Temper Problem

Paid Laid & Made

Senior Don Juan
Nov 25, 2003
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I am suffering from a rather bad temper problem. Its unique though in that, I do not lose my temper in physical type of situations, but only in DJ'ing ones.

I know, that I care way to much. I put alot of thought into my dating setups and relationship with girls and females are a major part of my life. A few of my friends have commented on that, if I set my eye on something happening, it better happen otherwise ... I will not let it slide. All my friends know, that I am one of the most vengeful S.O.B's on the planet, if somebody initiates something with me, NO WAY am I going to let them win. I hold grudges for months. Its gotten worse now, that I broke up with my GF, many of you have pointed out that its my ego. I seriously believe it is now too. I am filled with so much anger and hatred it makes everyone around me start to wonder. I have not forgotten about the EX and am doing my very best to sucker her into a position (1 on 1, night) where I can get her to makeout with me. YES, 2 months after breakup she continues teasing me with opportunities to hang out but then cancels, but all I want is a makeout session from her! My ego will not let it go. I talk about doing just that one thing all the time. I am driven by that just that goal.

Example. Went over to my Buddy's house, a couple of young kids talked smacked. He flipped and I stood there, while he beat the living daylights out of them. Today I got rejected on a date and I almost threw a temper fit. I was enraged and still am. I cannot think clear and I want to just go out and kick somebody's a$$. I lose my cool in the most important times, what can I do to sort of train myself for these type of situations?


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2003
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You win some, you lose some. Don't trip about stuff like this. What I usually do is drive around and drift in some empty parking lot. I also run, lift weights, or shoot hoops, or something like that. The endorphins released are great for stress. Plus, if you like, go and whack your willy silly. Maybe that will help; not that I try, lol.:D


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Paid, Laid & Made
I am suffering from a rather bad temper problem. Its unique though in that, I do not lose my temper in physical type of situations, but only in DJ'ing ones.

I know, that I care way to much. I put alot of thought into my dating setups and relationship with girls and females are a major part of my life. A few of my friends have commented on that, if I set my eye on something happening, it better happen otherwise ... I will not let it slide. All my friends know, that I am one of the most vengeful S.O.B's on the planet, if somebody initiates something with me, NO WAY am I going to let them win. I hold grudges for months. Its gotten worse now, that I broke up with my GF, many of you have pointed out that its my ego. I seriously believe it is now too. I am filled with so much anger and hatred it makes everyone around me start to wonder. I have not forgotten about the EX and am doing my very best to sucker her into a position (1 on 1, night) where I can get her to makeout with me. YES, 2 months after breakup she continues teasing me with opportunities to hang out but then cancels, but all I want is a makeout session from her! My ego will not let it go. I talk about doing just that one thing all the time. I am driven by that just that goal.

Example. Went over to my Buddy's house, a couple of young kids talked smacked. He flipped and I stood there, while he beat the living daylights out of them. Today I got rejected on a date and I almost threw a temper fit. I was enraged and still am. I cannot think clear and I want to just go out and kick somebody's a$$. I lose my cool in the most important times, what can I do to sort of train myself for these type of situations?

Hey PL & M

Here's a link to a post in this forum that deals with getting rid and overcoming negative emotions. Hope it helps!


Paid Laid & Made

Senior Don Juan
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks for the reply.

I already did the gym thing ... I am doing it now everyday, its only about an 1 hour of relieve. I am still ticked, I let it out on my family and friends ... but make sure to stay away from people due to me becoming what EVERYONE who knows me calls "Emotionally Unstable". I become blood thirsty. I also take naps, LOTS. But I still think about her and how much I am hurting from her ... I seek comfort from other women and NO GO.

I am just writing this out of pure frustration. Its the holidays and I have no joy. Choking the life out of somebody is sounding really great right now.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Paid, Laid & Made
Thanks for the reply.

I already did the gym thing ... I am doing it now everyday, its only about an 1 hour of relieve. I am still ticked, I let it out on my family and friends ... but make sure to stay away from people due to me becoming what EVERYONE who knows me calls "Emotionally Unstable". I become blood thirsty. I also take naps, LOTS. But I still think about her and how much I am hurting from her ... I seek comfort from other women and NO GO.

I am just writing this out of pure frustration. Its the holidays and I have no joy. Choking the life out of somebody is sounding really great right now.
Write a story about the whole situation. If given the chance, what would you tell her? If you were together, how would it happen?

Sometimes it helps to just dwell on it and "PLAY IT OUT" until you get sick and tired of it that you actually get it out of your system.

Maybe you can even make it into a screenplay, sell it and make lots of $$$ from it.

We can talk about this if you want.

Paid Laid & Made

Senior Don Juan
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
Okay. Here is the story.

If I would be together with Ashley, I would have done alot of things differently, I would not have visited her at work everytime she asked me and not spend 4 hours on the phone with her. I would have never remembered out anniversary nor bought her flowers all the freaking time. I would not have asked if I could do *things* with her but just done them.

If together with her now, I would get her into a position such as a DRIVE IN or movie theatre. Depending on the locale, I would probably wait till we get to her car and just start macking her. IF she would be dropping me off, I would tell her to get out of the car to give me a hug and then MACK her.

I have attemted it all, insulting her, cussing her out ... calling her b1tch. Gangji Games, SMS Games ... EVERYTHING IMAGINABLE. I cannot break her. She writes back and asks for my christmas list ... she does seem like she wants to hang but then does not. WTF is that! I am going insane. I need 1 shot. TODAY, she tells me that she would rather stay home and relax, but tells me to call her at 10. I call at 10 and her best friend from WORK is over there. Her friend knows the game she has been playing with me and also knew we should have hung out, so I dont know what the deal is. She even bashed Ashley for the way I got treated ... I feel like I am getting screwed over everywhere. I DONT WANT HER, I WANT MY MAKEOUT! I WANT TO FEEL HER TITS ... I WANT EVERYTHING I COULD NOT GET CAUSE I WAS TO BLINDED WITH THIS LOVE SH1T.


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2003
Reaction score
Okay man I have know you for Six F... years. You need to pull your head out of your butt and and smell the rose. THERE ARE OTHER GIRLS OUT THERE. Hello!!!!! So she a icth grow up!


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Paid, Laid & Made
Okay. Here is the story.

If I would be together with Ashley, I would have done alot of things differently, I would not have visited her at work everytime she asked me and not spend 4 hours on the phone with her. I would have never remembered out anniversary nor bought her flowers all the freaking time. I would not have asked if I could do *things* with her but just done them.

If together with her now, I would get her into a position such as a DRIVE IN or movie theatre. Depending on the locale, I would probably wait till we get to her car and just start macking her. IF she would be dropping me off, I would tell her to get out of the car to give me a hug and then MACK her.

I have attemted it all, insulting her, cussing her out ... calling her b1tch. Gangji Games, SMS Games ... EVERYTHING IMAGINABLE. I cannot break her. She writes back and asks for my christmas list ... she does seem like she wants to hang but then does not. WTF is that! I am going insane. I need 1 shot. TODAY, she tells me that she would rather stay home and relax, but tells me to call her at 10. I call at 10 and her best friend from WORK is over there. Her friend knows the game she has been playing with me and also knew we should have hung out, so I dont know what the deal is. She even bashed Ashley for the way I got treated ... I feel like I am getting screwed over everywhere. I DONT WANT HER, I WANT MY MAKEOUT! I WANT TO FEEL HER TITS ... I WANT EVERYTHING I COULD NOT GET CAUSE I WAS TO BLINDED WITH THIS LOVE SH1T.

So you loved her. Well, here's one last resort thing you can do to her. Tell her you're moving. Tell her you were offered a job across the country (or even in Europe). If she tells you not to go then you know all along that she has been playing games. If she doesn't care one way or another, stop beating yourself up and find yourself a girl who will make you feel good about yourself.

Paid Laid & Made

Senior Don Juan
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
I am 18 ... the moving and job thing is not happening. I will continue playing this game and invite her to my place in the daylight during our vacation, if she cancels again I will call her on her BS. I feel better now that I have vented.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Paid, Laid & Made
I am 18 ... the moving and job thing is not happening. I will continue playing this game and invite her to my place in the daylight during our vacation, if she cancels again I will call her on her BS. I feel better now that I have vented.

Well then say your that one of your parents got offered a job in another state!

Well, at least you feel better so that's the important thing!


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2003
Reaction score
LOL I like that one. Use it!

Paid Laid & Made

Senior Don Juan
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
I could. But I will not let this die, until I get what I am after. I am just staying away from her games and making sure, to not get emotionally invested in this as much as I have.


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2003
Reaction score
Okay Man. Do you under stand the words that are coming out of my mouth. SHE NOT GOING TO GIVE YOU ANY THING. Be happy that your not with her any more. Trust Me.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
The fact that you still want to get involved with her and stressing out about this means you are still emotionally involved.

Paid Laid & Made

Senior Don Juan
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
Your words are perfectly clear to me. I am just amazed at the fact that I walked away with nothing in 2 months, I feel like a failure as a DJ. Kiss and hug ... over my dead lifeless body.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
Here's an idea, does she ever see you with other girls?

Maybe you could come to terms with the LJBF signals she has been giving off and LJBF her, but call her often and tell her about all the girls who want you! Susie, Janet, Jackie, Terry.

And make sure she sees you SMILING, LAUGHING, AND HAVING FUN with other girls that's not her.

You know what they say when lots of girls want you, they all want you! When it rains it pours! ;)

Paid Laid & Made

Senior Don Juan
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
I know. That's actually something I did. I sent her a fake SMS message talking about to her about another girl. She pretended like she never got it. I have good relationships with several girls and I am partially physical with them (makeout). I call and talk to her about once a week, now more. But I will cut it down again.