**** test


New Member
May 19, 2015
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I've banged this chick a few times, most recent two weeks ago. Not exclusive. She sent me a few texts early one morning, typical what's up ****...because she never shoots a text that early I asked her what had her up so early that day. Her response: Brunch with a 10 :)

How would you guys respond? I played it cool, bc tbh I dont give a fxck, but curious how others would reapond to this.


El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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Laugh it off and go about your day because she's an insignificant thing that doesn't register a blip in your daily activities radar.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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Ruler said:
I'd say: "Introduce me to her if she's that hot" :crackup:

She'll probably be like "uh, it was a guy". Say "Man i thought i was a player". Just tease her and show no emotional rise. This will frustrate her. The only reason she text you that was to get a rise and make you jealous. Don't let her get to you. She will be more intrigued than ever, and the little "i thought i was a player" will get her thinking about who you REALLY are. It's a mysterious little text that will leave her wondering if you really are.

I bet if you keep it cool and keep banging, she will want to go exclusive.
That's merely feeding into her attention seeking. The best response in this case is no response. A woman's mind is like a blender. It will spin and spin but if you put nothing into it, it will have nothing to process and eventually break down.


New Member
May 19, 2015
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Definitely appreciate the responses so far.

Yeah, this chick is hard wired for drama (as most are).

Not long ago she sent me a picture captioned "me and my team out celebrating " It was a picture of her sales team in a limo, and her sitting on a guys lap.

Clearly looking for some attention.

I maintained frame, told her that looked fun and teased her about the obnoxious pink nail polish she was sporting. I went off the radar for four days, banged her on the fifth. day.

Too easy.