talking to kids


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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I suck at talking to kids. This is bad because one one to show girls that you are a down to earth guy and not some lonely weirdo is your ability to relate to kids and babies. Like right now, my stepdad's grandaughter is in the other room 1 1/2 years old and everytime i try to play around with her/ play or something she just stares at me like a total stranger and looks for another form of entertainment. I feel stupid making baby talk like my mother does to kids so most of the time i just sit there and smile at her to get some reaction cause i really an clueless about talking to kids. Even with 5,7,10 year olds i have a problem relating to them. Do you think in my situation it would be best to kinda ignore them and make them get something outta me (much like with women). I feel ackward initiating interaction with kids right now. On the contrary i'm really good with teenagers cus i can joke around and give them insights on life and what not. But with young kids who are uncivilized i really am at a loss. What do you guys do with babies/kids....advice on intiating things??


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
Originally posted by thefonz
Do you think in my situation it would be best to kinda ignore them and make them get something outta me (much like with women).
Exactly... that's what I do anyway. Kids are just like women, don't treat them any different, don't start conversations with them etc.. Just have fun with them like you do with women (or like I do... you know.. doing silly stuff, punching them, trying to carry them so they can act as if they were superman and are flying... make her hop on your back and become a robot killing machine... etc).


Jul 30, 2003
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earth guy and not some lonely weirdo is your ability to relate to kids and babies.

You are a grown man... if you can relate to kids and babies then you have some kind of deep rooted problems.

Personally i hate kids they stink and are annoying and when they come near me i hiss at them like a cat and swipe the air with my hand pretending its a claw of some sort.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Julian
You are a grown man... if you can relate to kids and babies then you have some kind of deep rooted problems.

Personally i hate kids they stink and are annoying and when they come near me i hiss at them like a cat and swipe the air with my hand pretending its a claw of some sort.
What the hell are you talking about..."grown men" are essentially big kids themselves most of the time. :D

And the most masculine, alpha male I ever met was GREAT with kids. He'd be down on the floor wrestling with like 20 of them at once. Kids LOVE to wrestle around...just don't be too rough.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
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Buffalo, NY
I feel sorry for you if you hate kids... thats just sad.

Have you ever seen a father playing with his kids, they absolutely loved it, and were crawlin all over him, ect? Just watch and learn. Having a good time with kids is all about high energy - be boisterous (not AT them, but in general), make faces, laugh... just let go of a little ego and act silly.

Ive been approached at malls and resteraunts just because I smile wave and make faces at lil kids and they love it. Girls just walk up and comment on my sillyness and offer their names <shrug>.

Acidic Camel

Don Juan
Oct 25, 2004
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Well, I'm the oldest of six kids (my youngest sis being seven) so I like to think I know a bit about talking to them. Just remember that just because they aren't that mature doesn't mean they don't have their own personality- not all kids react the same ;)

For kids about 3-10, the key is not to talk down to them, or to bribe them. They hate being pushed around (well, wouldn't you?) and bribing them makes them think you are a soft touch. Most like it when you take an interest in what they're doing. I tend to joke about it- tease my sisters about being 'too girly', but always with a big grin so they know I'm not serious.

Babies are different, but just remember that they more sensitive to sound and movement. Faces rarely work IMO, but silly noises do, and the old tradition of peekaboo. Toys are good too, but the simpler stuff is better like balls and blocks. All this fancy crap kids get given nowadays is pretty much worthless- babies just want to chuck stuff about!

Just be relaxed and fun towards them. Kids are people too, and just because they not as smart as us doesn't mean they're not as perceptive. They can spot a bastard the moment he walks in the door.

Whatever you do, don't try and be 'hip'. There's nothing worse than seeing an adult talking to an eight year-old about his favourite Pokemon...


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
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I really hate all small children, with the exception of my 9 year old cousin. That kid is going to be my protoge in the ways of the Don Juan :D

I figure when he hits 13, I shall formally introduce him to the world of the DJ philosophy. Then when he's 16 let him take my car and take all the chicks that are on his nuts out :)