seasonedplayer said:
Good call, although the guys are only confident because they are high on coke and speed. Again last night, I struggled even with good looks and being witty. Bars and pubs were full of guys dancing around high on drugs like idiots who took all the attention - not that they got anything either
There is simply a culture amongst Sydney women to be *****es
Outside of the city, I have no idea which places are worth going to. Most close early due to council regulations. Any thoughts?
The best bet to get past the bitcchhshields in the clubs and pubs is usually to go out with a few women friends. Every time I have done this it was easier to interact with other women ,draw them in and work on them from there .Clubs are a lot harder as there’s so many buffed up idiots frantically looking for a root, who then decide to look for a fight because they cant get the root
. Women know they can lay any guy in the place which is an even bigger pain.
It might be a good idea to try day game for a while and setup dates/drinks beforehand. A lot of guys that focus solely on clubs /pubs for that quick fix to layland.Of course it doesn’t usually end up like that. Working away from the club pub scene is probably the best conversion rate you will get. Otherwise search out the places that have a higher ratio of women to men and work on your material till you tweak it right.Or become a known regular at one place , meet women then use it as a springboard to the next club/pub.
If your going to clubs or places with loud music make sure you stand out (in a good way) from the other hundred guys with the same thing in mind. Going out to have fun should be the main priority ,numbers, BJ ,lays are a bonus. Going out with the purpose to get laid usually ends in tears every time.
Just a warning; the further you go out of Sydney the sluttier the girls get but the meatier the meatheads get. I’ll update you on a few meat markets soon.If you are really desperate I think theres a mystery method type instructor up there
I think that’s the local seduction community for finding wingmen or groups no idea what they are like though. But they will be able to prep you better.