Ten Tips for Attracting Women In a Large Group


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2002
Reaction score
These tips are from my personal experiences from attracting women from group meetings. The field work for such meetings is recommended to compose of above 7 persons.

Anakin's 10 Tips:

1) Where you sit is important to how the evening will unfold.

2) Sit with at least one or two people around you who you know well.

3) It is better to talk to a person you do not yet know, who is sitting opposite to you rather than besides you, or in the same row as you.

4) Excellent conversational skills required, however, if you don't have these right now, at least be "in the conversation" by asking questions.

5) Have fun! Depending on the context of the meeting, keep the convo light-hearted and fun! (Don't laugh too much though, you don't want to appear to be a 'sunshine' boy - believe me, I know one, you could beat the cr*p out of him and he would still be smiling back at you!)

6) Women tend to prefer the man who is not a show-off, yet converses and has fun exclusively with those around him rather than getting the attention of the whole group. Result: they are interested in getting to know you without you saying a word to them.

7) Your attention and who you give it to is valuable, use it wisely. Women thrive upon this. Do not at the outset be too keen to get to know the people outside your "conversational area", (made up of those immediately opposite and besides you).
This will get increase the girl's interest level.

8) Later in the evening you can use the above to engage with the others in the group.

9) When you now engage with the girl, she should already know your "fun" side, so now, play it easy, talk to her, smile, converse. You have her attention and her interest, almost half the job is done without you even saying a word to her! Genuinely find her interesting to converse with.

10) Number close at the end of the night.

- Women seem to appreciate a guy, who they feel can be 'the man' in a group setting, talking, asking questions, having fun, but who just sits back and exclusively gives his attention to his small group before engaging with the others later in the evening.

- I cannot stress how important conversational skills, having fun, and genuinely being happy are. This considerably raised the interest of the girls who I was out with, because we were the only group within the whole group, who were having fun, together with the fact that my attention was focused at first on the group.

- You have to note that if you are in a setting for a few hours, if you are trying to show off in front of the girl, or come across too soon, she will get bored of this and move to the others.


[This message has been edited by anakin (edited 12-09-2002).]


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
I think its time for Wuwd to give a long a$$ evaluation of this, because I see potential.

Originally posted by anakin:
Background: Group of 15, including my Prof(!), my friends, and another group, who my friends and I didn't know, mainly comprising of girls (6), in a bar in the evening following a conference.
Seating: Important! Two tables were joined and normally I would aim to sit near the middle, however since some of the others were eager to arrive at the bar early, this was not possible.

I sat near the corner, most importantly with my friends. The Prof was seated on the other end, enabling us to be more natural! I gave the impression that I was not eager to converse much with the others outside those around me.

I also discovered that women seem to appreciate a guy, who they feel can be 'the man' in a group setting, talking, asking questions, having fun, but who just sits back and exclusively gives his attention to his small group before engaging with the others later in the evening.

I cannot stress how important conversational skills, having fun, and genuinely being happy are. This raised the interest of the girls, who were looking our way, as we were the only group within the whole group, who were having fun.

You have to note that if you are in a setting for a few hours, if you are trying to show off in front of the girl, or come across too soon, she will get bored of this and move to the others.

Soon enough, some girls were asking about me to those nearest to them, and found out some things without me even saying anything!

Note though, our group was very large, with a Prof. (who came to sit with us later), and though these are not obstacles per se, they can be used to your advantage. So, it was no surprise that I got a number that evening.


Anakin's 10 Tips:

1) Where you sit is important to how the evening will unfold.


2) Sit with at least one or two people around who you know well.

Social proof. Definitely. Make sure they like girls too, not the "videogames" dudes.

3) It is better to talk to a person you do not yet know, who is sitting opposite to you rather than besides you, or in the same row as you.

Yes, very important. That way you make sure she concentrates on you.

4) Excellent conversational skills required, however, if you don't have these now, at least be "in the conversation" by asking questions.

Don't look dumb....

5) Have fun! (Don't laugh too much though, you don't want to appear to be a 'sunshine' boy - believe me, I know one, you could beat the cr*p out of him and he would still be smiling back at you!)

Did you try to burn down his house?

6) I find women tend to prefer the man who is not a show-off, yet converses and has fun exclusively with those around him rather than getting the attention of the whole group. Result: they are interested in getting to know you without you saying a word to them.


7) Do not at the outset be too keen to get to know the people outside your "conversational area".

Ya, don't look totally stupid "HI! I WANT TO GET TO KNOW YOU!"

8) You can then use the above to engage with the 'others'(meaning those who are not opposite to you or besides you) later in the evening.

I'm not sure about that, but ok.

When you get to engage with the girl, she should already know your "fun" side, so now, play it easy, talk to her, smile, converse. You have her attention and her interest, almost half the job is done without you even saying a word to her! Genuinely find her interesting to converse with.

Sounds like you are dissecting ****roaches...
"when you get to engage after tearing the vesicles, prepare to..."

10) Your attention and who you give it to is valuable, use it wisely. Women thrive upon this.


