Suggestions on putting on more pounds?


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Been really tall/really skinny my whole life. I'm 6'3 and only weigh around 150 even though in the last year or so I've gotten more cut.....I still feel self-conscious about my looks and I guess I understand why lots of attractive girls resist me getting in their's not just that my attitude has sucked but my body makes me look like I'm not a well-developed man. More like a skinny teenager, just slightly more aged. I think I'm fairly attractive but it's like no matter what I eat or how much it doesn't seem to do much for me. I have very little fat on me and although many people say drinking beer will get you heavier, when I drink it's like I lose weight instead. I'm about to start back up with drinking "muscle milk" as that's what I was doing a year ago and started to see results before I got lazy. What are some things I can do to get optimum muscular results AND putting on the seems like I'm stronger just from doing push-ups and pull-ups but I stay really light.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2006
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Bodyweight push ups and pull ups can only get you so strong and then you hit a wall. If you want to pack on some muscle your best option is to do weight training (if you are not already). Focus on compound (multi-jointed) exercises like squats, deadlifts, rows, weighted dips and chin-ups, lunges, bench press, military press while lifting heavy (with good form).

Post up your diet. You might think you are eating enough to put on weight but in reality you are not. At your weight you need to be eating 3000 calories minimum (more if you are a hard gainer) to put on weight at steady rate. A source of protein (25g+ protein minimum per meal) should be included in every meal you are eating. Carbs (mainly during the day and especially around your workout times) and healthy fats (mainly during the night) are also important to be getting in.