Yes, it is true - there is not much research into creatine.
I have read many reports about creatine.
Some report mild discomfort in stomach and change of urinary excretions.
This is expected.
Regular Creatine Monohydrate is only about 30% absorbed by the body. Hence 70% sits in your stomach and makes you uncomfortable.
Taking creatine results in drinking more water.
- Hence your urinary timetable

will change...
I take effervescent creatine which is apparently 99-100% absorbed by the body.
I have never had gastric problems or a bad feeling. Except the taste sometimes.
If you dont change your water intake - you will pee less.
If you drink enough as directed - it will not change.
If you drink more than enough (i do) - you will pee more frequently.
My mother (nurse) told me it could lead to renal failure. Really- could be completely unattributed to creatine. Overdose- and you will end up in ****. Dont OD.
Every 8 weeks, take a week off creatine to let the body recover and rest. This goes for training too. All professionals do this. It prevents you from overtraining and being sick.
Creatine dependance is unknown, wether your body adapts to the creatine intake and stops creating creatine. I dont know. However, many people I have SPOKE to stopped with creatine. And they were fine. AND they retained all their strength.
This is not the bible, but just a collation of everything in my research into creatine.
I take it. I'm 16. I'm fine.