Tell me exactly how does having one women bring more women?


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2009
Reaction score
I want to hear some specific situations where you had a girlfriend and started getting noticed and chatted up by other women. Or it snowballed into having plates.
Mar 16, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Georgia
Bottom line, it makes you appear desireable to other women. All women want what they can't have or what other women have. Pretty much as simple as I can explain it. I'm sure someone will type a few paragraphs explaining it..


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2009
Reaction score
What I'm trying to find out is if I go out with a girl, will I start noticing more looks from women?

I'm assuming if the relationship ends with the one girl, all the attention will go away unless your smart and make friends with the girls that give you attention so you won't be single too long again.

I just want to hear some stories about how guys lives changed once they got in a relationship.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
gonnamakeachange said:
What I'm trying to find out is if I go out with a girl, will I start noticing more looks from women?

I'm assuming if the relationship ends with the one girl, all the attention will go away unless your smart and make friends with the girls that give you attention so you won't be single too long again.

I just want to hear some stories about how guys lives changed once they got in a relationship.
My story is a pretty good example.

I just got out of a 2 year relationship. Three days after I got out of my relationship, I was banging this 20 year old sales associate. Then I started seeing my ex's best friend. Cute blond with blue eyes. Then I also grabbed up my ex's best work mate to have her as well. After that, my ex-gf who was seeing this wimp that we mutually know, had sex with her and it was horrible. Guess who comes back to me crying? my ex. Now I have three FWBs :) all within the space of two months.

Also this is limited to a very small social circle. When school starts back up, I don't think anything will hold me back.



Don Juan
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
I have an example from DR when I was on vacation. I was chatting one girl up, and took her out the disco club and everyone thought we were ****ing back in the room, all my boys started talking about me and the group of girls we chatted up was with them.

Next day I walk into the disco and this one girl, who was super cute blonde hair blue eyes, who I didn't really flirt with or kino just friendly talk, comes up and starts hugging me, kissing me on the cheek asking questions about the pervious girl/asking if we hooked up even when she was naked lol women.
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
New York
It's all about supply and demand. (Supply goes up, demand goes down....when supply goes down, demand goes up). This is also true in human psychology. People generally want what they cannot have or what seems impossible. In a more "real" example, say you have a girlfriend or a friends with benefits--chances are, you will be more laid back in your demeanor and more smooth in your approaches with her and other women.

More than that, your overall energy and aura changes. Even on a scientific level, studies have shown that women are subconsciously attracted to men's pheromones, which surround us after having sex. When you combine all of these things, you will see it is quite easy to attract more female attention if you're already "dealing" with another woman.

There have been many times where I'll go out AFTER having sex. First off, I'm more calm and nonchalant. And in a social setting around other "thirsty for p*ssy" guys, it's that much easier to stand out.