Success with Sister! (Tips Included) -- But Later Failure


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2000
Reaction score

Some of us are acquainted here, some of you are new. I've been having some good success lately, and I wanted to kind of offer some of the things I've been doing that work for me, and maybe they can work for you.

Last night I met the sister and friends of a chick I've been seeing for about four months. She'd asked me three times previous to meet her sister and friends, but I'd denied her because I wasn't super into her and because I wanted to be a challenge.

Well, the first half of the evening went smashing. Her sister really liked me. Maybe a little too much for my chick's liking! But although I was playful with my chick's sister, I tried not to cross a line, you know?

Some things that really work when you are the only guy with two or more chicks.

1. You've got to be an entertainer. You've got to entertain. And speak a lot. And not talk about any one chick personally. Like don't ask her about herself. The conversation has got to be neutral. Funny and impressive stories work very well. Even made-up ones. It doesn't really matter, because a chick's fantasy image of you is more important than the real you.

2. You've got to keep talking. It's hard, but you've got to do it. Don't babble, but if you can keep talking and keep being interesting, you'll succeed in your chick's eyes.

3. Be very friendly with her friends and sister. Now's not a time to try to maintain a tough posture.

4. Say no a few times. If they propose something, say no just to assert yourself.

5. But their balls a little. My chick's sister asked me how tall I was while we were waiting for my chick, and I said 6'7" with a straight face. Then maybe ten seconds later I laughed and teased her on how gullible she was for believing me.

6. If you're at a party, be sure you're very sociable. Strike up a conversation with someone you don't know. For instance, last night it was just me and the three chicks as we went into a party at a swanky bar, and they said they had to go to the ladies room, and my chick asked me if this was fine with me. I said sure, and she said, where will you be, and I said, at the bar. Well I went up to the bar and immediately struck up a conversation with a girl there. And she got into me in a hurry, touching me and the rest. And then when my chick and her sister and her friend came back, I was talking to this girl. This is much better than if they'd found me standing alone at the bar, I assure! Well, so what happened when they saw me talking to her: Well, my chick's sister came over and positioned herself BETWEEN me and the girl, and asked me what I was drinking. Then the girl at the bar answered for me! Then my chick's sister turned her back on this girl and started talking to me. A few seconds later, my chick came over and I made room for her against the bar. Well, you see how the girl I was talking to -- she surely thought, what the hell, she was talking to a guy and some other girls come over and kick her away. So my stock in this girl's eyes just went up. AND also when my chick SEES THAT OTHER CHICKS WANT ME, that makes her interest level in me go up. I think you can do this sort of thing, chatting with other chicks, as long as you don't cross the line of becoming heavily seductive with her or getting her number.

OK, now some other things apart from last night.

These things have helped get maybe forty numbers in the last four months. And I've dated five different women -- two of them I got nutplay from, one I dropped 'cause she was frigid, and the other two I've seen once each (one of them is a very hot and successful 43-year-old). Plus I've got a meeting scheduled for next Sunday with this chick I met in a library (second chick I've dated that I've met in a library!) and who has enormous tiits.

Here are some of the things that work for me.

1. Don't compliment. Not on anything, at any time. Never. Doing so makes you look weak in her eyes, I guarantee you.

2. Don't come on heavy. Don't make sexual allusions. Just ask the chick if she'd maybe like to meet up for coffee some time.

3. Expand beyond your comfort zone. Make a rule to yourself regarding in what situations you will approach a chick, and in what situations you won't. Otherwise you rationalize not approaching chicks.

4. Say at least ONE clause to every chick you'd like to have a date with. You never know whether chicks are into you unless you initiate a conversation. BECAUSE ALMOST ALL CHICKS WILL NOT INITIATE A CONVERSATION WITH YOU EVEN IF THEY FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU AT FIRST SIGHT. They might walk up to you and pretend to be doing something in your presence, or they might "accidentally" bump into you, but almost all chicks will not initiate a conversation with you. So you must be the one to inititate it.

5. Make yourself as physically attractive as possible. Perhaps this should have come first. Because how you look to a chick is very important. Get in shape physically, then get a good wardrobe.

6. Embrace popular culture. This might induce a few "what?"s. But hear me out. Popular culture is the one thing that most people hold in common. It's the biggest common ground out there, in other words. Think about it. If you see someone you've never met, what can you be sure that you too have in common? How about movies? What's the chance that both of you have seen a recent big movie? Probably better than the odds that both of you happen to like gardening, or biking, or hiking. You get the picture. Plus popular culture is hip and cool, and knowing it will make you hip and cool. Plus much of popular culture is about sex and dating, and so it will put you in a good mindset to meet, date, and bone chicks.

7. Try as hard as you can to become friends with guys who get a lot of ass. This is so key. If you're going to enter college, JOIN A FRATERNITY! If you're out of college, just look around for guys you think get some ass. They're pretty easy to spot. They'll tend to be louder, exuberant, a lot of smiling, a lot of busting of balls, etc.

8. When you get a chick's number, wait 6 to 9 days before calling. Trust me on this one, alright?

9. Never let a chick pull a "call to confirm" move on you. Always set a solid date that requires no one to call anyone in order for it to go ahead. This is very important, AS CHICKS WILL ALMOST ALWAYS TRY TO PULL THE "CALL TO CONFIRM" MOVE AT LEAST ONCE. They really will. You can't let them do it. Because then the meeting might not go through and also because even if it does go through, your stock will fall in her eyes because she will think you're a pusssy for letting her push you around, which the "call to confirm" move does indeed do -- it pushs you around.

10. Meet for coffee as a first meeting. Be there fifteen minutes early. Already be sitting down with your coffee when she arrives. Don't offer to buy her one. If she asks you to, which she probably won't, refuse in a humorous way.

11. Don't talk about sex, directly or indirectly, during your first meeting. Don't let her talk about if she wants to.

12. Don't say anything negative about anything, especially her or yourself. Radiate positivity. Chicks find this a big turn-on.

13. Cut the first meeting after an hour. Don't say, "I'll call you." Every guy says that. Say, "We'll talk soon." Then call her in seven to nine days. Again, trust me on this timeline.

14. Don't bring up past boyfriends or girlfriends. There's no reason to.

15. Don't spend more than like $30 for dinner in the beginning, including drinks.

16. Never ever ever set a date for a Friday or Saturday night until you've been going out for a few months. Trust me on this.

17. Don't pick up the phone on Friday night (if you're home) or all day Saturday and Saturday night. You want to create the impression that you have a very busy and active and fun life. You want her to think that there are ten women you're dating who all clamor to spend time with you and twenty guys who always want to hang out with you. Thus, YOU'RE NEVER HOME ON WEEKENDS. So don't answer the phone. Make sense?

18. Don't call on Sunday night unless you've been intimate with her. That's an intimate night, if you think about it. It's when people relax.

Some more things I've thought of and added:

19. Don't listen to her problems. Really. Even though it seems like that might be a good thing to do, if you become her therapist she won't like you as much. She'll associate her problems with you.

20. I neglected to note this the first time through. DON'T TALK ABOUT YOURSELF. NEVER ever ever volunteer something personal about yourself, and MAKE HER SWEAT TO FIND OUT EVEN THE SMALLEST DETAIL ABOUT YOU. When a chick I just met asks me where I went to college, I say Compton College. What does this do? First, it makes her laugh. Second, it says, "You're not going to get information out of me very easily." And when she realizes this, believe me, your stock will rise very fast and very far. This is the idea of mystery, and it's very important.

21. Related to the idea of being mysterious, is never talk longer than five minutes on the phone with a chick before you're intimate. Seriously. Just make some good conversation, then ask her out. Once you're intimate, then I think you can talk for ten minutes. Seriously. Time on the phone is strikes against you. 'Cause it's what chicks want, but it's not what you want. You can't bone her over the phone. So in short, if you spend a half hour or, God forfend!, an hour on the phone with some chick you've just met, you're finished. See, I used to do the same thing, and I used to say to myself, "Well, hell! She talked to me for a half hour, she must be into me!" It just doesn't work that way -- because when you talk for an hour on the phone with a chick you've just met, you're saying, "My time is so invaluable that'll I'll spend an hour of it on the phone with someone I've just met. I've got nothing better to do." So, bottom line: use the phone only to set up meetings.

New tips:

22. One other thing. Once you start having sex, make sure she gets off every time -- especially in the beginning. Because a lot of chicks don't get off with guys, and if you are one of the new who can get them off, your stock will rise in an amazing way. She'll tell all her friends (and her sister) about you and your fine touch. But so how do you do this? Well from my experience and from what I've read about other guys' experiences and from what I've read of chicks talking about what they like, I think the best thing to do is cunnilingus. Really. Because through actual intercourse you're a lot less likely to get her to come. And try in the beginning getting her to come before you do. This will amaze her. So go down on her. Take the initiative. And go slow. One thing I've learned from experience is that you just can't go to slow. Because if in a chick's mind you ARE going to slow, she will ASK YOU TO GIVE IT TO HER. And that's an enormous victory. Think about it. She's asking you to get her off. And also, unlike guys, chicks LIKE to be teased. Strange, right? I think the hottest I've seen this brawd I'm boning now is when I teased my finger around her pusss, around her panties, for like three minutes, before actually dipping a finger in. Then when you do finally take the panties off and get your face down to the trough. Try this. LICK THE ALPHABET. Literally. Because that way you are guaranteed of giving her variety and not going exclusively to the cliit, which is painful for a chick unless she's really aroused. Once you get to the like X or Y or Z, then in my experience she's usually aroused enough to start sucking directly on the cliit. And one other thing about cunnilingus. Don't just lie her on the bed. Do this. Turn her sideways on the bed, so her legs are over the edge at the knee. Then KNEEL ON THE FLOOR and pull her pusss so it's right at the edge of the bed, with her feet hanging down toward the floor. This position works amazingly well because you have so much more freedom of movement than if you are lying on the bed on your stomach.

23. If during the throes of passion a chick whispers in your ear that she's not going to sleep with you tonight, STOP THE INTIMACY IMMEDIATELY. Seriously. This might sound f'ed up, but listen to this logic. When a chick says that, she's really pulling a power move. BECAUSE THE SEX ISN'T WHAT DEEP DOWN DRIVES A CHICK, IT'S THE INTIMACY. And when you're teasing her snacktrays and kissing her and getting worked up over her and she tells you she's going to stop this before it comes to consummation, that's a serious offense to a guy. Because guys what the sex, not the intimacy. So the best thing to do is this, check this out: STOP KISSING HER IMMEDIATELY AND PULL AWAY AND THROW YOUR BOXERS ON AND SAY BRIGHTLY, "Hey, let's play checkers!" This will boggle her mind. Because every other guy she's ever been with has let her have it both ways: they've let her dictate no intercourse, but yet they've still given her the intimacy she so desired. Don't let this happen to you. Stick up for yourself. If she doesn't want to have sex, fine. BUT THEN SHE'S NOT GETTING ANY INTIMACY EITHER!

Alright, so those are some things that have been working for me.

Now I actually need your guys' thoughts.

I've got a minor difficulty, or challenge.

I've got an issue with dancing.

For as long as I can remember (back to seventh grade dances), I've felt very insecure about dancing, very self-conscious.

In college, even if I were bombed out of my mind, I would get very insecure.

And I would get insecure because I think I wasn't dancing very well. I had a friend once say, "You've got to loosen up," and a girl once whispered in my ear, "Your rhythm is wrong."

Worse, and this might sound f'ed up, I have this unsettling conviction when I'm dancing that everyone is noticing that I'm not dancing well. When I see people smile, my mind suggests that it's me they are smiling about.

This might or might not be true.

But check this out.

Last night, with my chick's sister and her friend, we went to a swanky party at a bar, and there was dancing.

Well to cut the long story to a short, I went out on the dance floor and again I felt the same kind of bad conviction that people were noticing that I was dancing bad.

And I swear, I saw my chick and my chick's sister kind of chuckling, but also kind of looking at me in a pitiful way. It was like they were saying with their eyes, "God he's perfect in every other way -- but he's making a fool of himself here -- and a fool of me, too."

Well as we left the party, I kind of got confirmation that maybe this was the case because my chick's sister said, "So I didn't know you could cut a rug so good." But she's pretty ironic, so I think she meant it ironically.

Then I said I didn't know you could, etc., and then a few minutes later she repeated it again.

And then my chick asked what "cut a rug" meant, and her sister said to dance. (I knew what it meant.)

Well the thing is, after last night and meeting my chick's sister and friends, I'm starting to like her more.

But I really feel kind of devastated because I'm convinced my stock fell dramatically in her eyes when she saw me dance.

Now the thing is, if I'm alone in my room and listening to music, I'm very comfortable with dancing.

Possibly, but I don't know if probably, I AM a good dancer, but somehow I've got it in my head that I'm not. But then again, maybe not.

If anyone has ever been through this, I'd really appreciate hearing from you.

And if anyone has any suggestions, I'd really appreciate hearing them.

I felt both full of rage last night when I got home and I just kind of felt sad -- and a little humiliated.

I'm thinking of taking something like Salsa lessons because I'm thinking that possibly that could help for the popular nighclub kind of dance floor.

Any thoughts or suggestions or advice anyone could would be greatly appreciated.

"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable but more useful than a life spent in doing nothing."

--George Bernard Shaw

[This message has been edited by BGC (edited 03-11-2001).]

Gator Ash

Don Juan
Sep 15, 2000
Reaction score
Gainesville, FL USA
From the title of your post, I thought you might be hailing from deep in the Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina or something, but I digress.

I'd have to say that all of your points are right on the money. As far as looking silly dancing, I would suggest that you dance like a fool on purpose and with confidence & humor until those salsa lessons start paying off. Maybe a cute comment like "trust me, my dancing ability is no indicator of my talents in the sack!" would work.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2000
Reaction score

As for your problem, it's all in your head.

It makes little difference to women how well you dance. Not to say that having a little rhythm isn't good, but it is way more important to be comfortable with your surroundings and project that you are enjoying yourself 100%.

Take some dance classes. I have considered doing this myself. It will help improve your dancing skills, but more importantly it will make you confident on the dance floor.

I have been going to clubs once or twice a week for the last 1 1/2 years. I have used this time to gather as much information as possible about the mechanics of being successful in clubs and bar/clubs. Trust me, the guys that don't give a damn what others think are the ones that rack up the points.


Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2001
Reaction score
London, England
Great tips man.

It seems obvious that dancing lessons are the order of the day, so get them, then show the woman in question that you really can 'cut a rug'..


Absolute Intrigue.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2001
Reaction score
Great! Absolutely wonderful post, I wasn't patient enough to read all of it yet, but I'll come back

Lots of things you say are totally true, one of them being the situation at the bar when you played the jealousy game. This post should go into some "best" collection.

Dancing? This was my next step - I am not ready to invest money into lessons yet. But, in my local library I found tons of instructional videos for beginners. I think with enough practice you won't even need an instructor!

But, with dancing it's like when you work out at the gym. Even if you aren't really that toned and buff, after you get out of a great workout you are more confident, you carry yourself much better, and it shows!!

Again, great post!

DJ de Florida

Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2000
Reaction score

I think that is the longest post you have made which does not have the word 'meatstick'

Top list
#1 Yes, be funny. Chicks want to have a good time. They thrive on watching a guy be funny, even goofy sometimes.

Bottom list
#19 Hey Anjo, are you listening?

In summation, good solid advice (much of in previous posts and articles on this site if newbies would take the time to search for it).

Now to your question..

Since you seem to read the women alright, it is probably true they noticed something peculiar about your dancing style. But since you are getting some goodies from this chick,
it really doesn't matter. A lot of women just want guys to go out dancing with them. If the guy is a great dancer, then that is even better.

They probably didn't think your style was awful, shameful, etc., but it was just different. I suggest spending more time watching other guys dance.

I don't know what music was playing, but at some clubs with the noise, strobe lights, and so on, you really can't notice other people. So, you don't have to worry about people watching you.

If you stay confident with your dancing style (if it is different and not ugly), then you should be ok.

DJ de Florida
Just Do It!

1) Progress always involves risk: you can't steal second base and keep your foot on first.

2) Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.

3) You never really lose until you stop trying.

Don-Wan Kenobi

Senior Don Juan
Jan 30, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by BGC:

3. Expand beyond your comfort zone. Make a rule to yourself regarding in what situations you will approach a chick, and in what situations you won't. Otherwise you rationalize not approaching chicks.

BGC, thanks for an Excellent Post! There's a whole lot of quality information for us to draw from and put into practice

#3 caught my eye. When I'm home from school, it seems that there is always a shortage of females my age to approach. And when I do run across one, it's always while I'm in line at the grocery store or waiting to check out some books at the library... hmn? Think it's time for me to be more daring!

Originally posted by BGC:

Well, the first half of the evening went smashing. Her sister really liked me. Maybe a little too much for my chick's liking!...

It was like they were saying with their eyes, "God he's perfect in every other way -- but he's making a fool of himself here -- and a fool of me, too..."

I felt both full of rage last night when I got home and I just kind of felt sad -- and a little humiliated.
I wish that I were a better dancer myself so that I could be in the position for giving advice. Still, I decided to search the forum for articles on dancing and found that a lot of people on this board share our concern.

Many of the responses are the same: dance class seems to be the most popular choice if you have the time.

What struck me about your post was that you mention having made a great first impression on the sis and it sounds like the three of you had fun... but then the words "rage" and "humiliated" leap into the story.

They seem out of place because you say that you were perfect in every other way that evening. Her sister liked you maybe even a little too much. You had things made.

Sounds like you're being really hard on yourself and projecting some of those feelings onto the women.

You're averaging 10 #'s a month and you've got a lot going on. Unless this woman you wrote about suddenly drops off of the face of the planet, I wouldn't sweat the dance.

Again, thanks for an awesome post. Keep us postED.

Don Robert


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2001
Reaction score
Pasadena, CA USA
Let me tell you something. I totally know where you're coming from. I used to feel the same way YEARS ago. I was TOTALLY self-conscious about my dancing. Everytime someone even complemented me I'd think to myself (are they being sarcastic or funny or what?). I didn't even go to my prom.

Then one day, I started taking dance classes... To make a long story short, dancing became one of my passions in life. I've even competed on a national level for amateurs.

So, I feel I can tell you one thing with a great amount of certainty. Yes they help, but they won’t help you too much with the freeform kind of dancing (the kind where you just stand in front of your partner with no connection). In other words, it may not be to useful for the kind of dancing I think you want to do... The classes with help you with finding the rhythm and the beat... but it takes a long time to get really proficient and you have to have a partner that knows how to dance what you're trying to lead.

I look back now, knowing what I know and being as skilled as I am. I see people doing the normal dancing and I think to myself, damn I could have done that! They aren't doing anything special really. The majority are off beat, can't find the rhythm...etc..etc...etc...

So what makes the difference? In this kind of dancing and even in competition, it seems the main difference is attitude and confidence. Dancing is supposed to be fun for YOU and YOUR partner. You mentioned that when you dance alone you think you're doing fine. GREAT! Dance like no one's watching. HAVE FUN. Be confident that you’re just as good as anyone else out there.

Oh and that girl who whispered in your ear about the rythum… what does she know? Is she a REAL DANCER? Probably not! F*ck her! Forget about her. Believe me if I saw HER dance I might say the same thing!

I really enjoyed your post. It generated a lot of new ideas for me and gave me new things to try out. My only beef with it that I wanted to discuss with you is when you said, “But I really feel kind of devastated because I'm convinced my stock fell dramatically in her eyes when she saw me dance.” You are who you are, you have to learn to accept yourself 100%. Even if you were a world class dancer, since you’d be noticeably above the rest she still may have reacted the same way. You don’t know.

What if your ‘stock’ went down because you’re not as big and buff as ‘THE ROCK’? Or not as good-looking as TOM CRUISE, or not as rich as WHOEVER or not as good a dancer as RICKY MARTIN… NO ONE IS PERFECT! Who cares what this one chick thinks? In my opinion, HER STOCK should have gown down with YOU! It is so freakin’ shallow to not like a guy just because of his dancing! Be confidant with who YOU are. I know all of us guys are trying to impress, look good, give off the aura of a good impression and bag women. But,my philosophy now is there’s got to be something impressive, good or whatever her side too! If I’m gonna have to work to get her, she has to be worth the effort.

Improve what you can and want to… You can always find a dozen or so that will accept your faults either way.



Don Juan
Jan 29, 2001
Reaction score
New Orleans, la usa
BCG, I have the opposite problem, I am a great dancer. I can get women to dance with me pretty easily. I feel the most comfortable on the dance floor, and love people looking at me. That is when I’m most Confident. I have a bit of a problem of moving them off the dance floor and getting the number and closing the deal.

As for your problem. The best advice I can give you is

1)Do not try and do to much.
2)Listen to the music, find the bass beat (it is the slowest) and move to it.
3)For women, you don’t have to be a great dancer. You do have to be ok.
4)I will say it again, don’t try and do moves you can’t do. Just move to the beat.
5)Fake it, till you can make it.

If you need more help on this, email me and I will do my best help you.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2000
Reaction score
I just think the mods need to get BGC's post and put it in a "Best of" section or something.

Maybe this post can be a part of some FAQ we can direct the new guys to for basic advice. I've seen FAQs done on other boards. Why not this one?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2000
Reaction score
Good post BGC.

Your posts seem different. I would almost say that they sound calm now, whereas in the past they always had a bit of a hard edge. Somehow I think you've changed for the better. I'm glad.

As for dancing, it's now my number 1 way of picking up women. I 've had monmental succes of late that I find it difficult to believe. I don't need to pick up chicks on the street, I have lots that chase me in clubs. In fact it's somewhat of a relief to have the week off cause the weekends are so full-on.

I go to clubs and watch people dance. If they have some good or new moves I copy them. I dance with my friends in a fragmented circle and go where hot chicks can see me dance. Then Ijust let go and forget that they exist. I make sure I feel the beat and bounce my whole body to it. I buy breath-freshner gum and smile at my friends like hell as I'm chewing and dancing. I do this for maybe up to an hour. Then I take a break and get a drink. On the way for my drink I pass all the hot babes and keep grinning. If they like me I know they'll be looking as I go to the bar cause I have changed my behaviour and they are curious. If they smile at me I approach them and chat only a very little. Remember, I am there to dance not pick-up (falacy they always fall for). Not talking works in my favour cause I know I certainly have the upper hand on them dancing, so they feel intimidated by it and to slow me down they grab my waist and want to sort of half-slow dance. Once they tocuh m the game is over. I get there number (commonly they are surprised and elated I ask for it).

The only problem with this technique is once I get a hot chicks number I can't overtly approach another woman for a while because there friends are always watching you from then on. So it goes that I have to miss out on other opportunities. It's still worth it though cause you appear more trust worthy to the women..and they LOVE that!

So keep trying to dance. Go with male friends to clubs and practice your moves. Awkwardness must preceed smooth moves.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2000
Reaction score
Guys, thanks for the comments on my post. I didn't really invent most of the tips. I just happened to have gleaned them from certain places (this site and Doc Love's book among others) and put them to use and found that they worked.


I agree with totally about the dancing. I feel like you were in the past in the same shoes I'm kind of in now. But the more I think about, the more I realize that I CAN dance -- that it's in my head.

Here's a short little story. Not about dancing. It's kind of funny -- but it's illustrative of a wider probelm w/r/t to getting chicks.

The first time I french kissed a chick, in the seventh grade, she stopped us after a few moments and kind of laughed and said, "You can't kiss!" She said it pretty insensitively.

Well the effect that that comment had on me was profound.

Throughout junior high and senior high I had zero chicks. Literally. But I knew that one day I would start getting them. And I knew that when I did, I would have to know how to kiss.

Because I had it in my head -- I was CONVINCED of it -- that I couldn't kiss.

So what did I do?

I stayed up at night practicing kissing on my hands.

Literally. I'm not embarassed to admit this because it was a long time ago and also because none of you KNOW me.

But I cupped both of my hands into the shape of a mouth and used to of my fingers as a tongue in an attempt to learn how to French kiss.

Because I was CONVINCED that I couldn't.

Well, the reality was that of course I COULD kiss. That almost anyone can kiss. Maybe in the beginning you're not as good as after you've had some experience, but still you can kiss.

Well the point here is that, at certain times of peopel's development if they receive NEGATIVE FEEDBACK on something they're learning how to do, it can have very bad effects on the development of that thing in that person.

So the point is, I think everyone has to take a self-inventory on themselves and look at the things that they think they "can do" and they things they think they "can't do."

Because a lot of times people probably limit themsleves by believing they can't do something, when in reality if they BELIEVED they could do it, they really could.


"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable but more useful than a life spent in doing nothing."

--George Bernard Shaw

[This message has been edited by BGC (edited 03-17-2001).]


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2000
Reaction score
Hi nice post! Just a few questions here:

Originally posted by BGC:

1. Don't compliment. Not on anything, at any time. Never. Doing so makes you look weak in her eyes, I guarantee you.

Well in the beginning, yes I can understand this. But you mean also after you're a couple? I mean wouldn't that make her frustrated and disappointed if she does a lot to please you, and that you never ever compliment on her efforts?

2. Don't come on heavy. Don't make sexual allusions. Just ask the chick if she'd maybe like to meet up for coffee some time.

yea been there done that

6. Embrace popular culture. (...)

Problem is that it taxes heavily your available time. I don't watch TV, for example. While I do have a lot of time on my hands because of that, I can't follow a conversation about popular TV series; soap operas and the stuff. Yuck.

16. Never ever ever set a date for a Friday or Saturday night until you've been going out for a few months. Trust me on this.

A few months?? Neither I nor any chick I've been with, AFAIK, would have the patience for that! But then I'm only 20, maybe it's different when you're a bit older?

17. Don't pick up the phone on Friday night (if you're home) or all day Saturday and Saturday night. (...)

Doesn't work if you have a cell phone. And one other thing is that what if it's not her calling? There could be lots of people for lots of reasons calling. Seriously, you never answer any phone call during week-ends?

19. Don't listen to her problems. Really. Even though it seems like that might be a good thing to do, if you become her therapist she won't like you as much. She'll associate her problems with you.

It might be a good idea in the very beginning. But in a LTR, you just have to. I mean you have to be friends too, right? Yet you're not supposed to come with solutions to her problems. Only listen and make her talk about feelings. That's what several relationship experts say anyway. Makes sense to me.

About your dancing, I was like that too. What I did was going to clubs and wherever there was dancing, just did it and didn't give a $%& what people thought. Soon I just picked up some rythm, getting used to dance floors and eventually had a good time on discos.

Good luck on that one!


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2001
Reaction score
1. Don't compliment. Not on anything, at any time. Never. Doing so makes you look weak in her eyes, I guarantee you.

I completely disagree on this. You can use a compliment right away just no more after that. I remember one time in particular this girl with mile long legs and the shortest skirt I'd ever seen sat down beside me at a bar. I immediately stated quite firmly. You look NICE!! She was mine after that.

2. Don't come on heavy. Don't make sexual allusions. Just ask the chick if she'd maybe like to meet up for coffee some time.

Again I disagree. You can give a "come on" just not in the usually why guys think of. You need to be admiring. Sort of touchy, feely, but not in a groping way. Looking into her eyes, smiling, touching her hand.

16. Never ever ever set a date for a Friday or Saturday night until you've been going out for a few months. Trust me on this.

Ridiculous. Maybe a few weeks not months but by then you should have long since bedded her.

17. Don't pick up the phone on Friday night (if you're home) or all day Saturday and Saturday night.

It's O.K. to pick up the phone- just keep it short and say you already have plans.

19. Don't listen to her problems. Really. Even though it seems like that might be a good thing to do, if you become her therapist she won't like you as much. She'll associate her problems with you.

So far, the only one I comletely agree with.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2000
Reaction score
St. Pete / Boca Raton, FL
> I went out on the dance floor and again I felt the same kind of bad conviction that people were noticing that I was dancing bad.

That's a very common feeling. Many guys who are uncomfortable dancing seem to think everyone is staring at them & laughing at how bad they are.

Remember most guys suck at dancing, at least 80% of them. Watch the dance floor for a while & notice how few guys are really any good.

The lesson idea is a good one. That cured my dance phobia; however, I haven't seen any lessons offered for the kind of stuff done in clubs. (Although visits to strip clubs might help with the grinding.
) Anyway, if I can get relaxed on the dance floor, I'm sure you can.

Another thing to do is to go to a club alone (no friends to use as a crutch), proceed immediately to the dance floor, & just dance for a couple hours. Forget about trying to meet anyone or the like. Go to another part of town where you won't run into people you know, if that helps. Do this without drinking, so when you've done it you can tell yourself you didn't need liquid courage.

You also need to get that "I don't give a fukk who sees me or what they think of my dancing" attitude.

Maybe a bigger problem is being overly concerned with ONE other person's opinion of your dancing. It wasn't even your gf, but the sister, right? Is she a dance instructor or professional dancer? Then what are her qualifications for grading you? I wouldn't be too concerned about her opinion. If she comes right out & says your dancing sucks, you could always call her on it & ask her exactly what's wrong with it & what needs improvement. There are no right or wrong moves with modern club dancing, so that would be an interesting question to ask.

Also realize that everyone has off nights, & even people who like to dance & are good at it don't always get into it every time.

> These things have helped get maybe forty numbers in the last four months.

Where did you go to get so many? What are the best places besides clubs or bars?

Considering that, it's sort of funny that you'd have trouble with the dance floor, because it seems like it would take much bigger balls to make enough approaches to get that many numbers than just to get out & dance. How many women did you approach to get that many numbers?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2001
Reaction score
Atlanta, Ga
The truth of the matter guys is this...even if you can't dance, do it like you can! This is called exuding confidence, and chicks LOVE it! As long as you don't go flapping around like a chicken, women will feel your vibe and wanna get close to you! So just shake your bon bon bro's and start dancing with that chick that's laughing at you. Because even if she is laughing at your lack of rhythm, the ice is broken and your chance to move in on her is there...

Feeling embarassed pressuposes somehow that you're doing something wrong. You're dancing and having a good time, so who cares what some chick thinks about you. Either she's too busy being a gossipy biatch, or she's checking you out, so don't sweat it!


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2000
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
I read your post : Success with Sister!
I found it very helpful. Many, many good tips. What initially caught my attention was the info on being entertaining ("You've got to be an entertainer. You've got to entertain. And speak a lot. ")
This is a big problem for me. I'm a naturally quiet person to begin with. I've been trying to improve my conversation skills and feel confident in that respect. (Regular conversation)But in a club or bar the conversation should be more like what you said, entertaining and light, especially if you've just met. I have no clue how to do that. I try to start conversations and they look at me like I just farted.
Do you have any more tips in this area? Any suggestions on how to improve? I know you said to tell stories even if you have to make some up. Is there anyway you could elaborate? I would like to be able to get them to smile and laugh like I see them doing when they are talking to other guys but I never hear what they were talking about.