Here's the link, in the event you're skeptical or haven't heard...
As it stands, providers would like to do to the internet what has been done to cable, cut it up, layer it, and charge more for a variety of customizable services. There's MORE to this ever-changing plan, but it's dumbfounding, yet capitalistic in its base, that companies want to go this route, while blinding the American public.
If such laws passed, using Verizon for instance, you might gain access to a certain level, based on what you pay, and businesses would have a different level. It would not only be differentiated at the SPEED level, but ACCESS, and CONTENT. It would also enable government agencies greater oversight into the information flow, tracking far better what you view and where you go. The long-term ramifications of such laws are similar to that of the Patriot Act, passed after 9-11. The Patriot Act has been also referred to as the Patriot act because it seeks to drive out all Patriots and put them under the spotlight for all to view. No longer does privacy remain. Perhaps neighbor to neighbor, but all purchases, all balances, all possessions, and now all information you ever access, purchase, or view is been cataloged. Only, this "profiling" war is being done behind your back.
Consider that, UPC labels on food in conjunction with your plastic CREDIT/DEBIT card build a massive database of what you buy and where you buy it. You didn't think the UPC labels were unique because the company tracked them? Sure, they help # the product, but the bigger picture, which marketers AND the government LOVE about it, is that it PROFILES you, so marketing can be customized, and so like a caged animal, you're tagged with a marker that knows in ADVANCE what you likely do. When you likely shop. What products you buy that indicate your level of wealth, spending, and how the economy effects your purchases over time.
As it stands, providers would like to do to the internet what has been done to cable, cut it up, layer it, and charge more for a variety of customizable services. There's MORE to this ever-changing plan, but it's dumbfounding, yet capitalistic in its base, that companies want to go this route, while blinding the American public.
If such laws passed, using Verizon for instance, you might gain access to a certain level, based on what you pay, and businesses would have a different level. It would not only be differentiated at the SPEED level, but ACCESS, and CONTENT. It would also enable government agencies greater oversight into the information flow, tracking far better what you view and where you go. The long-term ramifications of such laws are similar to that of the Patriot Act, passed after 9-11. The Patriot Act has been also referred to as the Patriot act because it seeks to drive out all Patriots and put them under the spotlight for all to view. No longer does privacy remain. Perhaps neighbor to neighbor, but all purchases, all balances, all possessions, and now all information you ever access, purchase, or view is been cataloged. Only, this "profiling" war is being done behind your back.
Consider that, UPC labels on food in conjunction with your plastic CREDIT/DEBIT card build a massive database of what you buy and where you buy it. You didn't think the UPC labels were unique because the company tracked them? Sure, they help # the product, but the bigger picture, which marketers AND the government LOVE about it, is that it PROFILES you, so marketing can be customized, and so like a caged animal, you're tagged with a marker that knows in ADVANCE what you likely do. When you likely shop. What products you buy that indicate your level of wealth, spending, and how the economy effects your purchases over time.