Talking about Pumpkins


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
I need some advice here. I know I should not care but I DO, and I really would appreciate any help u could give me.

I know these 2 girls who are friends. I will call them Tess and Less. Tess is the one I like. Well me and Tess kind of liked each other but Tess has a boyfriend whom she is stuck with. Well I didn't get to see Tess like I use to. Well Tess called me after not seeing her for a month and asked me to come over and see her. Well I asked Less why did Tess call and she said just to hang out I said no she wanted something and Less said don't u want to be friends with her and I said No how can I be friends with her when I want her. I also said some other stupid things. Needless to say I never heard from Tess again.

So when I talk to Less she sometimes brings Tess up she will tell me Tess was here the other day, Then Less asked me where I ate I told Her Pizza Hut and she says oh me and Tess are having Pizza Hut tonight, Then Less had a cardboard pumpkin on her office door and I asked who's name that was on the pumpkin she told me then she start telling me how Tess's real pumpkin at home looked funny. So basiclly Less brings up Tess for some reason. SO WHY does she do this???????????????????????????

Big Pappy

Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
First - Love the names!

Tess is not "stuck" with her current boyfriend. She chooses to keep him.

The reason why Less brings up Tess is because they're friends. I know it sucks to want what you can't have. I think most people have been in those shoes.

You've chosen to disdain what you can't have. This can work sometimes, but in this case, it sounds like it's hurting you more than it's making her curious about where you are, what you're doing, etc.

There are plenty of other girls that can make you forget all about Tess. Disdain Less as well. She is telling Tess what you're up to, satisfying her curiosity.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Then Less had a cardboard pumpkin on her office door and I asked who's name that was on the pumpkin she told me then she start telling me how Tess's real pumpkin at home looked funny
So what I am way off base? I just don't get what the point behind her bringing this up is???????????????
The reason why Less brings up Tess is because they're friends


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Then Less had a cardboard pumpkin on her office door and I asked who's name that was on the pumpkin she told me then she start telling me how Tess's real pumpkin at home looked funny
Ok I know it is stupid dumb crazy etc etc etc. but I still wonder what that meant. Please tell me!


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
oregon, US
Then Less had a cardboard pumpkin on her office door and I asked who's name that was on the pumpkin she told me then she start telling me how Tess's real pumpkin at home looked funny
Ok, I've got it. Less has the carboard pumpkin because Tess has one, and less wants to be like Tess and is secretly bi wanting to be with Tess. The funny looking pumpkin at home is really how Less views Tess's boyfriend, and she is trying to tell you she wants you to kick his ass :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
oregon, US
Who cares what it means? Don't let yourself get all worked up over a situation you can't do much about.

What you can do: Forget about this girl who is already taken, and go hook yourself up with one of the billions of other available women out there.

E-Z Rider

Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2002
Reaction score
Georgia Tech
Forget about Tess (and Less, for that matter) and find other girls, now.

We don't know why Less brings up Tess- my guess is that Less doesn't actually bring her up unusually often, but your heart flutters everytime she does mention her, and therefore you get this impression that Less is ALWAYS talking about Tess. And your inner desires decieve you into thinking Less is somehow 'hinting' that Tess wants you.

Lessons you should learn-

-never tell anybody (maybe your best bud, if y'all are close in that kinda way) that you are into a girl before you've actually gotten with her- it screws things up. **On that note, you shouldn't be obsessing over a girl period until you've actually been with her for a while and has proven herself worthy.

-When single, and pursuing a particular girl, always have options. Having options eliminates 90% of these types of problems.

- Don't fall for the 'she likes me, but is stuck with her boyfriend' thing. She likes the attention she gets from you, and if you're really lucky she might break up with her bf and use you as a rebound guy, then dump you when you've become boring to her and your usefulness has expired. Happens all the time. But usually she never breaks up with the bf in the first place. The only thing you should really do with a chick who has a steady bf is just talk to her briefly if she initiates contact, and be C + F and use kino if the opportunity presents itself, but keep things brief and don't be "that" guy who calls other guys gf's all the time and actually thinks he has a chance.

- If you want to know a girl likes you or not, look at her direct actions. If she doesn't ever talk to you and stays with her boyfriend, that's probably a 'negative'. If she's single, accepts your date offers, and kisses you back, then she's probably interested. All other 'signs' should be taken worth a grain of salt.

that's all i can think of, i need to go to bed.

Good luck man, I hope this helps- E-Z


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
If all your going off of is a pumpkin comment, I'd tell you to cease and desist...She has a boyfriend...forget about her and find some other girls...


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2003
Reaction score
Does Less have anything more in common with you than Tess?
It might be that's all she has in common with you...

People do that. This one guy at the gym where I go always tells me when he sees this girl I went out with. A YEAR AND A HALF AGO!

"Saw your girl up here."