Sudden Decline in Confidence


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
I'm having a hard time explaining this one. Over the past two months, I've experienced a precipitous decline in confidence. I feel like I'm not as good looking, I'm not looking people in the eye anymore, I feel a bit "down" and mellow. Just kind of sluggish.

Oddly, I'm working at a new job which I like and money is not the huge problem it was just a couple months ago. I haven't been exercising recently, but then again, I've only gained like two or three pounds max. I feel like I "look" older than before, although I doubt my appearance has changed much in a couple of weeks.

Anyone experience something similar to this? I'm wondering if it's the cold weather clime I'm in now?

Rata Blanca

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
It's mainly, due to the lack of excersise.
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
It happens to me sometimes too my friend. The best cure is to suck it up and go do a cold approach somewhere. Get some new clothes some nice shoes and just do it.

And don't just do 1 if you get rejected do them until you get a #. Because after you get 1 number it's like a crackhead getting a hit. You will want more #'s and your confidence goes UP.

I usually have pretty good luck hitting on cashiers and workers at Wal-Mart. Don't ask me why. All the ladies at my local Wal-Mart know me and one who I hit on is married says she wants to hook me up with her friend.

Just get out there and introduce yourself you never ever know what could happen. She might be taken but has a friend. If you are smooth girls can be very friendly.

All I did was say Hi make small talk ask her name and shake her hand and ask for the number. Just try and do it when they are slow.