Sucess sucess sucess!!!! And i thought that it was imposible!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2002
Reaction score
Dam i feel like a man with a billion dollars.

Today while driving around on my break thinking about if i was hungry or not and what i wanted to eat, i saw this 9hb!!!! at a bus stop.

As soon i saw her my heart started pounding like crazy, i saw her from far away though i was at the light and she was at the bus stop across the intersection. When the light turned green i drove by her but on the left lane so that she doesnt see me , i got a good view of her and shes even hotter up close, so i made a Uturn to the other side of the road and went back to the intersection, i went thru a back street and came back to where she was. Still i couldn't get raid of the AFC on my left shoulder so i drove by her she didnt see me still, i made the uturn again and this time she saw me and i saw her looking too, so thats when i made a uturn on the intersection and approached her.

I pull over and i said " Hi mami do you need a ride?" With respect though and sounding educated, she walked up to my car :D :cool: and replied " are you gonna take me where i need to go?" i said " sure come in" I couldn even believe myself that a girl this fine got into my 94' villager and was all into me.

THe convo went something like this:

ME: so where you going
Her: blah blah make a blah and then a blah.
Me: ok
ME: so whats your name
ME : ok where u from
HER: im from cali
Me:what school u go to
Her: to such and such
ME: oh i went to that school i just graduated not too long ago
HER : oh for real, you know ms blah
ME : naww i dont recall that name

So we driving and she aks me for my phone she needed to call a friend so she calls, when she finished, she was like "thanx" without me even saying nothing she still had my phone she told me "let me give you my phone number" I was like "ok" but yall damn well know that i wanted to say hellllllllllllllllll yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh, lol. she put her number on my phone and then said "your name is such right" i said "yeah such" ( so she remembers me when she calls she is interested in me calling). she put her number on my phone AND/BUT then she put the phone on my lap like right on top of my little soldier:D i dont know if she did it in purpose or not but damn it i liked that.

We went to pick the friend she was calling at a stop near her destination ( a female friend), she grabbed my arm or thie i forgat :) and she told me "if anything tell her u my friend" lol i said no prob. so i picked her up, then drove her to the school (she even asked for some gum and was singing to songs on the radio so i like that wich means that she was confortable) so i dropped her/them at the destionation, and she was like " thanx", and as she got out she said "call me later!" but im sure she said that to play it off and make her friend believe that i was really a friend of hers, i played along and said "ok"

So it went better than i expected, i didnt even expect her to get in my car in the first place i thought that she was one of this stuck up females acting like their **** dont stink cause they know they are 9's but she didnt. It went perfect.

Now my q is when do i call her, today is wednesday, so i thought in calling her on fri or sat to set up a date, and if i do call her then, where do i take her?

Man this is the finest chick i have ever, got i feel like:) :) :cool: :D !!!

please understand how excited i


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
good job man, i know that feeling! I bet your really happy, excited and nervous at the same time eh hehe

Make sure you use the stuff you learnt, and don't slack off or you will lose your game.

And when she wanted to borrow the phone, you could of used c&f.


Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by newplaya
good job man, i know that feeling! I bet your really happy, excited and nervous at the same time eh hehe

Make sure you use the stuff you learnt, and don't slack off or you will lose your game.

And when she wanted to borrow the phone, you could of used c&f.
true that, true that, i was nervous as hell though, i didnt show it.
thats ecxacly how i feel now too, happy and excited as hell, but nervous too lol, i can tell u been thru this.

when should i call her though? is this weekend too early? I got the sense that she wants me to call her but i dont know when to.
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
bfl - YOU did HER the favour! Of course she was comfortable - until you showed up, she was walking to school! Nothing she said means anything today. You're getting excited (which is an emotion, so in other words, you're getting emotional) over something that probably didn't mean anything. Guard your heart.

You'll know if you genuinely scored if you ever see her again! Call her when you have time, but before she forgets you and see if she'll date you on your own terms.

If she won't, the only ride she ever wants with you has already taken place. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
hmmm I fail to see where you succeeded. I mean sure you summed up enough courage to talk to her and her riding in your car and getting her number, but come on you know whatever you post here will be dissected.

A DJ success with women is when he gets the second date! Most women do not jump into a strange guy's car just because he offers them a ride out of nowhere. By offering her a ride you are supplicating her a$$ and so far she gave you nothing.

She gave you her number and you are feeling you are in cloud 9??? First of all call her up and find out if the number is real. Second if it is not a fake number, set up a date. Third of all you need to succeed in your first real date, and once she agrees to see you for the next one, that is when you should be jumping for joy because progress was made.

Too early for celebration, keep posted if you get anywhere.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
The whole thing sounds pretty freakin creepy to me. You circled her like a vulture, and she took a ride from a stranger. I think you just got used for a ride.


Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2002
Reaction score
to be honest with yall all them things went thru my mind too, about the numbe being fake, and me gettin just used for a ride, but i'll see once i call her if the number is fake or not and what her intentions are and all that.

I forgat to mention when she told me let me give you ur number i said " i hope it aint fake right" in a c&f way she replid "no, its my line" (i guess her own house line).

I mean by her body language and her way of talkin she seems interested, so well see what happens, but again i plan in calling friday or saturday, thats good timing? and whats a good first date?

i know this dont mean nothing other than just a number, wich does not mean or garantee nothing, but u know.



Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Who cares if all she wanted was a ride anyways or even if the number is fake. The fact that you made a cold approach on what you consider a HB9 and it worked better than you planned is what I think really matters. I would call on Friday or Saturday afternoon. If you have plans though keep them if not see if you can set something up. I hope this one works out for the best for you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2002
Reaction score
lol first thing that came to mind, the adecuate name would be anaconda

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Geez, ease up on bfl a little bit. What bfl did took balls, I've always wanted to do something like that but I've never managed to do it. I have a friend who has actually picked up quite a few chicks from the bus stop. He just parks his bucket nearby and walks up to the bus stop to talk to them, gives them a ride wherever, calls them up and then bones them. There's nothing wrong with what he did.

Mad props, bfl. That's cool that you were able to do that. Now call her up and set up a meet.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2004
Reaction score
How about next time when you pull up to a bustop and she gets into the car say, "Hmmmm. So you're going to _____? Allright. Hmmm . . . [make like you're thinking it over] That's about four zones . . . . so that'll be one phone number."



Senior Don Juan
Feb 17, 2003
Reaction score
good job dude, nice work

but i agree that "Sucess sucess sucess!!!!" is a little misleading for a cold approach and number close

"Sucess sucess sucess!!!!" should be when you get in her pants


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2004
Reaction score
Err. Wrong.


That's what YOU consider "SUCCESS"...

"SUCCESS" is whatever HE (or any other guy) considers to be a successful in his own opinion...

However, what he considers "SUCCESS" will inevitably change as he continues to succeed in each little "venture" or step he takes in this game...


Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2002
Reaction score
I mean i ment success ad in the approaching HOOT females out of the blue and actually gettin a number too. (and without even asking:D ) i have never ever in my life have success with this type of approach and no kind of sucess with females this hot, i mean videogirl hot!, but my main goal here is to bone her, jesus if i do i promess that ill throw me a party lol (jokin') , this girl is too fine.

Now when i call her on saturday and ask her for a date, whats the best way to ask her and the main q. where do i take her, my friend told me dinner, then a movie, but movies are not accepted in this site if im not mistaking.

Ice Cold

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by bfl
I mean i ment success ad in the approaching HOOT females out of the blue and actually gettin a number too. (and without even asking:D ) i have never ever in my life have success with this type of approach and no kind of sucess with females this hot, i mean videogirl hot!, but my main goal here is to bone her, jesus if i do i promess that ill throw me a party lol (jokin') , this girl is too fine.

Now when i call her on saturday and ask her for a date, whats the best way to ask her and the main q. where do i take her, my friend told me dinner, then a movie, but movies are not accepted in this site if im not mistaking.
Oh dude you are screwed if you have to ask where to take her.

You just wanna lay her... I'd pull her out for coffee for 30 mins and just ask ask ask about what kind of fruit she is. And don't be afraid to pay for the fn capuccino.
May 17, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Err. Wrong.

Originally posted by luv_ya_amj

That's what YOU consider "SUCCESS"...

"SUCCESS" is whatever HE (or any other guy) considers to be a successful in his own opinion...

However, what he considers "SUCCESS" will inevitably change as he continues to succeed in each little "venture" or step he takes in this game...

he is a male so he cares about sex... he must her get clothes off before saying anything ...

otherwise here on this board there would be way too many guys telling
"gee wonder how many numbers I gotten today from HB10s"

who cares?

tell us how you made it to get her panties off from start to finish
from talking to orgasm.... this is just a story that DEPENDS on him and on her to end it properly


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by bfl
true that, true that, i was nervous as hell though, i didnt show it.
thats ecxacly how i feel now too, happy and excited as hell, but nervous too lol, i can tell u been thru this.

when should i call her though? is this weekend too early? I got the sense that she wants me to call her but i dont know when to.
I hate the 3 day rule or bull****.

I like calling the next evening.