Talk to a random person at a random time

DJ Girevik

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
Vista, CA
You saw the title. Do as it says. Talk to a random person. You never know what might come of it. In the school library one day, I did just that. I talked to a girl named Cassie who I didn't know about some stuff I was reading cuz I heard her talking to others about a similar subject matter. Actually, I knew she was quite religious, so it was about a religious debate I (a moderate Christian) was having with the pastor of a fundamentalist Baptist church online (a VERY conservative Christian). Yeah, pretty unorthodox subject, but it worked out quite well, as things turned out. I met her, and she was with friends, so her friends talked to me too, which means, obviously, that I met them. I became friends with her and her friends, started hanging around their group and meeting more friends, and through these friends was introduced to even more friends and more social groups. These new friends and acquaintences ranged nearly every clique in the school - computer geeks, drama "f*gs", band "geeks", preps, football jocks, other sorts of athletes, punks, skaters, goths, metalheads, you name it. Through all these contacts I'm still meeting new friends, and now whereas I didn't have a social group to really hang out with when I met Cassie and friends, I regularly hang out with 3 at a time. Anywhere between 90 and 95% of my friends I've met at school have had some connection, direct or indirect, to my meeting Cassie, because I just talked to her randomly. If I did a few more of those "random encounters", who knows how many people I'd know?

Less random incidents work just fine too, one example being my working out with kettlebells during my free period when the sports teams are in the weight room, and when I notice people watching me work out with the KBs, I get them to try them and they're amazed at what a workout they are. Random stuff like that that has an influence on people is fun and a confidence builder, and a good way to just meet people.

Long story short: talk to random people at random times on occasion. You never know what may become of it. If you want to become popular in your school, knowing a lot of people obviously has a lot to do with it, so try this.

(this post is from high school experience, but hey, it probably works in college too, perhaps even middle school if any posters here are that young or that held back).

*end rambling*

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
Reaction score
I feel ya. I do this all the time, it is great for boosting confidence and I LOVE to see the people's reactions.