Successful gym approach


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2020
Reaction score
I approach anyone any time because I just like talking to people. Sometimes it's a fat dude, sometimes it's an attractive chick that a few years ago I'd **** my pants to talk to. If you make it a habit to cold open anyone, it's super super natural.

I was doing pendlay rows (gotta get those lats bro) 5x5 70kg because I'm just getting back into lifting after everything being closed and such.

hb looks at me not once, but twice (this is enough IOI, usually. If they want to signal not being interested they will not look twice).

She was doing perfect form pull-ups and I was honestly impressed, so I just asked if she was a gymnast, turns out she's a sprinter, 21. I said "that's a lot of pullups for a runner" And we spoke in between sets for a good 20 minutes. A lot of IOIs, giggly, very close to me, clearly mirin' and always pointed in my direction when not lifting, so I asked her for her contact and got her fb. (didn't ask for number, in normal circumstance I might, but I don't want to escalate with her, yet, anyway).

Anyway, she wants to meet up to try muscle-ups at an outdoor gym.

I'm not totally single, so I'm not gonna escalate, but easy one.