In one of the threads here, Warboss Alex recommended Taurine to enhance pumps when working out. I decided to try it and have been using it alongside creatine for about 3 weeks. Already I have noticed very positive results. I am seeing an increase in mass and strength like with creatine, except more! I'm even noticing more definition (due to individual muscle expansion I guess). Plus it is cheap!
Until Warboss mentioned it, I had never heard of it, but I have basically created this thread to put this information out there and see what everyone else's experiences are with taurine.
I'd also invite Warboss Alex or anyone in the know to give more information if they so wish.
Until Warboss mentioned it, I had never heard of it, but I have basically created this thread to put this information out there and see what everyone else's experiences are with taurine.
I'd also invite Warboss Alex or anyone in the know to give more information if they so wish.