Such Is Life


Senior Don Juan
Feb 21, 2001
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Such Is Life

The reason for every form of unhappiness. Fear.
What is it that makes fear so powerful that it can affect every moment in our lives? What makes fear so special? Fear as an emotion has nothing special to itself because like all other emotions it is a bio-electrical sensation in the brain. How it affects us is what makes it so special.

Why are all the wars fought? All the wars are fought for freedom. Millions have people fought (and died) for freedom. Martin Luther King, Mustafa Kemal, Mozes, William Walace, Jesus, Mohammed and many more men (and women) were freedom fighters. What makes a man truly great? His struggle to be a free man. What makes a man ultimately attractive? Freedom.

Fear is what makes the life of every human very hard. A college student doesn’t have an easier life than a soldier. Both are fighting for freedom. The college student wants financial freedom . A soldier wants political freedom. There is no such thing as “some people have it easier than others.” It’s all an illusion created by fear.

Fear affects one’s personal freedom. The freedom to do things he/she always wanted to. Fear holds us back from becoming ultimately free. That is the only special thing about fear and that is also why it affects 6,000,000,000 people. It attacks our free way of life. Fear sets emotional road blocks in our life. The enemy (the person who feeds the fear) is you. The one who has to fight fear is also you. It’s a personal struggle. Everyone is in constant battle to be a free. To be free one must control his fears and face the difficulties in life he/she is facing.

An AFC does not face his fears and as a result he becomes a prisoner of his own emotions. A prisoner who lives with the illusion that he is living in a free world. The world is a projection. It all comes down to how you look at it. If you live with fears then the whole world is one big prison. No matter how free your country is you will always be in a prison if you don’t overcome your fears. Love (as in infatuation) also is inprisonment for a lot of people. There is nothing wrong about (being in) love but there is something wrong about how most people deal with it. People (who are in love) become dependent of the other person’s presence to be happy.

Fear is only a mechanism made by nature to avoid dangerous situations (life threatening situations.) Fear exists to make you live longer… not unhappy. Fear of rejection is not necessary because getting rejected is not a life threatening situation. Fear’s only weak spot is that it is an electrical event in the body. Fear can be broken by a combination of thoughts and action (“don’t think just do.”)

Examples of fear:

Fear of

- showing affection with eyecontact, kino and smiling;

- not being liked by others;

- rejection;

- disappointing someone because you do not share his/her ideas;

- of the idea that your girlfriend will find someone else (jealousy) when you are not around;

- going for the kiss;

- doing that flip at the swimming pool;

- the thought of getting punished by God (for religious people among us);

- saying “no”;

- success;

- fear itself.

Which of the above are life threatening situations? None. So stop whining and start fighting for your emotional freedom.

Do not let fear inprison you! Do not let fear take away your freedom! Live free and happy and don't let anything or anyone stop you from living that way.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2002
Reaction score
good post i like it.

"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" ~ Godfather part II