Take action


Rogue Nation

For those AFC's in transition (and if you are on this site and learn and apply what's on it, you won't be an AFC for long) I offer you some measure of hope.
As a former AFC, I discovered this site maybe a year ago and it has made all the difference in my interactions with not only women, but people in general.
The most important thing that you MUST do to attract the women that you want is: Take action.

I implore you, read everything you can on this site, but more important than that, apply what you have learned.

The next time a girl makes eye contact with you, say hello.
The next time you chitchat with a girl for a few minutes, get her telephone # (it doesn't matter what she says, YOU took the next step).
The next time you call a girl, ask her out (if she says she can't, next her, if she can, "Great, what sounds better Wednesday or Thursday?").
The next time you are out with a girl, go for the kiss (This was my AFC sticking point. I was soooo niiiiiice!).
Success WILL breed success.