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Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2000
Reaction score
Wasnt sure if this was the right place to post this..........
I really want to get a tattoo, I am 16 years old right now. I want to get one because I feel it'll make me look more independent, I wont seem like a little kid anymore and this'll give me more confidence, and more women. The problem is, most of my older friends, in their early 20's got tatted when they were about 17 or 18 and have now out grown their tattoos and dont want them no more, I really like the tattoo i want right now but im not sure if when im a 60 yearold grand father, im going to still want it.
Another problem is that my dad and one of my teachers told me that its not a good either because people will look down on you, especially in the future, One of my teachers who used to own a business but sold it and is about 53 right now told me that if im looking for a job and they see a tattoo, they'll think of you as egotistical and w/e. Another thing is i want to get a tattoo of the country where my family came from, Im visiting this country right now and i want to get the tattoo as a memmory and as you know some people are racist...................


Senior Don Juan
Nov 8, 2002
Reaction score
Sheffield, UK
myself, i have never even thought about getting a tattoo but our young un got himself a tattoo when he was 17 and now he's 22 he's regretting it because it has lost it's colour and looks pretty ugly so i would say don't get one,

as for independance, is there a law that if you don't have a tattoo you still can't lead your own life?, hmmm...i don't think so but before you do something like that, have a serious think about it being there for the rest of your life (unless you want painful lasers onto your skin)

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
I want to get one because I feel it'll make me look more independent.
Wrong reason.
I wont seem like a little kid anymore.
Wrong reason.
This'll give me more confidence.
Wrong reason.
And more women.
Definitely wrong reason.

Honestly, even though I think tattoos are cool and look cool, and have a number of times considered one, I don't find any good enough reason to get one. Looking 'cool' isn't justified by the long-term cost. I'm a cool guy but I don't need to indulge in coolness by getting a cool tattoo, to make me even 'cooler'. No thanks.

If you get one to make you feel more of a person, that's unhealthy; healthy people do not feel the need to draw on themselves to feel more complete, they already are complete. If you get one to stand out, that's unhealthy; healthy people do not feel the need to stand out; they already stand out. Tattoos lower body image; whenever I see anyone with a tattoo, no matter how good the tattoo looks, I always can imagine them without a tattoo and the non-tattooed version of them always seems better. Tattoos on older people always trashes the body, no matter how classy the tattoo.

This is all my opinion. If you decide for one, fine, but these are my reasons why I haven't.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
gets some henna tattoos (their temporary wear out in a couple of weeks or less) that may give you a boost, but not make you stuck with it in the long run.



Don Juan
Jul 21, 2003
Reaction score
Some people get tattoos cuz its the cool thing to do at the time...example tribal tattoos....alot to people have them...they think it makes them look cool...more power to me however...tattoos should have a special and deep should an extension of who you are....



Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Mine represents my life philosophy, and my heritage, two things i never want to forget... I don't believe in tatoos for aesthetic purposes...


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2003
Reaction score
The OC
The only reason you should get a tattoo is if it resembles who you are or what you stand for. Never get one to be "cool". I can tell that you are 16 and are naive... but that is OK and expected at that age... I was. That's why the legal age to get a tattoo is 18 is most places. Just think about it before you act.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
I was never really intersted in getting a tattoo when I was younger. I am 24 now and I got one back in January. It resembles who I am and has a pretty deep meaning.

Actually, Tats are getting more and more common, so, in the future, when our generation (mid 20's) turn to our 50's then I believe it will be acceptable. Look at all the movie stars that have tat's. Angelena Jolie, Mark Walburg, come to mind. Look at the movie XXX. That movie glorified tat's. Now, look at how things progress... ok, women always had ear rings right? then, in the mid 80's earrings for guys became acceptable. Then, all kinds of piercings became acceptable. Tat's... its the next, ACCEPTABLE thing.


To all those who want to change who I am and make me live as a sheep in this word Fvck you, I am a wolf.


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2002
Reaction score
Hey. I got a tattoo about 2 months ago.

I got it just as my 1st year of university was ending, & i got it because i wanted something to represent that year (as it was the greatest year of my life. I had more fun than i ever thought possible).

Now, my tattoo has very deep meanings & is very personal to me, & i'm very proud of it.

Though since i can back from university all my friends i've shown it have said it's rubbish, but i don't care. Just cause mine isn't a stupid chinesse symbol or a meaningless black squibble. I went for something original & personal, which is what a tatto SHOULD be.

I know it's too early to say if i'll regret it or not, but i have very deep convictions about it & i didn't get it untill i was certain it was what i wanted.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2000
Reaction score
Thanx for your replies guys, I know getting a tattoo to be "cool" isnt the right thing. What i was trying to say is that around here all the "big kids" the 18 - 20 year olds got a tattoo. So if i get one, i'll feel bigger. Another reason i wanted to get a tattoo is because its against my parents will and i've always listened to my parents. It'll make me feel like I can do what I want. I want to be more independent. Another thing is that from the start, I've always wanted a tattoo that was MINE, No body elses, but i cant really think of anything that represents me, so i decided i would get a flag of my parents country but with my own little twist.
Now the problem is I'm not sure where to put it, I know i want to get two tattoos in my life time, one on my left arm and one on my back right hand shoulder. I want to put the more meaningfull one on my left arm, and i know that this one wont be as meaning ful as the other one but i want to look cool now.

<sigh> this wouldnt be so hard if it wasnt perminant
May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nodferatu's Lair
A tattoo wouldn't fit you want a tattoo for retarded reasons.

You get a tattoo, to distinguish yourself. It represents YOU not a kid who wants to be "independent."

Plus I don't see why you want to grow up so damn quick.

Being independent is buying a house or renting your own apartment, getting a job, a car, paying your own insurance for your car and your ass, paying the damn bills, doing and filing your taxes, buying your own groceries, and then doing it all over again.

That is what being independent is all about. You don't know sh*t about being independent! You should be glad that you've still got a roof over your head and food and clothing that you didn't have to buy.

You just want a tattoo to be cool, well if that's the case YOU WILL REGRET IT later on in life. You're only 16 years old, you're still a pup, why are you rushing to grow up and be an adult? maybe because you are just an insecure chump who wants to be cool with his peers but isn't? No one is really going to give a flying f*ck if you get a tattoo, you're still gonna be the same person..

I've got 6 tattoos, got them around the 18-19 years old and now I'm 21 going on 22 and I feel very proud of my tattoos! I am proud because I got them to represent me, and what I am and not to be hip or cool or to get more chicks, because if I did I probably would have regretted getting tatted up right now..

I'm sorry if I sounded harsh on this but it's the truth, you don't want to get a tattoo to be cool or independent TRUST ME! you don't! Just be yourself and if in your heart you truly truly desire a tattoo, then by all means get one!


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2003
Reaction score
I got a tattoo in thialand, it doesn't represent "Who i am" or any "Life philosophy" It simply marks a time of my life that i want to remember with a design that i really like.

I think you can get tattoos for loads of reasons, but to impress other people or to attract women shouldn't be the main reason. I say MAIN reason because im sure a part of everyone does it for that reason.

Just make sure you WANT it first off. Then whatever else after that is cool.