Tell women that I'm using them?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
I talked to my ex girlfriend (M) the other day over the phone. We've been over for about a month now, now lingering feelings and only a little hostility between us. But she wanted to know the real reason I broke up with her, because I had given her a couple different answers. I told her the truth this time, I told her that I was still in love with my first girlfriend (E) and that I wasn't emotionally available to M and she was falling hard for me. So I broke it off to spare her feelings. I felt like a pretty righteous guy but M was pissed, saying that I misled her from the beginning. She said I was just using her for "experience" which I guess is technically true. E loves me, but she was my first and she wants me to try other women. I talk to her, it's cool, I even tell her when I find a new one. She lives long distance now, which complicates things.

M said that this is something I need to tell girls I date, that I'm in love with another woman and emotionally unavailable. I've just started a new one (K) and we haven't gotten serious. She says she wants to keep it light, yeah I've heard that before. I don't want to listen to advice from a woman, especially my bitter ex-girlfriend. Tell me, am I obligated to warn the girls that I date, kiss, **** that I'm really just using them? Seems like a bad idea.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
your ex is sabatoging your future prospects.

keep it simple silly
dont tell people you are using them.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by superchristx
She lives long distance now, which complicates things.
No it doesn't, it simplifies things. She lives somewhere else. She is not available. She is gone.

I don't want to listen to advice from a woman, especially my bitter ex-girlfriend.
If you DO listen, you will deserve everything you will get.

M said that this is something I need to tell girls I date, that I'm in love with another woman and emotionally unavailable.
Yes, this will go over splendidly. I'm sure they will love to hear that. Listen: STOP THINKING YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH SOME OLD FLAME WHO DOESN'T EVEN LIVE NEAR YOU. Stop it! Stop it now!

There. Feel better? Now you don't have to lie to anyone.