Supplements for sex?plz help


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Im a 20 year old healthy male but the problem is is that I cant get it up when I need to and its even harder to stay hard while in the act. The reason being is that I'm new to sex and not entirely quite comfortable with it yet. The first girl I had sex with was 2 months back and I couldnt even get hard the first time bc I was so nervous. I honestly didnt even enjoy it and felt like it was more work compared to the pleasure I was getting out of it. The second time was better but I couldnt get as hard as I wanted to and struggled to get hard while getting head. While I ve been more comfortable with it I just want to make sure that I'm hard enough this time around. Now in 5 days I'll be taking this girl to my formal and there is no doubt that we are going to **** at the end of the night. I want to be ready this time around with a raging hard on for her so what safe sex supplements could I take to make sure that this would happen? I havent masterbated in 4 days and dont intend to until we have sex,which should help, but is there anything I could take to give me hard erection (other than viagra or cialis)?

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South

It's all in your head, and you simply have to get over that. There is no magic pill. The more you think about it in the act, the more you'll go limp. You have to relax.