Talk Is Cheap/Take Action


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
...for millions of years.....mankind lived much like the animals......then something happened that unleashed the power of our imagination.....we learned to talk...

Gentelemen, newbies and DJs with boobs, I thank you for taking the time to peruse my post.

I want to discuss an issue, trend rather that has become somewhat of a habit on this board.

Please note, I'm not tryin' to slam anyone. I just want to bring something to your attention.

How many posts have you read that went sumthin' like this:

met this girl....blah blah blah.....and then she.....blah blah blah......and then I took my whanger out and she screamed....blah blah blah...then she left me her phone number and.......blah blah blah........
.....what's my next move??????
.....what do I do now???????????? do I handle this????????
.....please mail me a detailed manual on exactly what to do, and come to my house and read it for me, tuck me into bed, then if you have the time, please phuck me in the ass, heres some KY jelly.

Alot I bet.

Now the point is this, as indicated by the title: Talk is cheap. Take action.
I know, I know. Easy to say.

Read on.

I've quoted this before, allow me to replay it for you, pay attention noobs.

Originally quoted by Albert Einstein:
"The secret of success is X+Y+Z.
Z=Keep your mouth shut.
Z is the most important rule!

You don't need to expose yourself to the petty envies of anyone in your life save for a very few close freinds/family members.

You see, my little friends, when you talk about your business, granted people will listen to you.....but they will also be thinking:

"Lucky mother-phucker, hope it all turns to shyt for him/her."
Trust me on this, I know from experience that it's always good to keep your shyt to yourself, and only yourself, until at least some solid measure of success has been acheived with said endeavor.

I'm talking about when you keep questioning every single goddam move you make with a girl, or with anything in your life, not just girls.

You should instinctively know what to do.

"But how do I instinctively know what to do dead_romeo???"

Because you are a human being, and you have Instincts.

Intersting word, Instincts; it means that which is embedded in your nature. The hardest thing of all is to go against your nature. Trust your instincts, listen closely to those subtle bells that go off in your head if anything seems fishy.

Also, something that is overlooked in my opinion, always follow thru til the end.


Don't stop, don't stutter, don't fumble, just take action and have a plan beforehand. Have a backup plan too for that matter.

Be impeccable.

Remember, if there is any doubt, there is no doubt. Your instincts once again, that very precious survival mechanism that is embedded in your DNA is a very important tool for you to nurture in your life.

I was reading trickynick/SexPDX's post about ss techniques, and his encounters, and how he handled it.

What was the first thing that struck you about his post?

1) He told us about this after it happened.
He didn't run home,get online and spew his guts out about it until after it happened.

2) Continuity.
He didn't falter or malfunction in any way.
He had a plan, and if he didn't he trusted his insticnts enough to be spontaneous and follow it thru til the end.

Keep your goddam mouth shut.

Trust your natural ability to detect BS in any situation.

We've read threads about how the world wants you to be an AFC, about how nasty and hostile people become (men & women) when discover you've acheived any measure of success.

Put an end to that. Practice following everything thru til the end, whilst keeping your mouth shut; every situation in your life you must face and take responsibilty for, don't break your arm trying to pat yourself on the back midway, don't be flappin your lipps like a biatch.

Take action. Talk is cheap.


"Conclusions arrived at through reasoning have very little or no influence in altering the course of our lives. Hence, the countless examples of people who have the clearest convictions and yet act diametrically against them time and time again; and have as the only explanation for their behavior the idea that to err is human." Carlos Castaneda - The Fire From Within

"It is the responsibility of the strong to help the weak become strong" - Harlan Ellison

[This message has been edited by dead_romeo (edited 07-26-2002).]


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2002
Reaction score
You are wise young Skywalker.



Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2001
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY, USA
*Pats neo on the back*

That was hot! Lol, good post.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2001
Reaction score
The Zone
I'm thinking of trading my .sig in for:

Women talk; men do.

Now the hater comment is good, but I'll start a new topic for that one.

Chicks don't think. Chicks feel.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2002
Reaction score
Land of confusion
talk is a smooth talker

just don't gossip...

GOOD POST anyway

Senior Don Juan
May 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA, USA
that is a great post. something ive been trying to work on myself. i can only speak for myself, but sometimes I feel the need to share, but I try HARD AS HELL not to do it outside in the real world. I guess its a way for me to make myself feel good about myself.

But youre absolutely right brotha.
You always back it up with solid wisdom.

But thats something my dad always told me... "dont tell anyone anything until youve moved everything, closed the deal and have the key to the house."


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by
in essence, its good to be humble.
And also to not expect the people here to solve everything for you. To learn to think by yourselves!