Talking to several girls


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
I'm talking to a couple of girls I met online. One I stopped contacting about a week after meeting. The second is one is showing strong interest. She responds right away, met me two days in a row and we are getting to meet again this weekend although I can tell she is hesitant because my responses haven't been very enthusiastic or timely. It didn't seem like we had much in common and the conversation was very straightforward and lacking much excitement to it. However, she paid for the meal the second time we met even though I told her I could pay. I only bought coffee the first time. I respected that she offered.

The next girl contacted me online a little after I started talking to this girl. She seems fun and is into music and art where the other girl seems to be mostly into fitness. However, it takes her sometimes 3 days just to respond to a message to me on this online dating site. I can see that she reads the message but then does nothing. She'll send a really long message and be all super interested in it. So I do the same thing but wait 4 days. Then she responds within a day and gives me her number. So I send her a text early afternoon the next day. She doesn't respond til almost 9 hours later but I can see that she's online prior to responding so it's not like she's busy at work. She sends me a text saying she was having dinner with a friend tells me 11 to meet this weekend. She can't take 5 minutes to respond to a text. The fitness girl isn't flaky at all but this girl showed strong interest. Should I just ignore the flake?

The AFC in me feels weird about talking to 2 girls at the same time. I'm not dating either of them but I'm not putting a lot of effort into either.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
don't give up on either just yet but focus on the first more than the second, she's higher priority imo


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I would like to add, there may be two at the moment, and both are profitable to their own degree.

I would try to add lady 3 and 4 into the mix - add to your number of plates.