Taking action


New Member
Mar 19, 2006
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It's pretty simple, Take Action.
You are a man and a man is a being of action.
If you wanted to do something, just ****ing do it, you can think of strategies on how to do it but in the end, you got to do it.

If you want confidence, just go and get it, be it a fake confidence or a real confidence, just do it.
If you think a nice car can give you confidence, go get one.
If you think you don't have enough money, go work, get financial knowledge
If you think you are not good looking, go work out

Thinking is just a tool to help you and, not to stop you from doing something you wanted to do.
You think too much, you are dead man.

How to overcome your fear, simple, its action.
Well, I know saying is easier than done, but when you are busy taking actions you don't even have time to indulge in fear.
If you have done everything you think can to get what you want and still failed, then this is the only time where you start taking or listening to advises from other people.
Advises in prior to taking action are useless information wasting your memory cell in the brain.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
But what if you're just lethargic and you don't really want anything that strongly?