ArcBound said:
Half the people who consider themselves 'unplugged' and to have taken the 'red pill' actually haven't.
With all due respect, many of the people who claim to have taken the "Red Pill" don't embrace the true idealisms of DJ, they care too much what some girl thinks of them, or other girls, or other people in general.
The DJ cares about himself, the rest is irrelevant unless he actually wishes to have an influence on something. The DJ is not selfish though, he understands the needs of others but he won't let them outweigh his.
The DJ is certainly not impatient though, I see many men next women here far too quickly so that they can preserve their ego/pride.
Part of being a Don Juan is learning to crash and burn, approach trains you for this, so why stop learning after you've got the number?
I'm not going to give up on some girl if she lied to me once, chances are, I've lied to her as well. Learning to live with this is part of being a DJ.
Show the same treatment to others you would to yourself.