,by all means take a full hour!

Thats about it for my guidelines i follow.Even though you cant feel much of a connection,hopefully this helps.Make sure you use texting to get to KNOW the girl and if you get that in your head then you WILL get info from her life.I mean hell a day after getting a girls number at a dance she texts me at 1pm,``so tell me a little bit about yourself...``.That is all my friend.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
Great advice joe, I do the same thing if she sends a text message I wait for a fair amount of time to send one back. Also if youre dating her or getting close to that stage, send her a text randomly in the day saying something along the lines of " I saw/heard X it reminded me of you"


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
mtlwlu said:
Great advice joe, I do the same thing if she sends a text message I wait for a fair amount of time to send one back. Also if youre dating her or getting close to that stage, send her a text randomly in the day saying something along the lines of " I saw/heard X it reminded me of you"
No that line has been proven to be ineffective. I usually just say "wuts up" and turn up the c&f