sup guys, i am in hight school student and aobut to join a swimming team in my school, but at the same time i dont want to stop working out, because i use it as a relive of stresss. so i came up with this idea.
630 wake up for school
2 15 pm back fromm school for a fast meal
3 15 back in school already in the pool
5 00 practice ends
5 45 i am home having another meal
6 30 i am at the gym
8 30 i am back home eating another meal
9 00 starting hw
11 00 dead in the bead
now i wanted to know, is this fine or is it to much stress on my body and emotional strees
wat do u think??
630 wake up for school
2 15 pm back fromm school for a fast meal
3 15 back in school already in the pool
5 00 practice ends
5 45 i am home having another meal
6 30 i am at the gym
8 30 i am back home eating another meal
9 00 starting hw
11 00 dead in the bead
now i wanted to know, is this fine or is it to much stress on my body and emotional strees
wat do u think??